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Really enjoy the show, but those 3 matches that finished it were great.

Thought the Copper Box Arena was really good for them too and can definitely see them running it again. There were very few empty seats. We were right towards the back, but you had a good veiw wherever you are


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Just home from the show and thought it was really good

Was in Block 204 almost directly Centre off the ring which gave a brilliant view but as WyattSheepMask said I dont think there is a bad seat in the arena really

The show I Thought was paced nicely, Breezy opening couple of matches, bit more meat in the middle couple and the 3 singles matches capped it all off perfectly, My wife was flagging towards the end though, as the Heat was getting to her as it was very warm where we were sitting and she isn't really a follower pf wrestling though this was her 3rd show overall and 2nd experiance of the NJ style having come with me to Strong Style Evolved in MK last year, but she enjoyed it as well.

The Atmosphere was amazing and if Suzuki had won the belt I think the roof would of come off the place.

Great show and can definitely see them coming back again next year   


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That venue is tailor made for New Japan. Wonderful show. They could completely run with emphasis on totally different guys in the main matches next year at some point too. 

Wonderful stuff. 

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Amazing show. The tags were all decent, GoD vs Aussie Open had me feeling the title switch could happen, same in the main event when we knew really it wasn't happening. I have to give them credit for that. The last 3 matches, all good and all completely different. I was on the front row of a block at the top. Great view for £35

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Brilliant show. I was in block 201 and had a spectacular view. The venue looked sold out bar a dozen or so seats.

The pacing was excellent (no intermission! I wish more promotions did this) and the crowd was HOT all night. Not a "Two...sweet!" or "Fight Forever" or any other lazy, shitty chant to be heard. We were living and dying with our favourites. 

The main event was incredible. That's all I'll say on that.

I am fucking perplexed by how over GOD are though. GOD?! Are you kidding me?? They're proper shit.

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37 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

Brilliant show. I was in block 201 and had a spectacular view. The venue looked sold out bar a dozen or so seats.

The pacing was excellent (no intermission! I wish more promotions did this) and the crowd was HOT all night. Not a "Two...sweet!" or "Fight Forever" or any other lazy, shitty chant to be heard. We were living and dying with our favourites. 

The main event was incredible. That's all I'll say on that.

I am fucking perplexed by how over GOD are though. GOD?! Are you kidding me?? They're proper shit.

I like GoD but I'm not sure why. 

Regards to pacing it was awesome. Show just under 3.5 hours but went by so quickly. Constant matches made the show exciting throughout. 

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There were a few attempts at the "fight forever" and "too sweet" stuff but they didn't catch on. 

Main event was cracking and I thought the other top two matches were really fun live too (and different enough too which is a huge plus). 

Are Aussie Open big on the UK scene? They seemed to be hugely over. 

Presuming that next time, if there is one, they'll book Naito in a big singles match. His holiday camp schtick got over huge.

The only thing I'd ask for next time is a Japanese ring announcer. Not that the bloke we got was bad just think it would add to the atmosphere a bit. 


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Every match delivered something, none had me bored. 

Lovedd the hot crowd. As others said no idiotic chants. 

Suzuki is one of my favs and I honestly felt at points that he would win it. I do worry for long term health w those shots though. 

GoD aren't my favs but live they have something. A/open were fine but their look is the shits. 

Ishii and Kenta did fine though a few botches didn't help. Was Kenta knocked silly? 

All the tags had something to offer and were entertaining. 

Sabre match was v slow and tanahashi seems to be ancient w those knees. Great shout on the winner though. 


All in all a great little show. Pref a break though as 3 1/2 hr with no break is killing. 

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3 hours ago, Accident Prone said:

I am fucking perplexed by how over GOD are though. GOD?! Are you kidding me?? They're proper shit.

I wasn't expecting to enjoy them as much as I did. They were so much fun to watch. 

Best moment was when the 'Ozzie ozzie ozzie, oi, oi, oi' chant was going, and Tama was stomping one of AO in time to the 'oi' responses. 

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GOD had a great mini-feud with the Briscoes in ROH over the summer (including a stonking Ladder War) but I never warranted that as enough to be suddenly that popular. Especially considering no one really gives a fuck about the promotion in the UK.

34 minutes ago, Michael_3165 said:

A/open were fine but their look is the shits. 

Pref a break though as 3 1/2 hr with no break is killing. 

Couldn't agree less on these two points. Intermissions need to go the way of the dodo and Aussie Open are a cracking team.

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I thought the bigger one in Aussie Open was really good the other one was OK. 

I really enjoyed the show, and so did my girlfriend who has watched a bit of wrestling, and previously declared she only liked Velveteen Dream. She became a fan of Ibushi, Naito and Okada last night. 

I don't follow NJPW, but mostly everyone who I hadn't seen before made a good impression. The only match I couldn't be bothered with was Sabre Jr vs Tanahashi which bored the arse off of me, I'd seen Sabre before and thought he was alright, but really wasn't feeling him here. 

Loved Suzuki and Okada, but i think I enjoyed KENTA vs Ishii the most, despite it falling apart a little bit towards the end. 

Edited by gmoney
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