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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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For those looking to TL;DR their Raw, watch the Heyman promo and the finale of the Women's match. 


I didn't need to see Foley Dusty the previous match (reprising his role from Fully Loaded 2000), but Charlotte's breakdown coupled with Ric raising Sasha's hand was pretty emotional. Charlotte is screaming to herself "I failed!" while Sasha is praised by Daddy.


The only question is - why? They're pitching this as the final ever match between these two, so is Sasha turning heel now just so they can attempt to retread Sasha v Bayley from NXT? Because without the Bayley-as-underdog build it's just not going to work.

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I thought the Heyman promo was a return to form. Not outstanding or anything (the tears were a bit much) but it's the most focused and compelling his material has been in a year. Did the job telling the story in a simple manner and also helped enhance an already good feud. Top work from WWE.

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What exactly is "free TV" these days, though ? PPVs could also be considered "free" in the sense that they're a small part of a larger package i.e. the network, which you pay for monthly. RAWs are somewhat the same assuming most of us are paying for our TV packages that include WWE content ?


I have no problems with Sasha and Charlotte trading the belt for a bit. The matches have been largely great and the results have been unpredictable.

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That Heyman segment is superb. Basically going with all the cool character development ideas he outlined for Cena on Austin's podcast following his squash loss to Lesnar in 2014, but which never saw the light of day. Lesnar as wounded animal is about the most interesting thing they could do at this point. This angle could be one for the ages by the time it's over.


The five o'clock shadown and bloodshot eyes could've looked hokey but actually looked really natural. Excellent angle.

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She doesn't have the slightest bit of character as a face, "The Boss" malarky doesn't fit.


Sasha is a face purely because we're in the era referred to in previous threads where dickheads cheer the heel they love so much for "being good" that the company turns them. Even though what The Boss was so good at was being the brat or pantomime villain to Bayley's whiter than white goodie.

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I would have preferred Charlotte go the distance as champion until 'Mania for Bayley to step in and take it. Sasha as champ is "ok", but unless they do have another match where "loser doesn't get a rematch" or something like that, I'm not really into these title switches.

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