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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Easily best stuff WWE has done in years!


God i wish Goldberg had these promo skills 17 years ago. WCW may still be in business!


Hate how Brock looks, so pasty!

I'm sure you're an olive-skinned Adonis from all those hours in front of Jake Roberts compilation tapes ;)

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To be fair Brock has always been pasty. Remember during his first fun where he wore those white shell suit bottoms for a while to try and make the contrast less obvious . . . At least I think thats why he wore them . . . there can't be another logical explanation for something so awful.

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Owens plays his role brilliantly. I just hope having to get slapped around by Roman Reigns doesn't damage him in the eyes of certain fans. Mind you if anybody over on Raw could rally fans behind Reigns you'd think it'd be Kev and Chris.

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Yeh but Goldberg looks cool as fuck, as headliners should. Owen looks like a fat truck driver with a shite indy wrestler tattoo.

If there were a bunch of people looking like Goldberg, he wouldnt look as cool though. I dont want Owens to look like Goldberg. I want my Goldbergs and I want my Kevin Owens.

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What's so good about Goldberg is, unlike so much of the rest of the presentation he comes across as authentic. I had massive doubts about him coming back but I've been proven wrong week after week. The match itself is the biggest challenge though, especially the Toronto crowd. I hope they pull it off because the journey has been fantastic.


As for Owens, like so many, he's a bit miscast at the moment, but he does have similair strengths, also at his best coming across as genuine. His timing and the little things he does and on the mic are what sets him apart from the rest of the roster. I'd argue his look, or non-look makes him different too. If he was a bodybuilder in trunks type I'm not sure he'd be effective or would even exist.


It doesn't have to be one or the other though, both guys are good, it's the presentation of almost everybody except Goldberg and Lesnar which is the problem.The wrestlers on the stage like school children again being a glaring example.


If they were involved in that I'd imagine Brock & Bill would tell them to get fucked. That's the difference and that's why they're proper stars.

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Look at who Goldberg was surrounded by on his way in - Hogan, Nash, Sting, and Arn and the rest of the old guard behind the scenes. That's the difference. Those guys weren't going to tell you to kill yourself for pops. Get the absolute maximum from as little as possible - staredowns, body language - everything BUT wrestling. That's what megastars do. That's what puts old timers like Goldberg and part-timers like Brock so far above the Cesaros and Rollinses of today. In fact, I reckon the myth that wrestling's a young man's game is bollocks. They look so much more legit with a few miles under the belt, and they're over that self-seriousness. That's why Jericho's so boss at the mo. Old bastards rule.

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Don't know why Owens seems to get picked on lately, presumably cos he's got the strap, but the Kevin & Chris show is very entertaining, complimenting each other really well and a programme between the two will go over really well. it's Rollins and to a lesser extent Reigns that's feeling really stale to me


These Raw v Smackdown matches should be pretty good, a lot of intriguing match-ups in the men's singles one anyway, but it has been build-hell. Rollins and Jericho should be a heated feud after HiaC but they have to dick about teaming together and Rollins just looks unbelievably meek because of it. Faces and heels vs a bunch of other faces and heels has not helped the last few weeks of TV in the slightest and I'm just relieved it's almost match time so we can get back to some proper programmes

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I will likely watch the entire show and decide from there which match to choose, as I tend to take in shows, or at least PPVs as a whole, for better or worse, but any initial match recs from '87?

I know I'm either looking at that women's match, the massive tag team one or the main event with Andre and the Hulkster. Leaning towards the women's match tbh, I'm very intrigued about that one

Edited by sj5522
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Anyone catch the State of the WWE Universe after Raw? Mick Foley did not look his best, to be honest. He was incoherent, and looked like an absolute mess.


When asked by Renee Young if he would ever work with Daniel Bryan, Foley answered by telling a story about Stephanie giving her blessing on including a word in his memoir, then plugged his charity where he is selling socks. Throughout the show, it was very awkward to watch him.


Those five star bumps have finally caught up to him, it seems :(


Yeah Foley went right off track during this debate.  Stephanie had to keep jumping in with Survivor Series talk just to stop him from making an arse of himself as usual..  All the while Shane looked like he would rather be heading for his hotel.

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