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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Tbh, the crowd in the women's segment annoyed me too. 'hijacked' wouldnt be the word I'd use but while it was nice at first to see a great reaction for Bayley, it went on for way way wayyyy too long and even threatened to overshadow Sasha, it just turned into embarrassing "look at us singin da song for fuckin ages on a tight-knit live TV show cos we're da rowdy loveable Bri'ish crowds!". That's why we'll never get a big PPV ya fannies.

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Sounded like they were just having a laugh and doing the whole Scottish atmosphere thing. One of the more innocent cases of fan involvement that a non fan channel hopping would probably think is fucking mental looking and probably really, really cool that certain fans feel at pains to shit on to let us all know they're certainly not that subhuman class of wrestling fans. It's such a non issue, this is.


Not getting a PPV? Time zone complications and other related business logistics.

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Is this 'winning brand gets 3 draft picks' thing official? I've not seen WWE mention it anywhere and only really seen it mentioned on here.


I think it'll be more a case of Ziggler beats Zayn, Steph fires him the next night on Raw for letting the brand down then Smackdown sign him as a free agent the next night. 


I thought the talking segments and the main event were pretty decent, everything else was quite bad. New Day/Club usually put on decent matches but this week just fell apart, nobody gave a fuck either and there was no reason to. Golden Truth vs Shining Stars was their usual lazy filler, but at least there was the tiniest of stakes and an actual reason which is more than we get most weeks. 


The Goldberg/Lesnar packages were probably the best thing on the show and the type of thing they should do more of, not just for Lesnar feuds when he's not there. Big pull-apart brawl at next weeks show would be nice.

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Sounded like they were just having a laugh and doing the whole Scottish atmosphere thing. One of the more innocent cases of fan involvement that a non fan channel hopping would probably think is fucking mental looking and probably really, really cool that certain fans feel at pains to shit on to let us all know they're certainly not that subhuman class of wrestling fans. It's such a non issue, this is.


Not getting a PPV? Time zone complications and other related business logistics.

I dunno, I just feel like when Bayley herself can't get her promo out cos apparently there's another 19 verses to be sounded off, I think it takes the piss a bit. 

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I think she should have shut them down much better. In a way that brings them along for the ride. She didn't put enough in and ended up standing there looking awkward and embarrased, which conveniently might pass off as being part of her character anyway. And what's more meta smarky than a crowd stopping short an organic, massive face chant because they sense the person is having a bit of trouble getting their shit in?


Each to their own but it was all in order, I think. She's going to be the most over person in the company unless they really do fuck it up.

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When's Raw next on PPV after Survivor Series? Have they got TLC or Roadblock?


I ask because I really want the main event to be Rollins & Reigns vs Owens & Jericho in a tag match, but with the title on the line.


Do it so if Seth or Roman pins either opponent they get the gold, Jericho can't win it he can only defend on behalf of his best friend. Lots of fun angles to work there.

Edited by Statto
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Stephanie is that boring its taken me ten mins of her on screen to notice she's in thigh high boots. glasgow winters are cold enough without her stealing all the heat out the hydro

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Wait until Jordan & Gable turn up on Smackdown tonight. It took ages for everybody to stop singing at them when we saw NXT in Blackpool.

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After a while I think their goal was to piss Charlotte off rather than support Bayley with the singing.

Exactly this.


Charlotte played the heel fantastically, and was getting riled by it (genuinely or not). therefore, as a crowd that was engaging with the show, the chant continues to rile the heel further. 


That, and in an era when there's tons of people bleating on about dead crowds, no reactions, etc. Should we really scoff when a crowd is engaging with the talent?


That, and as I mentioned earlier. My section had a fair number of Bayley fans in there. Including one or two kids who were loving every moment.

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When's Raw next on PPV after Survivor Series? Have they got TLC or Roadblock?


I ask because I really want the main event to be Rollins & Reigns vs Owens & Jericho in a tag match, but with the title on the line.


Do it so if Seth or Roman pins either opponent they get the gold, Jericho can't win it he can only defend on behalf of his best friend. Lots of fun angles to work there.

TLC is Smackdown - Styles / Ambrose main event
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If wwe were that annoyed with the Bayley chant, the camera wouldn't have kept cutting to the crowd, it would have stayed on charlotte. Lot of fuss over nothing

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Charlotte handled it fucking brilliantly. It was one of those cases where fans trying to get themselves over was starting to shit on the babyface they were ostensibly supporting, and Bayley struggled with it. She must have been shitting herself a bit in terms of time limits. Charlotte saved it though, fair play to her. Alicia Fox in the background was great there too. It'd be nice to see her featured in the title scene a bit when they take a break from Charlotte/Sasha/Bayley.

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Must say Raw is getting better in recent weeks, I'm enjoying it a lot more now. Love the Jericho segments i think he's found his way and it's good he's sticking round longer in this run. Stephanie still can't cut a promo in the ring.. i know she's probably supposed to come across annoying but jeeeeeeez haha.

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