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I'm looking forward to seeing how the Lesnar/Goldberg face off segment plays out tonight.


hopefully a big brawl ensues ala; Taker/Brock, or they have a contract signing and something stems from that. Or it's a pile of crap like the Reigns/Lesnar face off was LOL.

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Steph got a chuckle out of me with a retort to one of the great crowd hypocrisies. The crowd cheered when Shane said Smackdown is a better show than Raw and Steph says "You guys are at Raw".


Goldberg was incredible again. When he's gone away, and that's gonna be the saddest day, they need to watch these segments every time they write for Roman Reigns. The delivery is beyond perfection too.


Main event segment was predictable. Fine for what it was though.


The rest should be entertaining but no-one is a star so it doesn't hold any intrigue. Like Owens and Reigns teaming up at the start. That should feel utterly massive. But they've ruined Roman and Owens is a fat Seth Rollins. It just doesn't feel big.

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Goldberg looked and sounded incredible last night. His delivery and intensity was fucking spot on. I loved the 'If you mention my family again, i'm going to rip off your head and feed it to him', line.


It's like a big renaissance for him and it's great.

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Goldberg was phenomenal. He was so good at what he was doing last night that what everybody else gets to say on the show is just embarrassing in comparison. Nothing felt forced, it all felt like it was from his mind and no one else's. He is believeable, he never tripped over a word once and he looked, sounded and acted like a bad ass. I can't wait for their match at Survivor's.


The rest of the show was very much just there as it always is these days. As Rick has said, nobody is a star, everything they do we have seen them do a thousand times before and they are over-exposed. Some of the guys on these rosters have been there so long it's hard to even believe it, and the ones that haven't been there that long have already faced off with everyone else on the roster on TV. It's groundhog day every week. Apart from Goldberg, Lesnar and Chris Jericho.


As for the Crusierweights, I hope the title gets held up so neither show gets to claim it and therefore they all get put exclusively on 205 live and that way I can avoid them altogether. I couldn't be less interested in what they have provided with that division so far.

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Have they done anything about why the people on the Survivor Series team want to be on their team, other than "our show's better TEAM RAW TEAM SMACKDOWN!" I know that's all the reason Shane McMahon needs, but for everyone else… In the year of Captain America: Civil War, it just seems a massive missed opportunity. Just little snippets of reasoning would do, like Ambrose going "any team that gets to beat up Seth Rollins is a team I want to be part of", or Jericho saying "AJ Styles made the list earlier this year, Bray Wyatt went on the list last year (or whenever that feud was), Randy Orton's been on the list since 2007…" I'm just struggling to understand why someone like Bray Wyatt would care about a Raw/SmackDown rivalry, I guess?


Anyway, off to watch the Goldberg segment on YouTube...


EDIT: That was excellent! I really hope he wins on Sunday. Just a shame the announce team didn't seem that fussed when it all kicked off!

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Steph got a chuckle out of me with a retort to one of the great crowd hypocrisies. The crowd cheered when Shane said Smackdown is a better show than Raw and Steph says "You guys are at Raw".


That's not really a hypocrisy.


If you are a WWE fan who lives in Buffalo you would probably go to whichever show came to your local arena.

Tonight's SmackDown is in a different state 500 miles away, so going there is not much of an option - even if you do prefer it to Raw.

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i'll be watching Survivor Series on the strength of the Goldberg stuff, he's knocking it out of the park.


It's nice to be going into a match with that knowing and feeling that it's the first time the two are going to lock up since the return, having them not actually have physical contact with each other in the bu has been a master stroke, it needs to happen more often. The overkill factor of the product in general harms it beyond repair for me, but actually getting to see a unique matchup is a breathe of fresh air.

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The Lesnar and Goldberg showdown was amazing, and that was entirely down to Goldberg. Heyman has been doing the same thing for too long and it's just boring, but he is a smarter man than I so maybe that's just how he is getting his heat these days. Only minor critism is at the end all of the security just stood there waiting to be man handled, they should have all jumped on him for the Incredible Hulk spot that Lucha Underground did a few times.


Goldberg is the best face in wrestling right now, he deserves to have the fans behind him but I'm worried WWE have ruined the legend matches to the point where fans won't get behind him like they should

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That Goldberg segment was great. It all felt so natural, they didn't seem scripted but if they were, fuck me the delivery was done to perfection. Echo the love for the rip off your head line.

This is what I love in my wrestling, big bastards shouting a lot and beating the living piss out of each other. Goldberg looks in great nick too, smaller than Lesnar (who isn't) but definitely doesn't look tiny in comparison and certainly looks like a match for him. It's such simple booking for this feud but it's worked really well, I just hope the numpties don't shit all over it and we get a decent showing from both guys instead of the usual Lesnar match.

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Anyone catch the State of the WWE Universe after Raw? Mick Foley did not look his best, to be honest. He was incoherent, and looked like an absolute mess.


When asked by Renee Young if he would ever work with Daniel Bryan, Foley answered by telling a story about Stephanie giving her blessing on including a word in his memoir, then plugged his charity where he is selling socks. Throughout the show, it was very awkward to watch him.


Those five star bumps have finally caught up to him, it seems :(

Edited by Alex Wright Mark
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I'm so pleased Goldberg decided to show up one more time, because this year in WWE doesn't seem a total washout after all. That's the thing with WWE, just when you think it's time to do something else with your time out comes a Rock or Goldberg to get you back on board.


Aside from that horrific hometown heel Lesnar mess, this has mostly been very well done. For 2016 WWE, you take that. They got all the way to the go home show and didn't hamper the anticipation.


As expected, when Goldberg finally got his tits out he looked every part a fella that can rip the cock off of Lesnar. His sweating after a walk to the ring is a bit troubling though.

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