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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Firsr RAW ive watched in a while today, aside from the Golderg bits over the last few weeks and thought it was pretty good.


The Jericho/Owens stuff was spot on as usual and the main event was pretty good. Not quite sure how theyre going to get to the advertised Owens vs Reigns match at Roadblock so i imagine that match is off now.


Seems to be looking like Owens and Jericho v Rollins and Reigns but if they do that at the PPV it doesnt leave a lot for the rest of the show, neither does a 4 way which crossed my mind earlier. Probaly end up being Owens v Rollins one last time and Reigns/Jericho for the US Title, with Roadblock having the tag line "End of the line" it would kinda play into that having them face off one last time.


Looked like a heel turn for New Day? But then theyre facing Gallowa and Anderson next week so either theyre not, or theyll lose the belts and break up next week.


Enzo stuff wss pretty funny and the angle with Rusev was a decent show storyline, as was Strwman murdering Sami.


Anyone else find it odd tha5 Zayn was punished for losing a match via cheating but Rollins, who was also on the losing side was rewarded with a title shot. Odd logic.

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Anyone else find it odd tha5 Zayn was punished for losing a match via cheating but Rollins, who was also on the losing side was rewarded with a title shot. Odd logic.


At least Rollins had a reason, he was given the Title shot as that was part of his deal to get him to be on Team Raw


What I found more logically odd is that Zayn was Punished for losing (via dubious methods as well) by Facing Strowman who was on the losing team himself  

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New Day looked to have turned in a good match last night, now they're defending against The Club?? Also, are they really gonna have em beat every Raw team...AGAIN until they break Demolition's record?

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Surprised no Raw chatter yet. Did tiger_rick's Sky box go on the blink?


:) Happily not, I was just stuck in a hotel.


Watched the show last night. The Goldberg segment was great again. He's just such a megastar. He always has been to be fair.


Loved naked Enzo. He's just such a brilliant performer of any old shite. Lana was great here too. Not a fan of him being squashed but at least Rusev wasn't losing this week. Said before but they're really going to make Enzo the next fan favourite if they continue to make it so obvious that they want Cass to get over. If it was anyone else, I'd think it was deliberate.


Enjoyed the tag titles match. I still really like this Cesaro/Sheamus team and don't think they've nearly overdone it yet. New Day were actually interesting, yay.


Hated the Owens/Jericho schtick but I guess that's the point. Jericho in Sin Cara's match was genius.


Rest was what it was. Sami Zayn needs better treatment. Strowman is coming along nicely. Roman Reigns is in dire need of repair. Biggest disappointment was no Brock trashing the place.


Oh, and Cole sniggering (or trying to) on camera to naked Enzo was lame. How did we find all that stuff funny in the attitude era without JR pretending to laugh so we knew when to?

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When's Lana gonna learn that not everywhere is America?


The Strowman/Zayn match was good. Sami's a hell of a seller. Naked Enzo not giving a shit is ace.


Not a bad Raw by any means. Fun main event, but this episode should've had Brock-smash. Everyone wants to see how Lesnar reacts. Goldberg knocked his victory speech out the park and its cool he's in the Rumble but that is not why I couldn't wait to see Raw after Sunday night

Edited by sj5522
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Said before but they're really going to make Enzo the next fan favourite if they continue to make it so obvious that they want Cass to get over. If it was anyone else, I'd think it was deliberate.


Interesting point to think about there. Maybe it is deliberate? After all, Enzo is as honegrown as you can get and they love that. He never wrestled anywhere before, did he? Perhaps they've looked at how the likes of Daniel Bryan got over and wised up as to how get someone over these days. It helps that he has charisma in abundance.


Oh, and Cole sniggering (or trying to) on camera to naked Enzo was lame. How did we find all that stuff funny in the attitude era without JR pretending to laugh so we knew when to?

I hate this about modern WWE announcers full stop. I'm just thankful JBL wasn't there to see it too. "HAHAHA I LOVE IT MAGGLE" Edited by PunkStep
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I think there's value in a (really short) Enzo title run down the line. Money in the Bank or somethin


Or give him the Santino spot in the Rumble, where he nearly wins

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I think there's value in a (really short) Enzo title run down the line.

Don't agree with your "(very short)" tbh. I think you're spot on. In this era, with his charisma, Enzo can be anything they want him to be. His ring work isn't as good as others but he sells great and talks great so that will never hold him back. Sadly, I imagine he'll be the one to turn on Cass eventually and they'll try and Diesel 2.0 Big Cass.

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Said that a few pages ago. Or he turns up unexpectedly to eliminate Goldberg to set up the Mania match.

That's what happened in 2004 as well, isn't it?

More or less, Lesnar distracted him (maybe ran in and gave him an F5) which then allowed Angle to dump him over the ropes as he was eyeballing Brock on the outside.

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