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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I read somewhere that Amazon Prime’s Premier League coverage allows you watch the match with no commentary, just the stadium noise. I can’t stand the Full Sail audience for the most part, but I would take the option of just hearing them if it meant I didn’t have to listen Ranallo.

Best still would be the option to listen to Ray Rougeau

That reminds me of the days I would watch early 90’s WWF on RTL with German Commentary (maybe it was DSF, I was only 7 at the time)

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52 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

I rewatched the 2018 Women's Rumble last week to get the stats. Version I got hold of had German commentary and it was way better than Steph.

I watched that last week as well, there are massive swathes of time when she is silent. I actually felt sorry for her co-commentators as the kept of leaving gaps for her to contribute.  

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4 hours ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

I won't be watching, but if somebody would like to detail the line in question in spoiler tags, that'd be grand, I'm intrigued. Just not intrigued enough to seek it out.

Can do it as a spoiler-free version - he proclaims the Dusty Classic winners as "a team of Dust-iny", but pronounced more like "dusty knee" than it should be.

Terrible pun, and only really makes full sense if you are familiar with the "team of destiny" tag being used in US sports.

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I might be being a doofus here but I can't find this week's nxt on the network. I go to nxt and the latest episode is the 22nd, it does still turn up immediately like it used to doesn't it (I had a few network free months) not under recently added, not under nxt - I'm getting the network wrong

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10 minutes ago, Harry Wiseau said:

I might be being a doofus here but I can't find this week's nxt on the network. I go to nxt and the latest episode is the 22nd, it does still turn up immediately like it used to doesn't it (I had a few network free months) not under recently added, not under nxt - I'm getting the network wrong

It’s on at 20:00 EST on the Network. Basically not on the network until 24 hours after USA showed it

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I thought both AEW and NXT were great this week, but the lack of response for this show suggests there's very little interest.

Plus, I know it's not exactly like-for-like, but the difference between the Gargano/Balor promo on this show and then the Jericho stuff on Dynamite perfectly highlighted where NXT really struggles to compete. Minor Dynamite spoilers below.


Jericho on both commentary and in his backstage promo was smooth, natural and delivered some genuinely funny lines. His interactions with Samy Guervara were a riot and him keeping a straight face whilst proclaiming, "what kind of piece of trash would stab another man in the eye and try to blind them?" was hilarious. Everything feels normal, like a real person saying things that he's coming up with in the moment.

By contrast, that Gargano/Balor stuff was weird WWE scripting at its worst. Guys using all this weird language, words no-one would ever say in real life, and awkwardly interrupting each other in pre-planned spots. It completely undermines any chance you have of being engrossed in the characters or the stories. Finn looks the fucking business and pulls some great facials, but then says shit like, "I haven't got a heart," and it kills the moment dead. I saw someone criticise the Star Wars prequels the other day by saying the dialogue sounds as if it's been badly translated from Japanese and it's a critique you could definitely throw at WWE scripting too. It couldn't feel less natural.

Still, that silly face Velveteen Dream pulled on the top rope was pretty much the greatest thing I've ever seen.

Edited by Supremo
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Caught up on last week’s episode before watching the latest one this morning. “Dustyny!”, fucking hell.

* Has Gargano always had a lisp? I’ve only noticed it recently, but it’s really fucking distracting.

* Mercedes Martinez looks like she’d be sticky and smell of bins.

* Does anyone else find the “daddy’s home” chant a bit creepy?

I usually watch AEW before NXT, but decided to go the other way (oooh er) this week and watch NXT first. Nothing about NXT’s TV show feels special. It’s not a bad show by any stretch, but I tend to find AEW the easier of the two shows to watch, which is saying something when it’s usually around 30 minutes longer. Part of me feels like NXT could improve drastically if they didn’t have it at Full Sail every week in front of the same group of fans. That’s not to say that NXT should be in the big venues like RAW and SD, but there are enough small/minor league Ice Hockey or Basketball arenas that they could run to differentiate episodes, but that obviously comes with the added production cost which WWE don’t seem willing to do.

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1 minute ago, WyattSheepMask said:

* Does anyone else find the “daddy’s home” chant a bit creepy?


Ciampa and Gargano are so fucking weird to watch now, to the point that I can't root for them at all. I know this is wrestling and heel/face turns are two-a-penny, but buying these two as two of the top faces on the brand is hard when Ciampa hasn't changed a thing about his gimmick at all (he's still the creepy, obsessive, psychotic bloke who betrayed his best friend) and Gargano is a weak-willed loser who still has that 'shades-of-grey, failed heel turn, manipulated by his worst enemy' stink attached to him.


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