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20 minutes ago, Vamp said:

He did look very purple in the Rumble. 

We've all looked a bit purple in the rumble Vamp, as Loki says it's our advancing age. 

Let's face it if you can have a long wrestling career and get to the end of it relatively fit and sane then well done. Punk doesn't seem like the kind of guy who will manage either. Let's hope this isn't the end of him and let's hope that history doesn't repeat itself because his last WWE appearance in 2014 was the Rumble and he worked injured. Let's hope his next on screen appearance isn't the 2034 Rumble in which Cody is still trying to finish his story. 

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8 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

We've all looked a bit purple in the rumble Vamp, as Loki says it's our advancing age. 

Speak for yourself. I've been bed ridden with a flu for the past week. I look like a ghost coated in dry snot.

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Big shame for him. Always been a fan of the guy, and while I think his WWE run so far promo wise has been below par, I was looking forward to him getting his teeth into a proper feud and finally getting his Mania moment.

He was looking weary in his last AEW run, but he could still pull off the old magic at times. It just seems though that bar maybe One off matches, he just doesn't have the ability anymore to 'go' for a while.

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I think the strength of his AEW run - and, fair play, he pulled out a superb match with Samoa Joe at All In under circumstances where you'd at best have expected him to phone it in - is that their matches are far less produced, and he was the elder statesman and biggest star there, so always in a position to take the lead and wrestle at his pace, so it was easier for him to stay in his comfort zone, work around any nagging aches and pains, and cover for any shortcomings with things like cute references to Bret Hart matches, or old reliable tactics of older wrestlers since time immemorial like bleeding profusely to add drama when your ring-work can't quite get there on its own.

Admittedly in-ring we only have the Rumble and clips of the Dominik match to go off, but in WWE he doesn't have any of those options available to him - someone else is producing and laying out his matches, he's working to the company's style and pace, and a lot of his bag of tricks has been taken from him.

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10 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Admittedly in-ring we only have the Rumble and clips of the Dominik match to go off, but in WWE he doesn't have any of those options available to him - someone else is producing and laying out his matches, he's working to the company's style and pace, and a lot of his bag of tricks has been taken from him.

I can see that, but it's an interesting one as it's not like he's been thrown out there to do any crazy shit or anything. And when people have discussions about what moves are dangerous etc, it's enough to prove that anything like that can happen at any time under any circumstance.

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37 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Admittedly in-ring we only have the Rumble and clips of the Dominik match to go off, but in WWE he doesn't have any of those options available to him - someone else is producing and laying out his matches, he's working to the company's style and pace, and a lot of his bag of tricks has been taken from him.

I've watched the Dominik match in its entirety and its fair to say he was custom picked for Punk to go in there with a guy he didn't have to break his balls with to have a very viewable match with a clear face vs heel dynamic, where he could go in and sell for a few minutes, hit his trademark spots and go home.

It's possible accelerating from that to what he was expected to do in the Rumble with a variety of shapes and sizes of opponent followed by a lengthy home stretch with Cody, that something was bound to go awry. Physically, he wasn't ready. As you know and most of us reading know, there's a world of difference between good cardio and weights room lifting, and being ring shape and lifting/moving fast moving lumps of man.

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4 minutes ago, King Coconut said:

I'm hearing reports that he also flipped out and nutted Trips before leaving the arena.

He's old and he's tired.  Rather than this wrestling lark, has he considered working with children?

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21 hours ago, air_raid said:

It's possible accelerating from that to what he was expected to do in the Rumble with a variety of shapes and sizes of opponent followed by a lengthy home stretch with Cody, that something was bound to go awry.

Speaking of size, I’d never seen a more conspicuous size differential between two wrestlers than him and McIntyre. 

They looked like figures from two different toy-lines being made to fight.


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32 minutes ago, Pinc said:

Speaking of size, I’d never seen a more conspicuous size differential between two wrestlers than him and McIntyre. 

Also, speaking of size, I've seen a few online comments about how out-of-shape Punk looks in comparison to the returning Randy Orton and so on. I wonder if the fact he's living this drug-free lifestyle is catching up to him now?

I'm fairly sure Orton and a few other ageing wrestlers (a flat-earther in particular) aren't pissing completely clean when you consider that they're both 43 and 46 years old, respectively. There's nothing wrong with that, of course. It's not a competitive combat sport.

But Punk looks like a 45-year-old guy who's in good shape by normal standards, and like most people of that age, he's maybe not able to get chucked around a wrestling ring as much as he was when he was younger.

How long can an all-natural athlete compete in today's WWE at his age and not get injured quite frequently? I mean, I'm not as old as he is and I'm prone to pulling a hamstring getting off the couch at night after a House of Cards binge. 

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Yeah i've definitely noticed a common online narrative of basically "Punk's too old to be straight edge and wrestling thast much" although more so seemingly suggesting he's more likely to get injured because he's not using performance enhancers? (I guess old steroid muscles are more resiliant?)

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