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CM Punk chat


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The Dynamite thread is getting once again over loaded with the ongoing CM Punk saga. Makes sense to have a separate thread to discuss the whiny hyper sensitive hypocritical little twat.

Or you can just post stuff you like about him. The Raw match with Cena was his finest moment and he's never been anywhere near as good since.

Edited by LaGoosh
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He winds people up very, very easily so I like him.

He's obviously a miserable sod who more often than not takes himself way too seriously, but sometimes all he has to do is breathe and people lose their minds.

One of those people that permanently lives rent free in heads. 

A proper dickhead shithouse. I imagine working with him is an absolute nightmare, but as someone that watches wrestling quite casually, I'd rather he was in it.

His AEW run has been superb and because of some muffins, people forget that. Plus he is always pretty bang on about things. 

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Just now, SuperBacon said:

He winds people up very, very easily so I like him.

He's obviously a miserable sod who more often than not takes himself way too seriously, but sometimes all he has to do is breathe and people lose their minds.

One of those people that permanently lives rent free in heads

But enough about @Davidwhat do you think of CM Punk? 

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Still think it's funny that he got voted Biggest Disappointment in the UKFF Awards because of a press conference, the odd Instagram post and calling Adam Page an idiot. People are almost waiting to be wound up by him, it's bizarre.

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He's not just winding people up though, he's seemingly constantly wound up by every little thing himself.

I love him, but still trying to be the main counterculture punk in a company where many of the wrestlers are the current counterculture just doesn't work.

Edited by Merzbow
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2 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

He's not just winding people up though, he's seemingly constantly wound up by every little thing himself.

I'm not saying he's not but I think both things are going on here.

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He’s very clearly a reactionary dickhead who flies off the handle at a moment’s notice and would benefit from counting to 10 before speaking, but I don’t think he’s wrong in that recent Instagram post. One of his biggest issues with WWE was rushing him back before full fitness, and now AEW appear to have done the same thing.

Everybody involved in this is a petty child, but Jericho is clearly the biggest shit stirrer of the lot.

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16 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Still think it's funny that he got voted Biggest Disappointment in the UKFF Awards because of a press conference, the odd Instagram post and calling Adam Page an idiot. People are almost waiting to be wound up by him, it's bizarre.

Think you completely misunderstood why people were disappointed. People were disappointed because they wanted to see CM Punk in AEW in top level feuds with top stars and potential dream matches but instead he threw a humiliating pathetic tantrum and will likely never come back. People were disappointed because of what they lost out on not the press conference itself.

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He’s a genuinely fascinating man. The week he’s supposedly sniffing around to come back, looking to build bridges, and he can’t help himself but flip out again, likely ruining whatever chance he had. It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem. It’s me.

I wonder if he’s seen Karate Kid. Surely these are films you’re ordered to watch when becoming a pro-wrestler and learning basic 80s psychology.

Edited by Supremo
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13 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Think you completely misunderstood why people were disappointed. People were disappointed because they wanted to see CM Punk in AEW in top level feuds with top stars and potential dream matches but instead he threw a humiliating pathetic tantrum and will likely never come back. People were disappointed because of what they lost out on not the press conference itself.

But he did cover this ground in the short time he was there, didn't he? Granted it didn't deliver everything fans might have wanted but he squeezed in a hell of a lot in the space of, what, a year?

I'm not saying the press conference wasn't a piss fit - the rant about Colt Cabana was unnecessarily protracted and weird especially. I'm also not saying he's not a weird crybaby who has this bizarre belief that fences can never be mended. It's just that I think there's been an erasure of the genuinely good stuff he did in AEW (not by you), and there was a lot of it.

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20 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

I love him, but still trying to be the main counterculture punk in a company where many of the wrestlers are the current counterculture just doesn't work.

That's something I thought when the rumours first started circling that he was coming into AEW - his selling point was that he was the indie wrestling guy who stayed true to himself, and who "wasn't supposed to make it". That doesn't work in AEW, when that's true of pretty much the company as a whole, and it would barely work in WWE any more, when almost every indie name of the past twenty years ended up getting signed, and the likes of Kevin Owens have main evented pay-per-views.

What was surprising is that CM Punk seemed to kind of recognise that, and reinvented himself as a bit of an elder statesman, with his whole Bret Hart tribute act. The most exciting thing about CM Punk in AEW was that it looked like we weren't getting the bitter prick, but a more mature version who wanted to work with the younger talent, and who could incorporate his old reputation into compelling stories, as he did with Eddie Kingston. 

That's all gone tits up, and while I'm sure AEW are far from blameless, it's hard not to see someone pissing people off everywhere he goes and constantly burning bridges and not thinking that he's the biggest problem. If the problem is Tony Khan and Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks - and I'm sure every one of those guys can be infuriating to work for or with for all kinds of reasons - where's everyone else who had these issues with them, how come nobody else is getting into scraps with them backstage? 

Punk's the one who threatened to walk out on the company, who went on a clearly prearranged rant about Colt Cabana and Adam Page and burying the company at the press conference, and if Meltzer's to be believed, he agreed to lose to Moxley and then subsequently refused via his lawyer. At some point, it becomes clear that he's the same guy that was obnoxious and spiteful and full of himself twenty years ago on Livejournal, and has barely grown up since then. 

The "Voice of the Voiceless" punk rock icon thing is the biggest gimmick going, and I'm sure he believes it. For every legitimate gripe he had about how he was treated by WWE, there was a "I didn't get to beat The Rock at the Royal Rumble" and "I didn't get to main event Wrestlemania", or an "I'm being held down by the man", after the longest World title reign in decades. His gripes have always, often, come down to a progressive lick of paint on "it doesn't work for me, brother" politicking. If WWE during his run there had been as leaky as AEW was during his stint there, I'm sure we'd have heard all kinds of stories about what a nightmare he was to work with there, but because he was working opposite Triple H and John Cena, he was obviously always the good guy and the aggrieved party.

12 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I wonder if he’s seen Karate Kid. Surely these are films you’re ordered to watch when becoming a pro-wrestler and learning basic 80s psychology.

I think of all the training seminars I went to, any that used specific movies as an analogy for match structure and psychology always used the Rocky movies as their go-to, apart from one who used the original Star Wars trilogy.

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