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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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3 hours ago, Supremo said:

Trios Titles! Let's go! 

Best entrance video since Hangman and the Dark Order’s cowboy entrance.


Hate the look of the Trios titles :(

Best entrance since the Hangman/Dark Order? I think i'd have MJF's hometown hero and rewriting Wardlow history both above the Absolute entrance. 

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5 hours ago, Supremo said:

Best entrance video since Hangman and the Dark Order’s cowboy entrance.

It was good, but surely you're forgetting about this corker: 

I thought this was a brilliant show, that could have been even better had they slowed down a little. They cut away from a few big moments far too quickly, such as Hobbs taking out Starks. 

Talking of which, that whole run of events was great. The Danhausen match was what it should have been (and it's going to be such a great moment when he finally wins for the first time), Hook winning the FTW title was great, and the Starks promo was excellent, as was the thumping blow Hobbs gave Starks. I really hope this is the start of big things for all four of them, but for Starks in particular who has been underutilised for the longest time. 

In fact, this whole show demonstrated how much better AEW is when they focus on emerging "original" stars. The threat of the Undisputed Elite returning next week is all the more deflating for that reason. The only way I could describe how I felt after Tony Khan revealed that Cole had a 5-year contract, is that it was like getting kicked in the balls with words. 

I'm glad that Jericho/Moxley is a TV match, and I'm really curious as to who Mox will be facing at All Out. Is there any chance they're planning a run of PPV rematches from his first run, with Omega being the opponent? I'd absolutely love it to be MJF. I bloody miss the guy. 

Fair play to Jungle Boy for cutting such an excellent promo, I never knew he had it in him. I think they were on to something with Luchasaurus as a heel though, so I'm slightly disappointed that they've gone back on that. The explanation made sense, but he was doing really well in that role. Jungle Boy/Christian should be an absolute blast at All Out. 

Talking of surprisingly strong mic work, Dante Martin and Daniel Garcia get better and better on the mic every time they're given the opportunity to speak. Martin in particular has improved noticeably since he first emerged as a contender. That's not a slight on Garcia though, it's just that his promos were nowhere near as weak as Dante's, though he's still developed. 

Fuck the trios titles, not every match needs to have a belt on the line. They could quietly retire the All-Atlantic title, and I'm not sure anyone would even notice. It'll concede that it'll be a nice moment to watch The Bucks and Hangman Page celebrate together, as the first Trios champions. But they could have had them team up without a belt on the line, and it still would have been good to see. 

On to belts that I do care about, and I really hope that the Tag Title match at the PPV isn't Swerve in Their Glory vs. Tony Nese and Josh Woods. Aside from the fact it's utterly random, if this is a PPV which featured Tony Nese but not FTR I'd genuinely be a bit annoyed. I'd argue that FTR is the hottest and most consistent act in the company right now.

Garcia defeating Danielson was really interesting. I hope they have a plan in place for the guy, and this wasn't more about Danielson losing than it was about Garcia winning. 

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7 hours ago, Supremo said:

Tony Khan does not fuck about. Triple H isn't even back a full week yet and Tony's already back to humiliating him, pulling out the big guns and putting on a cracking episode. The second hour wasn't as good as the first, as is tradition, but this was a great show that put me in great mood. One of the best Dynamites of the year.

Great opener. Jon Moxley is the best. It can't be repeated enough. He's the antithesis of all the worst booking and psychology philosophies WWE promote. He's a walking advert for everyone to fuck that system off and go figure out what actually works rather than what they tell you works. A man kicks out of the elevated version of Moxley's finisher, and does he do the shocked face? Does he stare at his hands? Does he look up to the heavens? Does he pleadingly ask the ref if it was three? Or does he instantly grab a choke and murder the man? Brilliant.

I had little to no desire to see Jericho vs. Moxley. Then Mox cut a promo and changed all that. It helps that it's a free TV match rather than the PPV headliner, but still. All thanks to Mox. Again, for those in the back. Jon. Moxley. Is. the. Best.

Trios Titles! Let's go! The amount of options they have is bonkers. It has to be The Bucks and Hangman first though, yeah? Great tease later on. I can't explain how he does it, but he's done it again. I want to see Hangman happy. That little look over his shoulder was amazing. I'll cry when they reunite. I've no idea how they get there though. Surely not a heel turn for Dark Order?! Dark Order vs. The Elite! Long term story-telling~!

Everything involving Ricky Starks on this show was phenomenal. Top tier pro-wrestling. Home run. Anyone who commented positively on that bollocks involving Austin Theory on Raw should watch this and then get directly in the bin. This is how you do it. I genuinely believe they watched Raw on Monday and decided to do their own version of segments transitioning into one another but decided to - you know - have things of consequence happen and get some guys over, rather than just fill time. Hook comes out looking like a megastar, Ricky Starks is now one of the top babyfaces in the company and Powerhouse Hobbs is the scariest man on the planet. Fucker wrecked Ricky's neck! The only thing missing, and I won't sleep until I get, was a friendly nod between Danhausen and Hook. Hookhausen 'til I die. Rampage needs to show a celebration vignette of Hook and Danhausen scranning a packet of Walkers.

But yeah; the best thing about AEW, even if it's not as good as it once was, is that guys like Ricky Starks can still cut a few amazing promos YouTube, it gets noticed, and then it gets capitalised on. Striking when something is hot. Organically catching a wave. Everything I love about pro-wrestling.

The dead dad stuff will forever be shit and lazy, but I had a great time with TV-14 Jungle Boy. Leather jacket, swearing his little head off, full of fire. Great stuff.

Fun match between Sammy and Dante. First time in months Sammy has felt properly back on track. Eddie Kingston deserves far better than a shitty mixed tag though. But then, if anyone is going to make it work, it's Eddie Kingston. Phase him out now so you can bring him back to the top of the card for New York. Do it, Tony!

Show fell off a cliff once Swerve came out, and the women's match was really sad hearing how little anyone cared, commentators included. I don't know if they were in an ad break or not but these lads did not give a shit about what was happening. JR not even bothering learn names is getting more obvious by the week, too. Stop putting these poor women in the piss-break spot before the main event! It's happening every week at this point! Even WWE don't do this anymore! Proper mid-2000s shit.

The main event was good, and Daniel Garcia winning felt like a huge deal, but fuck off, Bryan. Don't be selling concussions! Don't be making head trauma part of the storyline! I love him too much and the concussion stuff scares me too much that watching him stumbling about - even when I'm pretty certain it's a work -  still made me feel horribly uncomfortable. Fair play to him though. All he wants to do is have these boss matches and put everyone over. Long may it continue.

I'm just going to ignore that graphic about the Undisputed Elite returning. Don't want it to ruin my mood. Fuck off back to Paul, you bunch of scrawny melts!

Let’s end on the biggest positive of the night;

Best entrance video since Hangman and the Dark Order’s cowboy entrance.

Ricky Starks is the guy. Pass it on.

I echo all of your post. Nailed my feelings on the show. BD legit scared me with his selling, but I thought the finish was inspired.

Strap Starks to a rocket as he’s going to the moon! What a night he had. Every bit was superb.

Also, glad to see the BTE angle playing off on TV with the Bucks/Page. I’m going the Undisputed Elite are returning to see the Bucks walk away.

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Don't think we need to worry about Jungle Boy never making it. That promo was like his next evolutionary step after that Battle Royal, facing Kenny, the chair shot from Revolution. His first title. 

Now he calls Christian a pussy and offers himself to his ex-wife. Good kid.

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Rush, like a lot of people in AEW, suffered from a lacklustre debut and a sense of "aren't you excited to see this guy?" stuff without really explaining who he was. Now that he's actually in there and wrestling, he's fucking great.

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This is my first time seeing Rush and he seems pretty great. Wrestles like a right nasty vicious cunt, which is how I like my heels to wrestle.

Very decent show this week. Dreading Cole and co. returning. The AEW OGs have so much more to offer than the ex-NXT/205 lads, they feel so fresh and exciting in comparison.  Just compare the almost limitless potential of Daniel Garcia to Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish, ffs.

Also I love that in many ways that AEW is basically the story of the relationship of Hangman Page, the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega. Everything comes back to it.

Edited by LaGoosh
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51 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Very decent show this week. Dreading Cole and co. returning. The AEW OGs have so much more to offer than the ex-NXT/205 lads, they feel so fresh and exciting in comparison.  Just compare the almost limitless potential of Daniel Garcia to Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish, ffs.

I couldn't agree more. Given that they're going to be around for a while, I genuinely hope they find their groove. Outside of "they're decent enough in ring", I can't think of a positive thing to say about them. As much as I'm not sold on him, I think Cole has the best chance out of the three of them of winning me over, but that's less of a compliment to him than it is a criticism of fish and O'Reilly.

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Bobby Fish is 45 years old, if he's not "got it" now, he never will. There are people who worked for WCW that are younger than he is. He serves a purpose as a reasonably no-nonsense tag team technical guy, but I have no real interest in seeing him as a focal point of main event storylines, and it'll put a dampener on some good stuff going on if the first Trios champions end up being the NXT lads. 

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1 hour ago, gmoney said:

Weren't people on here saying Rush was a load of shit recently? I've seen two matches now and he's looked pretty great in both. What the fuck were you on about? 

I haven’t seen him before, but a pod I listen to said he seems to be properly motivated at this after a lotta coasting 

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Fish and O'Reilly actively put me off. They would be fine on Dark, and their fans would get more enjoyment complaining 'Man, these two should be on Dynamite every week having 30 minute matches' than anyone would being actually subjected to them.

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