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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Those are some mighty long contracts TK has been giving out. Would that have been 6 years for Black at the point of signing? I can't recall if he's been there a year or not yet.

EDIT: Just to add this quote, which seems like an odd thing to say, can't imagine many who jumped ship recently would fancy taking a risk on WWE anyway.


Edited by Nick James
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20 minutes ago, Nick James said:

Those are some mighty long contracts TK has been giving out. Would that have been 6 years for Black at the point of signing? I can't recall if he's been there a year or not yet.

EDIT: Just to add this quote, which seems like an odd thing to say, can't imagine many who jumped ship recently would fancy taking a risk on WWE anyway.


That's some long term storytelling.

Depends on what the question(s) were that led to it. Social media & wrestling sites have dove right into the idea of which talents might go back to the WWE since HHH took control of creative.

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7 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Four weeks away from All Out and outside of probably some kind of House of Black vs Darby/Sting match and Jungle Boy/Christian I can't guess a single thing on the card. I really hope they have some big angles planned for this week and next because there's fuck all going on at the moment. 

TK picks a part a post about the build to All Out. Reading out the post it starts with "We're 4 weeks out". Had to double check it wasn't this one :)


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29 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

A lot of this isn't news. There's been the random bits of news of 5 year deals out there already. It makes a kind of sense as they'll be largely locked into those deals past any TV deal renewal. Where everyone's expecting a bump in rights fees. Should leave plenty of MJF money.

Fully agree that it's not exactly news, it is an interesting discussion point, thought. I wonder who else will be on long contracts along with Cole and Black, I believe Miro re-signed not too long back, along with Mox, you would imagine both will be tied down pretty lengthy. Jericho will more than likely be due to re-sign, although can't see HHH as interested in him as Vince would have been so may not have the negotiating power he would have had before. 

Tony better get on the phone to FTR pronto and just give them whatever they want. 

Edited by Nick James
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12 minutes ago, Nick James said:

Fully agree that it's not exactly news, it is an interesting discussion point, thought. I wonder who else will be on long contracts along with Cole and Black, I believe Miro re-signed not too long back, along with Mox, you would imagine both will be tied down pretty lengthy. Jericho will more than likely be due to re-sign, although can't see HHH as interested in him as Vince would have been so may not have the negotiating power he would have had before. 

Tony better get on the phone to FTR pronto and just give them whatever they want. 

There were some of the more public ones like Scorpio Sky and Britt Baker. I think Ethan Page reupped around the time he moved to the States.

I had the weird memory of Kyle O'Reilly being someone that mentioned an extension even though he's been around less than a year. That doesn't appear to the case. Maybe got confused with Cole who might have signed his extension knowing his missus and mates were locked down.

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22 minutes ago, Nick James said:

Tony better get on the phone to FTR pronto and just give them whatever they want. 

I don't think HHH being in charge would be enough to get them to re-sign. With the support and freedom they have at the moment, being able to work multiple companies and actually be a proper wrestling tag team.. and being appreciated for it! That's not happening in WWE. The tag division is nothing. And I don't think that audience will appreciate them in any way similar to how they are loved at the moment. It'd take a long while and focus from HHH to recondition the WWE Universe to care about tag team wrestling.

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FRT aren’t going anywhere. Other than Brock Lesnar, nobody is being given exactly what they want from their employer more than FTR. If they weren’t so fucking great you’d wonder if they had photos of Tony with dogs or something, the run he’s given them.

When Jericho won against Kingston last week, as wrong a decision as I thought it was,  I assumed it was because they wanted to keep the Jericho Appreciation Society strong in preparation for Omega returning and reuniting a babyface Elite with The Bucks and Hangman. That seemed the natural direction. It hadn’t ever crossed my mind that they could be keeping Jericho strong to face Moxley at All Out. Fuck that! If Punk can’t make it, there’s so many other guys I’d love to see against Mox. As has already been mentioned, there’s Samoa Joe, but also Sting, Miro and Malakai Black to name a few. Or why not Hangman? I know they don’t like their stars losing too much but another crack at the belt has got to be better than him floating around backstage, only really existing in BTE clips I catch on Twitter. Would be a hell of a match, too.

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Since they made sure to emphasise the use of the 'Painmaker' name, that's been speculated as being the back up plan. You can see how he's slipped into the Top 5.

There's still time for a shake up. Battle of the Belts 3 probably won't have a men's World Title defense, but Wardlow might knock someone out. Then there's 'Quake by the Lake' that they've made a big deal of since it'll be at an NBA arena.

Just have Danielson come back tonight. Stand amongst the BCC with all their shiny belts, and say "I want one of those!". He'll go on a tear and be no.1 Contender in no time.


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Tony Khan does not fuck about. Triple H isn't even back a full week yet and Tony's already back to humiliating him, pulling out the big guns and putting on a cracking episode. The second hour wasn't as good as the first, as is tradition, but this was a great show that put me in great mood. One of the best Dynamites of the year.

Great opener. Jon Moxley is the best. It can't be repeated enough. He's the antithesis of all the worst booking and psychology philosophies WWE promote. He's a walking advert for everyone to fuck that system off and go figure out what actually works rather than what they tell you works. A man kicks out of the elevated version of Moxley's finisher, and does he do the shocked face? Does he stare at his hands? Does he look up to the heavens? Does he pleadingly ask the ref if it was three? Or does he instantly grab a choke and murder the man? Brilliant.

I had little to no desire to see Jericho vs. Moxley. Then Mox cut a promo and changed all that. It helps that it's a free TV match rather than the PPV headliner, but still. All thanks to Mox. Again, for those in the back. Jon. Moxley. Is. the. Best.

Trios Titles! Let's go! The amount of options they have is bonkers. It has to be The Bucks and Hangman first though, yeah? Great tease later on. I can't explain how he does it, but he's done it again. I want to see Hangman happy. That little look over his shoulder was amazing. I'll cry when they reunite. I've no idea how they get there though. Surely not a heel turn for Dark Order?! Dark Order vs. The Elite! Long term story-telling~!

Everything involving Ricky Starks on this show was phenomenal. Top tier pro-wrestling. Home run. Anyone who commented positively on that bollocks involving Austin Theory on Raw should watch this and then get directly in the bin. This is how you do it. I genuinely believe they watched Raw on Monday and decided to do their own version of segments transitioning into one another but decided to - you know - have things of consequence happen and get some guys over, rather than just fill time. Hook comes out looking like a megastar, Ricky Starks is now one of the top babyfaces in the company and Powerhouse Hobbs is the scariest man on the planet. Fucker wrecked Ricky's neck! The only thing missing, and I won't sleep until I get, was a friendly nod between Danhausen and Hook. Hookhausen 'til I die. Rampage needs to show a celebration vignette of Hook and Danhausen scranning a packet of Walkers.

But yeah; the best thing about AEW, even if it's not as good as it once was, is that guys like Ricky Starks can still cut a few amazing promos on YouTube, it gets noticed, and then it gets capitalised on. Striking when something is hot. Organically catching a wave. Everything I love about pro-wrestling.

The dead dad stuff will forever be shit and lazy, but I had a great time with TV-14 Jungle Boy. Leather jacket, swearing his little head off, full of fire. Great stuff.

Fun match between Sammy and Dante. First time in months Sammy has felt properly back on track. Eddie Kingston deserves far better than a shitty mixed tag though. But then, if anyone is going to make it work, it's Eddie Kingston. Phase him out now so you can bring him back to the top of the card for New York. Do it, Tony!

Show fell off a cliff once Swerve came out, and the women's match was really sad hearing how little anyone cared, commentators included. I don't know if they were in an ad break or not but these lads did not give a shit about what was happening. JR not even bothering learn names is getting more obvious by the week, too. Stop putting these poor women in the piss-break spot before the main event! It's happening every week at this point! Even WWE don't do this anymore! Proper mid-2000s shit.

The main event was good, and Daniel Garcia winning felt like a huge deal, but fuck off, Bryan. Don't be selling concussions! Don't be making head trauma part of the storyline! I love him too much and the concussion stuff scares me too much that watching him stumbling about - even when I'm pretty certain it's a work -  still made me feel horribly uncomfortable. Fair play to him though. All he wants to do is have these boss matches and put everyone over. Long may it continue.

I'm just going to ignore that graphic about the Undisputed Elite returning. Don't want it to ruin my mood. Fuck off back to Paul, you bunch of scrawny melts!

Let’s end on the biggest positive of the night;

Best entrance video since Hangman and the Dark Order’s cowboy entrance.

Ricky Starks is the guy. Pass it on.

Edited by Supremo
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That shot from Hobbs to Starks was brutal, what a heel! Hobbs should be capitalized on as much as Starks in this whole deal, he's an imposing figure, but yeah, Ricky Starks is the man. 

The Bucks / Hangman backstage bit was a nice little tease, to the point I just wanted the Dark Order to fuck off, which was the whole point. Brandon Cutler is a really under-rated comedic character, the man has great timing. 

Parker's 'Appreciate Us' line, akin to Romans 'Acknowledge Me' was delivered to absolute crickets, but then it's very hard to gain any attention stood next to Anna Jay looking like that.

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