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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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6 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

Miyu and Rosa was a bit shit imo. 

Complete nothing match and no one was buying Miyu as a threat.

Happy that The House of Black finally have some direction.

Yeah it felt really off, unlike their other match. It may have helped having Miyu actually being on TV before the match, kicking someone's head in.

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I'm probably in the minority but outside of the Starks stuff I thought this week was pretty underwhelming.

A lot of the show just didn't click with me.

Miro Vs. Black could be fun if it isn't just a couple of weeks of filler. 


I did enjoy Attitude Era Jungle Boy.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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The only women’s wrestler truly firing on all cylinders right now is Jade. Don’t get me wrong, there are others who are doing OK - but there’s no one else who I actively look forward to seeing. It’s a shame, because there are people who could be.

I don’t know what’s going on with Shida,  but she absolutely deserves to be appearing on TV more than she does. Riho also proved herself to be one of the better in ring performers in the women’s division.

Then you have Nyla Rose, who is good on the mic and very entertaining on social media. The Vickie pairing holds her back, but if you really do want to keep them together, turn her face and encourage Vickie to adapt her character a little. While I’d still favour separating them, this would have a far better chance of working. 

Serena Deeb has done well to get herself over, but realistically she needs a manager; her promo work is woeful. I’m not entirely sure who I’d pair with her, but the right choice could seriously raise her ceiling.

Finally, Jamie Hayter deserves more than to be Britt Baker’s back-up. The pair have never really had much chemistry, and in the short glimpses we’ve seen of her in a solo setting, Hayter actually seems decent on the mic. I’d like to see her given the chance to sink or swim.

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When you see the likes of Mox, Hook, Stark and even Danhausen showcased at their best and getting the monster pop entrances it's enough to convince you this thing should be bigger, and AEW's current rating ceiling and the whole 'core wrestling audience' shite isn't good enough for them. They're pure crossover cool as fuck, in a business we've been moaning for decades is anything but. Khan needs all the avenues he can get to put them in front of as many eyeballs as possible right now. 

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3 hours ago, Infinity Land said:

I guess this is more of a Twitter thing, but I figure it would be appreciated here more. Due to the Eddie love.

10-30 second sound bytes on most of the AEW roster.


I keep watching Kingston's stuff hoping to understand what it is that people see in him and I still don't get it. I think he had an awful look, is shite in the ring and shite on the mic. Has a wrestler ever screamed CZW as loudly as him? I don't think so.

He doesn't even come across in the slightest bit intimidating or scary to me whatsoever.

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2 hours ago, RedRooster said:

The only women’s wrestler truly firing on all cylinders right now is Jade. Don’t get me wrong, there are others who are doing OK - but there’s no one else who I actively look forward to seeing. It’s a shame, because there are people who could be.

I don’t know what’s going on with Shida,  but she absolutely deserves to be appearing on TV more than she does. Riho also proved herself to be one of the better in ring performers in the women’s division.

Then you have Nyla Rose, who is good on the mic and very entertaining on social media. The Vickie pairing holds her back, but if you really do want to keep them together, turn her face and encourage Vickie to adapt her character a little. While I’d still favour separating them, this would have a far better chance of working. 

Serena Deeb has done well to get herself over, but realistically she needs a manager; her promo work is woeful. I’m not entirely sure who I’d pair with her, but the right choice could seriously raise her ceiling.

Finally, Jamie Hayter deserves more than to be Britt Baker’s back-up. The pair have never really had much chemistry, and in the short glimpses we’ve seen of her in a solo setting, Hayter actually seems decent on the mic. I’d like to see her given the chance to sink or swim.

Bit left field here but perhaps Deeb's character would be a good fit for the BCC? Imagine them holding all the belts including the women's title? 

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I just have to say, it's a small small thing, but I LOVE how Regal keeps referring to Moxley as THE aew champion. Not interim, just... THE champion.

The fact that Moxley then drove that point home in his Jericho promo this past week... it's fantastic. The build for Moxley as this fighting champ is great. 

When Punk returns, the inevitable match up will be great. I hope they replicate that scene from WWE when Punk came out with the true championship and went face to face with Cena. Be typical Kahn to go "I like this, but I can do it better".

Hell do the reverse of it. Have Punk return, only for Moxley to come out and Punk to do the "look of doubt on his face" spot. 


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7 hours ago, Jonny Vegas said:

I keep watching Kingston's stuff hoping to understand what it is that people see in him and I still don't get it. I think he had an awful look, is shite in the ring and shite on the mic. Has a wrestler ever screamed CZW as loudly as him? I don't think so.

He doesn't even come across in the slightest bit intimidating or scary to me whatsoever.

It's okay to be wrong sometimes.

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When Punk returns I would actually have Mox beat him and retain the Championship. Firstly, because Mox is on the run of his life right now and is doing wonders for the title after they booked it so badly during Page's run. Secondly, Punk winning is predictable - if Mox wins it opens up a bunch of potential storylines. Perhaps it sows the seeds for Punk needing to turn heel to win the title back later down the line. And finally, from a story perspective it makes sense for Mox, a main event level Champion in his absolute prime, to beat an older, beaten down former Champion returning from injury. 

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

When Punk returns I would actually have Mox beat him and retain the Championship. Firstly, because Mox is on the run of his life right now and is doing wonders for the title after they booked it so badly during Page's run. Secondly, Punk winning is predictable - if Mox wins it opens up a bunch of potential storylines. Perhaps it sows the seeds for Punk needing to turn heel to win the title back later down the line. And finally, from a story perspective it makes sense for Mox, a main event level Champion in his absolute prime, to beat an older, beaten down former Champion returning from injury. 

I think you could categorise Moxley's entire AEW career as the "run of his life" - title, or no title. He's incredible. I really don't mind what they do, but the prospect of a heel Punk feuding with a babyface Moxley really appeals to me. I don't think their first title match - whatever the outcome - is a one and done, and I'm completely on board with that. I have a hunch that Moxley referring to himself as "THE World Champion" and not just an interim champion is deliberate, giving Punk a reason to turn heel; bitterly viewing that verbiage as disrespectful. 

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something I found really compelling about Punk when he came in is that he doesn't approach selling and match structure quite the same as anyone else; whether it's through his brief time doing MMA, or just being older and wiser than he was first time around, he was a lot more believable as an older wrestler working through injury and aches and pains, and his matches tended to be structured around the suggestion that he was a little rusty and might have missed a step.

That seems really promising for me when he comes back from injury, because it gives him a whole new angle to work from, and gives him an out if he loses that first match back. Given their current character dynamics, I can see a match where Punk aggravates the foot injury, and Moxley focuses on that for the rest of the match until Punk ultimately has to give up, and they're both good enough to work that story without it turning Moxley heel, and with it providing the potential to turn Punk heel, if that's where they want to go.

Either way, Punk returning from injury I don't see as the typical WWE-style returning babyface better than ever, he's going to make that injury a part of the story, and that's far more interesting than "Punk's back, hit the reset button and get back to normal". I don't necessarily see Moxley beating him, but whichever way it goes can spin off in multiple interesting directions, particularly given we've got Danielson back, Omega on the horizon, the potential of them going back to Hangman/Punk if there's unfinished story to be told there, possibly MJF popping back up, Claudio having come in since Punk got hurt, and who knows who else that hasn't debuted yet. After a while treading water, it feels like we're back to AEW being a land of possibilities.

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