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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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It wasn’t as good as last week but this was another solid show. Great to feel them building momentum again as we lead into the pay per view.

Let’s get the bad stuff out of the way first. They started a show without doing the, “It’s [today], you know what that means,” thing! Is this the first time they’ve done that since Brodie’s passing? Surely they aren’t dropping it? Terrible decision, if so.

On a lighter note, Best Friends dressed as one tall man really made me laugh.

Video package recapping the HOOK title victory! Lovely! Very rare that they recap stuff like this week-to-week. Good to see they’re willing to do it for stuff that truly matters. That lad is going all the way.

Solid angle with the Undisputed Elite. The shot of the kid crying was phenomenal. I still wish the Undisputed Era guys would go back and see if Hunter can give them their original offer, but if they have to be on Dynamite this is as good a way as any to use them. I thought Roman effortlessly catching the microphone at Summerslam was the sexiest thing we’d see all week, but then Hangman came out in butterfly jeans and a tank top. I fucking love that man. Genuinely great actor, too. Almost anyone else and it would feel hammy and shit. With Hangman though? As soon as his eyes get a bit watery, so do mine. Love him. I’m rooting for the Hung Bucks in the Trios Tournament!

Great promo from Mox. He’s the best. Every week. The best.

Great promo from Kingston, too. My favourite feud of 2022 might be Eddie Kingston vs. The tropes and formats of a modern, mainstream pro-wrestling television show. He's like the pro-wrestling version of the Truman Show, stuck, unable to escape.

They finally moved the women out of the death spot before the main event! And they got a far better reaction because of it! Brilliant. I’m aware it’s all conjecture but this feels like a direct reaction to WWE bringing back all the women and giving them a fair shake on Summerslam and Raw. Hopefully a sign of good things to come, where both companies push the other to improve.

The sandbag stuff needs to stop though. Awful, cringey shit.

Powerhouse Hobbs with the Cody entrance looked like a superstar. Great squash with some amazing facials from Hobbs. It’s going to be tough deciding who goes over at the PPV between he and Starks. I wouldn’t want to beat either. Both feel on the precipice of something special. Maybe a time limit draw?

Fun, dumb Dumpster match, even if it featured some of the loudest spot calling in as long as I can remember. God bless Max Caster. The Vince McMahon line was great. Brutal spot at the end. Genuinely looked like the Ass Boys nearly came flying out of the dumpster! Hope they’re ok.

Good main event. It’s nothing short of miraculous how much they’ve made me suddenly care about Jericho vs. Mox. Next week’s show looks like a cracker.

Let’s get to the headline though. Best thing on the show by miles. Hookhausen sighting confirmed! You've GOT to give the people what they want!





Edited by Supremo
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The speed of which Hangman flew into the ring and nearly couldn't catch his balance was mesmerising. Bobby Fish is the worst of the Undisputed Era lot, and that's saying something. Just zero presence what-so ever.

The video recap of Mance Warner(?) At Flairs Last Match had me thinking Bully Ray was coming in for a short second until I realised it was the other guy they were hyping, phew.

The Best Friends are fantastic, coming out of the tunnel to confront Satnam, only to walk off as he walked forward was great. Jay Lethal can still get to fuck, though.

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Was..was that a Bojack Horseman reference from Excalibur when the Best Friends came out?


The betrayal from the NXT Era on the bucks was blatantly telegraphed but really well delivered. Hangman's arrival was also perfectly, butterfly jeans and all.


Biggest intrigue for me is what they're going to do with Miro. I imagine we'll find out in that coffin match, and in pleased that these stories are aligning as I'm pretty sick of Derby by himself.


Oh, and I'm not sure of the wisdom of doing a dumpster match the week before a coffin match which is ostensibly the exact same thing 

Edited by Duke
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Is Mance Warner any good?

A bit of a nothing show for me, although I got goosebumps when Hangman showed up to save the Bucks. I kind of wished they'd closed the show with that, even if it would have meant also closing the show with Cole, Fish and O'Reilly. 

I really hope the All Out line-up starts to take shape soon. Christian/Jungle Boy should be fun, but I just can't bring myself to care about Kingston/Guevarra. They'll have to do some stellar work over the next few weeks if my view on that is going to change. The match will likely be a lot of fun, but it feels a bit beneath Eddie, at least for a PPV. 

They need to get the title off Thunder Rosa, or turn her heel. She's just not working out as champion. The Women's title shouldn't feel as meaningless as it does, particularly when the TBS title feels like a big fucking deal, thanks to Jade Cargill being brilliant. 

Ethan Page siding with Stokely was interesting, although it was bizarre that neither Scorpio Sky nor Dan Lambert were mentioned by the announcers. Has something happened there that I've missed? That said, it's the third "I deserve better" promo in very quick succession (after MJF and Starks) and AEW need to be careful about that. Although Page certainly does deserve better. 

Given what Daniel Garcia said, are we going to get Garcia/Danielson 2 at the PPV? I know he's part of Jericho's stable, but if they're planning to push him they really need to change his attire, he looks totally unremarkable. 

4 hours ago, Supremo said:

Let’s get to the headline though. Best thing on the show by miles. Hookhausen sighting confirmed! You've GOT to give the people what they want!

When did this happen? I totally missed it!

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23 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

When did this happen? I totally missed it!

The match graphics for next week had a tiny Hook and Danhausen in the background, having a little date on a boat. Presumably eating crisps. Delightful easter egg.

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Yeah, it came open and looked like the dumpster ended up on top of one of their feet.  Could easily have been really bad.

They clearly didn’t test it, those cable tires were never going to do the job.

 Best match was the women’s tag, also that’s the best women’s outing in a long while.  Hayter is a cut above the others though - the double suplex was boss and she got a deserved win.

Edited by Loki
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35 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

The dumpster spot  looked terrible and nearly injured the Gunn Club. Horrendously prepared stunt.

My heart skipped a beat when it flipped over as I was sure that one of the Gunns came out and it and looked as though they were going to be crushed. Turns out it was just some of the boxes used inside.

Stupid spot done purely to make people “oooh, I remember that from the Attitude Era”

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