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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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I'd watch him talk for hours. Drop the Angelico match tonight and have Regal use the time to talk about hurting people. The use a bit of Supremo hyperbole, BCC are the the best thing in AEW by miles, and everything else is a footnote. 

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2 hours ago, chokeout said:

There's a cracking 1 minute promo in there somewhere. 

It was in the middle of the other two cracking minutes. 

I get that tastes vary, but that was one of the best promos I've ever seen. Seeing people who aren't wrestling fans taking notice. Just tremendous stuff.

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It was good. Bit long.

They’ve absolutely wasted a spot on Yuta though. He just doesn’t look right with them.

That picture of the three of them someone posted above looks superb. Yuta, when he gets in the shot, looks like he’s won a competition.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Regal would do great in a Guy Ritchie film with his turn of menacing but also comical. His threats spook you through the screen 

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You get 2 hours on TBS and you waste 15 minutes of that on a Varsity Blondes/House of Black segment which did nothing to any of the 6 people involved. Thank god it led into a decent match with Fenix/Dante. 

The BCC match I really enjoyed, Regal on commentary saying scrummy was a highlight, and I’m glad they put some of his promo on the show as well. 
Jericho seemed off to me. Match had a weird rhythm to it. 

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Admittedly, I have only seen a few clips on the AEW Twitter account this morning, but the House of Black segment with Julia Hart made me quite uncomfortable for some reason. It seemed a lot stronger than the usual 'spooky guy coerces people', into a more menacing abusive type of control. The House of Black are shit as well.

Absolutely fantastic to see how Big Cass has turned his life around and gotten in to such great shape. Glad he is getting a second chance, people chanting for Enzo can fuck off though. 

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It’s frankly tragic how quickly I noticed they’d changed the way they were lighting the crowd and how much more I enjoyed the show because of it.

It speaks for what a great show Dynamite is that such minor quibbles can annoy me, but I’ve hated the way they’ve turned the lights down and given everything that WWE-style dark red or dark blue hue the past year or so. It was amazing to see the crowd again! You’ve got a sold out, rabid crowd. Show them! Lush, Nitro vibes.

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1 hour ago, Nick James said:

Admittedly, I have only seen a few clips on the AEW Twitter account this morning, but the House of Black segment with Julia Hart made me quite uncomfortable for some reason. It seemed a lot stronger than the usual 'spooky guy coerces people', into a more menacing abusive type of control. The House of Black are shit as well.

This is actually how I feel about the BCC, to be honest. I enjoy Regal's jolly violent gentleman shtick on comms, but the angle reminds me too much of the toxic-masculine bullshit I've seen pushed by old cranky washed-up vets who can't accept that wrestling is a world of panto and athletic skill, which clashes with their fragile self-image of being real, hard, working MEN. This usually translates to giving kids nothing but stiff bombs and throws in holiday camp matches to 'smarten them up', and laughing as nervous trainees stand toe-to-toe legitimately battering each other with forearms on the promise that this will help them. I'm sure this isn't the angle they're coming from, but when the slo-mo VT is of three grown men standing in the corner of Total Fitness weights area beating up one skinny kid, it doesn't sit well with me. I can't get behind them if I think they're bullies.

Edited by CavemanLynn
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Came here to post about the Julia Hart thing. Yeah, it was really bad, and pretty uncomfortable, especially when you consider that Varsity Blonds are lower on the totem pole and are never going to win. 


Also that Derby promo was absolutely terrible. Yikes.

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It felt like they wanted to prove something with the women's division on this show and failed miserably at every stage. If it's not the uncomfortable Julia stuff it's bad promos and a match no one really cares for.

Seems like Becky Lynch got under a few people's skin.

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Aye, I love Regal, Mox and Bryan but that Yuta lad has the charisma of a turnip and doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of them. Also having Regal as a mouthpiece for 2 lads who are great talkers seems a bit of a waste. 

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Bit of a clunky show this week, with the coldest main event in some time. There seemed to be a heavier presence of female wrestlers than usual, and I wonder if this was in response to Becky Lynch (rightly) accusing AEW of doing a bad job at representing women earlier this week?

AEW needs to do a better job at this, but throwing an ROH Women's Title match on TV with no build-up whatsoever on AEW TV doesn't go anyway towards resolving this problem. 

As fun as William Regal is on commentary, it's quite the contrast from that vignette. I'm not sure if anyone will agree with me here, but I think they should stop putting him on the desk, for now. He's too jovial and likeable for me, and it's a bit jarring given how violent and threatening Moxley and Danielson in particular are. I wonder if they'd be better off presenting Regal as the menacing mastermind running the ship, similar to what Jake Roberts was for Lance Archer early on. 

It's been a while since I've said this about AEW, but I think that more angles (and for clarity - I'm not including the BCC in this) are missing than they are hitting. You have the House of Black, which is a bit rubbish; The Andrade Family Office, which is even worse; and the Jericho Appreciation Society, which isn't clicking at all. It's hard to have a deeply personal multi-person feud, and the Eddie Kingston/Chris Jericho storyline has been diluted quite badly since it became the clusterfuck that it now is. 

The Lethal/Dutt/Singh partnership...if it wasn't for the allegations against Lethal, I'd probably say that the trio is doing just fine. But the allegations are grave, and AEW hasn't addressed them in any way, so I will never feel comfortable seeing him on my screen. 

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