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AEW Friday Night Rampage

Hannibal Scorch

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Everything I’d like to say about CM Punk has already been said. I was grinning like a total idiot the entire time. Incredible.

But how good was that main event?! That’s as good a 5 minute TV match as I’ve seen in years. Every show should also end with Eddie Kingston like an excited child he gets to hang out with Sting.

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It's difficult to really summarise a moment so intangible and emotional that it awakes your fandom in something you've loved most of your life, after the joy got dripped out of you after years of unrelenting dross, with little hope and sign of it returning. Maybe that's the best I can do tbf. It really could not have gone any better and you just hope this is the start of something really special.

I'm not even a massive Punk fan either, but he's given me two moments like this and let's all hope it works out better than last time. No Triple H in sight is a good start.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Having difficulty trying to get the new shirt from AEWs global shop. They'll have shifted a tidy amount of those before the weekend is out. 

They're smart enough to have thought this stuff through but it wouldn't surprise me if Jerry McDevitt's phone is hopping.  

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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17 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

Having difficulty trying to get the new shirt from AEWs global shop. They'll have shifted a tidy amount of those before the weekend is out. 

They're smart enough to have thought this stuff through but it wouldn't surprise me if Jerry McDevitt's phone is hopping.  

The American shop has the same error. Been trying on both 

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That was fantastic all round from presentation, commentary (no, 'could it be?' type shite) Punk jumping into the crowd and then the promo itself. Sting and Darby looked cool as fuck up in the rafters too. Excellent stuff.

There's just no comparison between the fetid, over produced bile WWE queef out and AEW at the moment, & I'm very glad they exist as a viable alternative. 

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Hands up, I said earlier in this discussion that I didn't really care much for Punk, but fucking hell, that was an incredible moment. I watched the entrance on IG, then the full show, then that entrance twice more. Utterly brilliant. Goosebumps like yer man Taz. And it was just so simple. It's amazing reading back and realising how two decades of talent-hating WWE shite had half of us expecting this to be used to put more unnecessary heat on an already-over heel act, or have him swinging fake punches and cleaning house within minutes of being back after 7 years. No. Just give the guy a mic and all the time he wants. Keep the music playing, and cut to Darby when he says "Darby." I'm off to watch it again and put Cult of Personality back on my gym playlist.

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Holy shit that pop. I mean we all knew it was going to be huge but that was truly spectacular. My daughters face was tremendous when he walked out. Glorious stuff. At the end of the promo she turned to me and said 'I think CM Punk is my new favourite wrestler". Now that's a reaction right there.

His face was truly heartwarming. I was so bummed out when he left as it was quite clear WWE had crushed his love of wrestling and there is something so sad about that.

The promo was great. The fact he didn't talk about WWE was really smart and shows why he's so valuable on mic. Putting over Britt and Darby was class. It makes him even cooler and identifyable to this audience at the same time using his own cred to immediately try and help get get them over.

The ice cream was superb. WWE practically got a license to print money when he put that idea out there and they just outright ignored it. AEW works because it gives the audience what and it wants AND what it needs at the right time. Especially an audience that has been gaslit and broken by the company that should give them what they want and need.

When do ratings come in? I'm really intrigued at that. I expect Wednesday will be there biggest show to date.

Everything else was as good as I've come to expect. Jurassic Express are finally clicking for me as a team now Lucha is working as proper big man. (Obvs Jungle Boy was already tremendous) A year ago that match would have been a rushed mess of convoluted botched spots. They should be really chuffed with that.

Jade has all the potential in the world and whilst still green in the ring she has a tremendous grasp of who she is.

Mox was Mox in a cracking little 5 minuter.

If I had one sudo criticism its that I want more which is NEVER a bad thing. Brilliant stuff. Everyone needs to see this.





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