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Now that’s... perfect

Frankie Crisp

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Don’t start palming off chewing gum or slinging towels.

This is a thread to recognise things that you think are untouchable and perfect. It can be anything; a book, building, person, song, event, photo, film, food or whatever. Just something you know is A1.

To start, and not to the surprise of anyone who knows me, this:

Another is on my doorstep, fortunately, and I love sitting beneath it with a coffee on a Sunday morning. It’s the grandest, most gorgeous piece of architecture:


Lastly, and not to objectify her, I think Natalie Imbruglia in the Torn video is the most beautiful any human being has ever looked, and this is coming from someone who’s had a pint with @PowerButchi

Over to you. Thatcher’s death is a given, FYI.

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OK, if we're talking about people, then Winona Ryder in Reality Bites is the most perfect human I have ever seen.

Other things I love that are perfect are the Hotel Uzbekistan in Tashkent. The most sublime brutalist architecture 



And finally, when I have a bad back and my youngest walks over it with her little feet. Perfect alignment.


Edited by SuperBacon
winona forever
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I love the David McAlmont stuff. He was only really famous for about two years in the 90s. Hope he's ok financially and happy in life.

Can't beat "Man Getting Hit With Football" though. ARHHHH MY GROIN!!

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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The life that Jack Noseworthy leads in the first half of the Bon Jovi video for Always. Just titting about making sexy movies with peak Carla Gugino and Kerri Russell. Even when it all goes south he gets away with arson.

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45 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Your periodical reminder that she was shagging Tory wanker Liam Fox, thus rendering her a crying shame. 

All football in 1987 should be stricken off, you long-haired, gorgeous shagger. You’ve ruined my weekend with that. Twat.

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The Homecoming Dance scene from the pilot of Freaks and Geeks.  Sam asking Cindy for a dance, Lindsey seeing her brother having fun and enjoying himself and then thinking fuck what anyone else thinks, apologizing to Eli after seeing him all alone and then pulling him onto the floor for a dance.


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The interaction between Cooper and the Llama.  Just perfection in reaction and timing.

As for personal perfection.  April 1991.  I was sat in a hotel in Orlando, drinking ice cold rootbeer, eating Oreos and watching Saturday Nights Main Event.  Just the most perfect time ever.

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31 minutes ago, King Coconut said:

Line in the sand.


The crossword attempt from the same episode is perfect too. And the conversation from Carnival which begins with “At least we got the duck.”

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The Simpsons. Of course, long past it’s best before date. But in those early seasons there were gems. I still think Monorail is a wonderful episode. But for purely nostalgic reasons (this would often be something we’d sing on the way home after having far too much to drink, this medley is to me a perfect section.

Phil Hartman was so important to the show and his death left a hole they never really recovered from.


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