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21 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

She's not the worst thing in it! Yes that's a low bar.

As someone who has to finish everything, I cannot fathom how you could just stop before the end of the series! But appreciate life is short :)

I'm pretty good at sensing when a series is done and I should get out. From all reports, I saved myself a lot of pain with Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Parks & Recreation with this.

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Just now, Devon Malcolm said:

I'm pretty good at sensing when a series is done and I should get out. From all reports, I saved myself a lot of pain with Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Parks & Recreation with this.

I admire this approach. I've only ever tapped out once and that was The Walking Dead. 

You know me, I'll see through any old shit.

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31 minutes ago, deathrey said:

I used to be a completest with TV Shows and books, but eventually I realised life is too short so if it's shit, just move on

I was 100% a completist for years and years until The Walking Dead. That show drove me absolutely crazy for so long that I just gave up and I never did finish it.

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There's some shows that have a perfect ending but then carry on and are still good but I have tapped out just because they had a perfect ending and I feel like that's enough for me. Two examples - Season 4 of Peep Show, ending on Mark's wedding going horrendously wrong and him and Jez leaving together, and the Seinfeld reuinion season of Curb ending with Larry and Cheryl getting back together but him immediately showing that he hasn't changed at all.

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I still haven’t seen the end of The Wire and it’s one of my favourite tv shows of all time and I watched the first 4 in succession. I watched Hero’s right up until the end (but not the reboot) and picked The Walking Dead back up until  the end after giving up on it for a few years. Fuck knows why I haven’t completed The Wire.

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I never finished Oz. I tapped out sometime in series 5 I think. I'm watching it again with the missus (had to check which episode Beecher shits in Schillinger's mouth so it didn't coincide with dinner) and I'm hoping to power through. 

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I gave up on Game Of Thrones, Lost and Sons Of Anarchy because they were bobbins. There were series where the quality dropped but was still enough to keep me entertained and invested. 

My main problem these days is waiting for new seasons to be added to streaming services and I end up forgetting what happened in the previous episodes! I loved The Good Fight but I may have to rewatch it from the beginning to refresh my memory. That isn’t such a bad thing though as Michael Sheen was magnificent. 

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The Crown

Look, I like The Crown. I have little interest in the royal family, took the piss out of my ex for watching it, then binged 3 series in about a week when we had the first throes of lockdown. And they were great, and I really enjoyed watching them.

The cast is always incredible, but this series, as well as the previous one, is fucking shit.

Maybe it's the fact that we are now in recent history, and not watching episodes about genuinely interesting parts of history like Aberfan or Mountbatten being assassinated, but it's just crap.

Elizabeth Debicki is again incredible as Diana and has nailed the affectations, as did Emma Corrin before her.

SPOILER ALERT: She dies. Lots has been made of the scenes of her "ghost" turning up but it's not as if she's in a white sheet going "Wooooooo Chaaaaaarliiiiieee"

It's actually done quite well. Her chats with Charles (Dominic West is obviously great) and the Queen are quite poignant, and more moving than I thought. 

Anyway, once she dies, there's not much of interest. Most of the latter half of the series focuses on William and Kate and I really don't care about that.

Kate Middletons Mum comes across as an absolute psychopath who had carefully orchestrated her daughter marrying William from an early age (can't be arsed to see whether there is much truth in this) but the actors playing William and Kate are amiable and there are some sweet moments, but the Mum fucked me off. Weirdo.

There is an episode where it flashes back to Princess Margaret and the Queen as teens and the juxtaposition between that and the end of her life, is well told. Harry's a prick, but he does absolutely body William a couple of times "To be a likeable rogue you first have to be likeable" and he calls William "Such a fucking company man" which popped me big time.

Tony Blair is absolutely dreadful as well and they've succeeded in making a war criminal even more hated than the real life one. Honestly, you have to be a shit actor to not get Blair right, even I do a bloody good impression. This lad is terrible.

Anyway, first few series were great, then it goes to shit. Gillian Anderson as Thatcher will always be my most difficult BONK and Olivia Williams as Camilla confused me, and it'll take time to get over it.

Queen rankings: Colman, Foy, Staunton. 

Edit: forgot I watched Peep Show again. Great stuff as always mostly, but that final series is a hate crime.

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10 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

There is an episode where it flashes back to Princess Margaret and the Queen as teens and the juxtaposition between that and the end of her life, is well told.

I haven't seen it yet, so no idea how much if any of it made the cut, but my Dad is an extra during this bit. Because whenever a film/TV studio want somewhere to look like London during the Blitz, they use Hull.

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Recently started Fresh Off The Boat. I'd been meaning to watch it since I first saw it advertised, but never got round to it. Now it's on Disney+ I thought it was good a time as any.

Bloody love it. I can't speak for the accuracy of the lived experiences of Asian Americans in 90s USA, but the performances are cracking.

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