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Covid-19 Megathread


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As a Liverpool supporter, "Would you take the league title under conditions of a global pandemic?" gives whole new meaning to those start of season "I would have bitten your hand off for it" scenarios. 

With the rest of Ireland going into lockdown, my own office is still going. Outsourced tech support for one of the big fintechs. Their own internals are now working from home but heels are still being dragged here in terms of trying to get us access to do the same. Everything we do is on a locked down VPN, Chromeboxes jacked into it via ethernet cable etc. First world problems but it's definitely doing my nut in a bit, tempering being an overly sensitive, semi hypochondriac snowflake with being pragmatic with the available data and my own risk levels. 

I do hope we get turfed out of here for a bit, although I think doing it now might be a bit premature. We're probably two weeks off the real peak. Especially when 20,000 empty wallets get back from Cheltenham. Buildings like this are a mass incubator waiting to happen, even with all the precautions we're taking. They need to make some difficult decisions. 

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1 hour ago, tiger_rick said:

They'll suspend the season. The pressure will be too great not to. It won't do much, honestly. This thing will spread through pubs, bars, restaurants, public transport, etc. But they'll need to be seen to do something and if it takes pressure off public services, then it's probably right. Football isn't important in the grand scheme of things.

The spreading of the virus is not the issue for football or any other large events. It is the resources that are used up. Any event of over 15,000 people has to have a police and ambulance presence, which in the grand scheme of things is a waste.

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They are calling up recruits from the police training college here to manage the toilet roll hoarders. Good luck to them. I imagine the number of idiotic YouTube videos of entitled twats berating some young officer for not allowing them into a shop to buy a tray of kidney beans they'll never eat or trolley full of shit roll will soar.

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Got an email from Jet2 this morning saying that my holiday to Rome in May is cancelled. They offered a full refund or I could use the cash towards something else, but I can't see international travel being an option for quite a while.

I don't know if it's because I'm knee deep American news 40 hours per week, but seeing all these cities and states ban all sizes of gatherings whilst Boris did absolutely sod all yesterday is quite disheartening. I'd rather we suspend/cancel/postpone events and get laughed at down the line for overreacting than any of the grim alternatives.

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9 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

I don't know if it's because I'm knee deep American news 40 hours per week, but seeing all these cities and states ban all sizes of gatherings whilst Boris did absolutely sod all yesterday is quite disheartening. I'd rather we suspend/cancel/postpone events and get laughed at down the line for overreacting than any of the grim alternatives.

I can sort of see their logic, if I'm honest. If the peak of this thing is 14 weeks away on their projection, that's an awfully long time to put a stop on the country. Where do you draw the line? Do you close bars and restaurants like in Italy, do you cap indoor spaces? It's a massive challenge for a long haul. I know people are more important than money, but we don't want to tank the economy either, it's going to take a big enough hit already (though Andrex can probably sustain the FTSE on their own at the moment).

I think they should probably have driven the cancelling of football rather than make the PL and EFL do it, same for other sports. But I don't hold the hesitation against them. I think it's a balancing act.

Edited by tiger_rick
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I don't normally panic at this sort of thing - I don't think there's much point, all you can do is try your best to be sensible, and take every day as it comes - but I'm meant to be in Paris from Tuesday to Thursday, and I'm starting to give serious thought to cancelling. Less out of any fear of getting the disease itself, but more out of fear of getting stuck there if travel restrictions get any worse.

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1 minute ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Pornhub needs to do the responsible thing and make premium free for those in isolation

They already have in Italy.

Pornhub are always gaming the media. Guaranteed they put out a press release about how porn viewing went up when self-isolation started, or how nurse porn is getting more popular.

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