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Glenryck Pilchards

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  1. We are in the middle of January, and something felt missing this new year. I have come to the realization that it was not collating over 100 sets of five numbers into a spreadsheet. Yes, despite my flounce after last year's Rumble, the Lottery is back for 2025, and there will be winners for the Women's Rumble, Men's Rumble and Overall Champion. As usual, you only need to reply to this thread and pick FIVE numbers between 1 and 30. These numbers will be used for both Rumbles. All you need to do is sit back, relax and cheer on your selections to amass enough points to be crowned champion, while I frantically fanny around with an Excel spreadsheet. Each selection will be allocated points as below; The Top 5 Winner - 50 points Runner-up (last eliminated) - 35 points 3rd - 25 points 4th - 15 points 5th - 10 points Survivor award; the most time spent in the ring 1st longest - 20 points 2nd longest - 18 points 3rd longest - 16 points 4th longest - 14 points 5th longest - 12 points Your wrestler eliminates another: 3 points The Bushwhacker Luke award; If your wrestler is eliminated within 60 seconds of entering the ring you are deducted 10 points. Skinning the Cat Award - If your wrestler skins the cat and returns to the ring you will gain five points. However, if they get eliminated while attempting it or within three seconds of returning to the ring, they will be deducted ten points for being a dickhead. The Tiffany Award - If your wrestler is in the ring on their todd (after entrant number two enters the ring) then they will receive six points. Your wrestler can score more than once. Obviously, the winner is not included in this. The "You Stupid Idiot" Award - Renamed after Chris Jericho who did this in 2017, if your wrestler volunteers to climb the top rope but then gets knocked off and eliminated you lose 20 points. The "Well We Weren't Expecting You!" Award - If your pick is a WWE Hall of Famer or someone who is not a member of the active wrestling roster you will gain 10 points. (My decision will be final if the person qualifies for this award) The Double Bubble Award: If your selection competed earlier on the card they will gain 5 points The "In Like a House on Fire" Award: If your entrant eliminates someone within 60 seconds of entering the ring they will get an additional four points as well as the normal elimination bonus. Hat Trick Heaven: If your pick is a member of an active tag team or stable you will get 3 points. If they are in the Rumble at the same time as a fellow group member it will be doubled to 6 points and if they are three members or more it will be doubled once again to 12 points. (It will be capped at three members) NEW! The McAfee Rub - If Pat McAfee marks out for your number (example Yeeting with Jey Uso) or has any vocal orgasm you will get 10 points. Before you post your selections please read these rules to help me out: 1. Make sure you only pick FIVE numbers from 1 to 30 2. Make sure they are in numerical order 3. If you fail to adhere to these rules I will make you look like a chump. Please make your selection by 3PM, Saturday 1st February. My selection is 2,11,21,24 and 28 Good luck!
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