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Covid-19 Megathread


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Year 9 at my eldest's have been sent home until next Thursday. My 12yo is having to self-isolate until the same day because one of her teachers got it, which meant that I couldn't go and see Fast and Furious 9 today, most importantly.

The summer holidays will be a good circuit breaker and I think things should be much better from September.

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I had my second dose earlier this week, and while travelling there are back it underlined my belief that the reason it's infected so many people is becase even if you ignore the fact the Tories are incapable of managing a serious health crisis, you cannot ignore that the general public are complete fucking idiots.

I was sat on a wall waiting for the bus to take me to the vaccination centre. I lost count of the number of people that walked past me walking straight down the middle of the pavement. How difficult is it to make even the tiniest effort to maximise the distance between people and walk on the outside of the pavement? Then on the way back I had to change buses at the bus station, and practically nobody was wearing a mask. This is despite it being mandatory in enclosed transport hubs, and the bus station being regularly patrolled by security and being next door to a large police station. Cunts, the lot of 'em.

Edited by Tamura
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Second jab today. Did a reverse UKFF by having McDs breakfast first, then trotting down to the vaccination centre. The lovely volunteers there were amazing, as completely expected, and then Vaccination Viv read me the risks etc she said 'well, its AstraZeneca, so theres something like a one in a million chance that there will be blood clots'.

I deadpanned, 'oh thats a problem love, because I'm one in a million'.

She then jabbed me with the needle. It didnt hurt and my arm hasn't felt heavy today which is a bonus as off to Yarmouth for the weekend.

In summary, McDs, Vaccine, pseudo-Banter with nurse.

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4 hours ago, Tamura said:

I lost count of the number of people that walked past me walking straight down the middle of the pavement. How difficult is it to make even the tiniest effort to maximise the distance between people and walk on the outside of the pavement?

There's really no fucking value in doing that and you're not going to get it from someone just walking by you out in the street. This is the sort of thing we were doing back at the start of lockdown 1 because the virus was rampant and we had no idea how to fight it or how it spread. There is absolutely no need to be doing that now.

It's basically just another stupid affectation in the theatre of British politeness.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Remember the video of that woman screaming at the car next to her in traffic for not social distancing? ? That's going to be my abiding memory of this pandemic. I'm stunned we survived it.

I'm well ready for it to be over now. Sick of overthinking. Sick of questioning every move I and others make. Sick of masks. Sick of hand gel. Sick of the constant arguments between those who'd lock us down for all time and those who'd let everyone else die. Sick of the constant fear in the news. Just ready to resume life and hope to never hear the word "Covid" again. One day, eh?

Edited by tiger_rick
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