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Covid-19 Megathread


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1 hour ago, Arn Anderson's Darb said:

Just had the call from our lad's school to confirm whether we'd be sending him back when they open on June 2nd. They're operating on split classes, half going Monday/Tuesday and half Thursday/Friday with a deep clean on Wednesday. Maximum of ten children per class, isolated desks, new books and stationery for each child, lunch served at his desk, lots of outside time with staggered breaks and playground split into zones to make distancing easier to monitor for staff... And yet I'm still hoping my council will decide to stay closed.

They've left it to us to decide. What they're doing sounds great and very reassuring, and I have every confidence in the staff because it's a really good school, but still not sure if it's worth risking at this stage.


Any other parents going through this right now?

We've not been given options yet from my Daughters school as she is in year 2, but we have decided she's not going back until September. My son's school we will be sending him back 2 days a week when they re-open because he just started to get used to a routine and though my wife had worked really hard to replicate his activities and things he would do in school, it's not the same environment. Plus there are only 8 in his class normally and they don't socialize much so we feel much safer with him going back.

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I know he's doing it in a Jim Cornette-esque, get himself over by being the outspoken, controversial voice of the people way, but I really enjoyed Peirs Morgan destroying Sadiq Kahn this morning on God Morning Britain. I still can't believe he's used this shitshow as an excuse to up and extend the congestion charge...

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38 minutes ago, Cod Eye said:

I know he's doing it in a Jim Cornette-esque, get himself over by being the outspoken, controversial voice of the people way, but I really enjoyed Peirs Morgan destroying Sadiq Kahn this morning on God Morning Britain. I still can't believe he's used this shitshow as an excuse to up and extend the congestion charge...

You are taking the piss aren't you?

It was a condition of the bailout from national government to save TFL, which had seen it's revenues fall dramatically. Something the Tories made him implement and are now using it as a stick to beat him with in the Mayoral race.

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54 minutes ago, Ranmoor said:

You are taking the piss aren't you?

It was a condition of the bailout from national government to save TFL, which had seen it's revenues fall dramatically. Something the Tories made him implement and are now using it as a stick to beat him with in the Mayoral race.

I thought this too, until Morgan got him to read out the actual wording on the communication he had(to hand). They told him he had to expand the scope of it, but not by how much and not by how long. He/they chose to expand it to 7 days(for example) and although NHS and care workers were exempt, he didn't chose to exempt teacher, police or fire services(again, on an example, as there could have been more that could claim to be exempt). All this as Johnson has told people they should avoid public transport, so people are forced to either cycle, walk(both of which are not possible for some) or drive in, which now costs them £100 per week for the privalage.


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My employer has announced that they have always put our health first and will be implementing a clear desk policy and supplying PPE equipment when we all go back.

Which is interesting because I'm currently 'volunteering' (as in you either volunteer to do this or don't get paid) as part of our Covid response in an office with 20 people. It's so poorly ventilated we've had to use fans, we haven't been keeping 2 metres apart, we exchange bits of paper all the time, they haven't offered us masks or gloves but did offer us t-shirts, I haven't seen a single cleaner during any of my shifts, people with coronavirus symptoms have self isolated but the staff they worked with weren't told and still came in as usual.

I'm actually quite happy to come in and volunteer but maybe stop shitting in the water before you try to bottle it and sell it. 


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Well I'll be fucked- work have today announced they aren't extending the lease on our head office when it expires in September and won't seek new premises. Everyone will WFH and we have several smaller offices that will remain open (after lockdown, that is) if we need to work from an office now and then- plus for client meetings.

We expected them to announce major changes to how we work, but still this one (which was certainly the most leftfield) is a huge shock. My team are still taking it all in, but overall it's positive news. Sad that we won't  be with each other every day, but so many other benefits. We've all effectively had a pay rise as a result, because we'll no longer need to fork out annual train season tickets. No jobs are at risk either, which is fantastic news for the reception, office management and PA staff- who were potentially the only ones at risk following this.

Edit: what the fuck am I going to do with all these suits???

Edited by PunkStep
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Kudos to whomever it was who called it earlier in the thread - I guess it was indeed inevitable that companies would finally realise technology has outdated the mainstream office model, but, given the necessarily-conservative nature of most business that aren't behemoths, they needed a massive, paradigm-shifting situation like this pandemic to give them the push to eventually ditch it.

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You can see their point. Why pay huge rents on premises when they can pay a chunk of their staff's internet/electricity bills and have everyone work from home. The staff can claim more of their utility bills back against their tax(I think they can anyway, I do but I'm classes as a contractor, so not sure if it's the same for employed people). 

I just hope the government force the companies invest a decent amount of money into mental health support for their staff, as the isolation and the feeling of being shut in really fucked me up for a long while at first.

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The biggest thing has been middle-management in a lot of places fretting about productivity, since obviously everyone they employ is a workshy skiver who would constantly prefer to masturbate than work without their expert guidance keeping them actually doing stuff. And while some of that may be true, I've seen a few places talking about productivity actually being up. So it's basically forced the test on places, and shown that it works. Result.

Edited by Chris B
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