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Covid-19 Megathread


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54 minutes ago, Cod Eye said:

Do like you would at work and make sure your dressed smart and have your drink made and are sat at your desk/area in good time before your working day starts, and keep to the rules of your workplace.

Fuck that, I don’t even do that at work. I spend most of my time in the office trying to look busy and minimising chrome whenever someone walks past.

Whenever I work from home usually, I tend to snooze/nap and just move the cursor now and again so I don’t get set to inactive on skype. I also make minor changes to files for the sake of saving them so it looks like I’ve been doing something. But that’s only ever been the odd day at a time.

These next few weeks are going to be difficult to maintain any sense of working.

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3 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

I'm not the most social of people in general so staying in isn't an issue for me. Don't think I ever want to see the inside of a supermarket again though.

This is the same for me. I quite like staying at home so this won't be an issue to me, only concern would be those close to me losing jobs and there being no food because of people panic buying. 

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I went to the Aldi on my dinner break before and it was mental.

Same as elsewhere with empty shelves, packaging all over the place and the workers looking like they wanted to headbutt everyone. No pasta. No tinned stuff. The meat looked questionable. The only rice they had was the kind you - wait for it - had to cook without using a microwave. Just about enough bread. But do you know what they had loads of? Toilet roll. I’m not messing.

Like they’d all got enough back in their cave and now they’d been sent out for new rations. 

I only went in for some corned beef and the cunts had wiped that out as well.

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Good grief. There are people who are now out of work and homeless as a result of COVID-19 and, more directly, an employer closing the doors. Kicked out of their work-provided accommodation with immediate effect:

I know you can't expect an employer who is closing down immediately to require the services of the staff who run it when it's operational, but seeing it so heartlessly written considering the repercussions for the poor staff members beyond losing their income is very jarring. Terrible.

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The selfishness of some members of the public is just annoying me. I even read today that there's been a huge increase in the sale of freezers so people can stockpile like they'll be house bound for months. I support the idea of the police and/or army being on hand in supermarkets as I think we need some law and order in this situation. Looters can go to jail for a long time as far as I'm concerned. Shitty people are making a bad situation even worse.

I'm not stock-piling. I refuse to do that but I'm sick of walking into supermarkets and not being able to find everyday essential items. I'm thinking of supporting the smaller local shops as much as possible and if I go to the supermarket, I'll try to go before work in the morning to only buy what I need for the next week. Problem is for me, work has been busier than I can remember this week and I work long hours as it is, so supporting local businesses isn't easy for me to do. We should be pulling together here and it's obvious that a lot of people don't feel the same way.

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In difficult times like this, it makes me damn proud when I see good deeds done by people, even moreso when it's my family. My cousin Daniel, who is a Fresh Produce Manager at the Birkenhead branch of Asda made a post on Facebook this morning offering himself as a referal to get people who have been laid off or struggling for work some paid shifts at their local stores for at least 4 weeks if not more

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I'm on my own tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday until the kids are off, so I'm helping out the cafe across the road from me with their newly set up deliveries.

It's perfect as I can see the cafe from my flat, so all they're going to do is give me a bell when they've got something to deliver, and I'll pop over and I obviously don't want payment, but they're going to feed me and give as much coffee as I want. Win win.


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12 hours ago, David said:

That can't be right. Surely just hearsay and social media nonsense? 

A lot on social media yes but I've heard and seen plenty to back it up sadly. 


This article gives a little information https://tuoitrenews.vn/news/society/20200319/vietnam-issues-warning-over-discrimination-against-foreigners-on-covid19-grounds/53559.html


Living here for 7 years I can safely say a lot of it is true and the sentiment will be expanding as time goes on. Of course it's not everyone but a large enough minority for it to be concerning.  

Edited by simonworden
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Wasn't sure where to put this but because artists can't tour right now Bandcamp have decided to wave all fees for all artists for the next 24hrs. So if you were think of getting some new tunes today's better than any normal day.

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My wife has had to get a sick note from her Doctor as her trust still expects her to go to work despite them not following any government advice and not even sorting out a risk assessment.

My little girls nursery has closed so she is at home as well, we intended to pull her out anyway to reduce risk to her mum. 

My school is open for key workers children but I am yet to be informed as to if I am required, I strongly suspect not.

It's all very up in the air for us at the minute and I am worried for my wife as she is stressed. Stay safe everyone. 

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30 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

My wife has had to get a sick note from her Doctor as her trust still expects her to go to work despite them not following any government advice and not even sorting out a risk assessment.


I was asked to do this, the GP quite rightly refused and said if we have to do this for everyone we wont see any one and be writing notes all day. They have thrown it back to my work and said if they produce a letter they will simply stamp it. 

I have emailed that to HR and again awaiting response. 

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