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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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Some people just have the gift of the gab, some are just awful no matter what and others need to work at it. Jungle Boys still only 23 years old, time is on his side. I’m not saying going to cut an all time great promo, but there’s no reason why he can’t get to a decent standard.

I might be in the minority that doesn’t see much in Luchasaurus. I’m not saying that everyone has to be a main even yet, but the gimmick has a ceiling that probably won’t go higher than TNT title even on his best day. 
He hasn’t done anything glaringly bad in matches, but he definitely looks like he’s going through carefully choreographed sequences and would be unable to improvise if anything went to shit. I saw that some of the best names had everything mapped out beforehand, Savage and DDP immediately come to mind, they were able to do things on the fly if they needed to. Luchasaurus comes across like he’d suffer from a serious case of Deer in Headlights if things go wrong


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Some very, very good stuff on that show and I largely really enjoyed it.

The post match bit on Cody/Sydal and the whole Shida/Abadon match were proper hokey bollocks though. 

It's a shame because as I said I thought pretty much everything else was top notch and I was pleasantly surprised by Wardlow Vs Hagar and even got invested in Cody Vs Sydal. Kenny Vs Fenix was, as advertised, tremendous and at times got me off my couch. Be interesting to see how things shake up with The Elite. I'm not convinced the Bucks will fully turn.

On a side note can something please actually happen with Sting. He's done the same thing 4 weeks in a row, pretty much.


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33 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Some people just have the gift of the gab, some are just awful no matter what and others need to work at it. Jungle Boys still only 23 years old, time is on his side. I’m not saying going to cut an all time great promo, but there’s no reason why he can’t get to a decent standard.

I might be in the minority that doesn’t see much in Luchasaurus. I’m not saying that everyone has to be a main even yet, but the gimmick has a ceiling that probably won’t go higher than TNT title even on his best day. 

You're absolutely right, he might improve. I just don't understand why people have such high hopes for him specifically. Don't get me wrong, he's perfectly fine...I just don't see what marks him as a hot prospect at this moment in time. 

I like Luchasaurus on the mic, but he has a tendency to work outside of his limitations during matches and when that happens it's pretty blatant. 

That said, if you ignore the norms set by WWE as to what constitutes a main event gimmick or a top level wrestler (which AEW tends to do) I can absolutely see a situation where he could move up the card quite significantly. Even now, I think a TV feud with Kenny Omega could be a lot of fun. 

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2 hours ago, RedRooster said:

I'm a bit surprised at this, I thought he looked excellent in the match with Hager. His promo beforehand was a little rough, but it wasn't terrible. 

Don't get me wrong, im not saying the match was bad, far from it I really enjoyed it. However, there were a few times where you could see Wardlow was out of position or for example, with the Ankle Lock spot, he put the wrong leg up so Hagar had to throw it down and pick up the other leg. Just small stuff, but he has bags and bags of potential. 

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6 minutes ago, Nick James said:

Don't get me wrong, im not saying the match was bad, far from it I really enjoyed it. However, there were a few times where you could see Wardlow was out of position or for example, with the Ankle Lock spot, he put the wrong leg up so Hagar had to throw it down and pick up the other leg. Just small stuff, but he has bags and bags of potential. 

He's definitely a work in progress, especially on that roster. You've got guys like Omega who are already at the top of their game and then you've got others down the card that have tons of potential and just need the experience. It's certainly not a bad thing.

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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Some people just have the gift of the gab, some are just awful no matter what and others need to work at it. Jungle Boys still only 23 years old, time is on his side. I’m not saying going to cut an all time great promo, but there’s no reason why he can’t get to a decent standard.

I might be in the minority that doesn’t see much in Luchasaurus. I’m not saying that everyone has to be a main even yet, but the gimmick has a ceiling that probably won’t go higher than TNT title even on his best day. 
He hasn’t done anything glaringly bad in matches, but he definitely looks like he’s going through carefully choreographed sequences and would be unable to improvise if anything went to shit. I saw that some of the best names had everything mapped out beforehand, Savage and DDP immediately come to mind, they were able to do things on the fly if they needed to. Luchasaurus comes across like he’d suffer from a serious case of Deer in Headlights if things go wrong


Luchasaurus isn't a very good wrestler. But that's ok. He doesn't really need to be. He's got a great gimmick which works really well for comedy skits and he's got a few good spots in his repertoire to bust out for a pop. He's a university educated ninja dinosaur. He's never going to be in a strong spot but in the right spot on the card and booked to his strengths he's a really fun character and a potential merch goldmine for the younger audience. It's important to have gimmick acts like that on a roster and very useful. Marko Stunt too. 

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29 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

You're absolutely right, he might improve. I just don't understand why people have such high hopes for him specifically. Don't get me wrong, he's perfectly fine...I just don't see what marks him as a hot prospect at this moment in time. 

Even amongst all the other good workers Jungle Boy stands for me. Sure, he's a work in progress, but there's some intangibles already there many don't have. He has a money look, completely unique offense that pops off the screen, and a sense of escalation to his work that makes for a scrappy, thrilling, babyface comeback. 

Agree about his weak promos and I hope that's something AEW generally go out of their way to help their inexperienced lads to work on.


Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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15 minutes ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

Even amongst all the other good workers Jungle Boy stands for me. Sure, he's a work in progress, but there's some intangibles already there many don't have. He has a money look, completely unique offense that pops off the screen, and a sense of escalation to his work that makes for a scrappy, thrilling, babyface comeback. 

Agree about his weak promos and I hope that's something AEW generally go out of their way to help their inexperienced lads to work on.


It's an obvious thing to mention, but it is a tangible benefit, at least from the company's perspective, that he's Luke Perry's son. He's immediately got (limited) crossover appeal, in that it makes for interest puff-pieces on talkshows and BuzzFeed articles. It's not Rock-level publicity, but it's an edge that other wrestlers just don't have.

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All the good, bad and ugly on that show. The fantastic main event and closing angle dragged it over the finishing line.

Opener was a mess but I get a kick out of The Acclaimed. I see people shit on Max Caster like he should be Rakim or something. Missing the point. It's all about the swag and the don't give a fuck attitude. They feel modern in a way that Cena's cosplay never really did.

I adore Jon Moxley. I cannot imagine a better babyface character in todays landscape. Every week he says all the right things, always maintaining his integrity. He'll drop you on thumbtacks and stick barbed wire in your face but he's still someone your kids can look up to.

I'm over the weekly "look how enigmatic Sting is" segment, and the bi-weekly "look at Matt Hardy's dumb ideas" segment. It was painful watching Snoop Dogg stand there with his dick in his hands. Matt's crap and Private Party are so awkward and indie.

Was nice to see Handsome Wardlow get a straight win on Hager. Love the small steps MJF is taking to conquer the Inner Circle.

I was utterly terrified when Snoop was trying to get his balance on the top rope. Time stood still. Him acting as Cody's coach is patently ridiculous but I fucking LOVED it. Honestly, Snoop hitting that awful bloody frog splash and marking out at the sight of Jericho, JR and Schiavone, and looking genuinely thrilled to be there as Tony repeated "he's one cool dude!", was the tonic I needed. Daft, spontaneous, infectious bit of fun that really took my mind off things. I wouldn't mind seeing Snoop come back and piss about some more. They dropped the ball by not having him riff with Caster.

Shida vs Abadon was silly monster bollocks but mercifully short, and a rare Shida match that kept my interest. She's more compelling selling from underneath than sleepwalking through RVD-lite contrived spots.

Main event was a blistering, brutal fifteen minutes that felt like five. I cannot wait until Fenix (and Penta) gets a focused singles push. So much they've yet to tap into with those two. They're so much better as singles workers. I wish it was a little clearer if Death Triangle are babyfaces or not. Closing brawl was red hot. Omega's firing on all cylinders and I love Don Callis' shadowy presence. Hope The Bucks are officially heel cos I'm sick of them mucking about.

FTR vs Jungle Boy/Stunt next week sounds cracking.


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2 hours ago, TomJones233 said:

Where do The Inner Circle fit into this ? The Elite are obviously the big heel super group now.

I really think that's great. Heel stables normally hang about way too long and they're all too often on top while they do it. Inner Circle had a good run, they got plenty of juice out of them as a main event act and they've replaced them nicely if that's what this is. It's never felt like IC was stinking up the top of the card and hasn't felt like there's a gaping hole. I think that's credit to them.

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27 minutes ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

I adore Jon Moxley. I cannot imagine a better babyface character in todays landscape. Every week he says all the right things, always maintaining his integrity. He'll drop you on thumbtacks and stick barbed wire in your face but he's still someone your kids can look up to.


This is absolutely why the freedom of AEW works in certain circumstances. He understands his character far more than anyone else. He has a respect for who he's portraying and for the audience, much like Kingston which is why both guys work so well together. It's that authenticity where they never feel like they're acting or playing or being forced to do hokey shit that some old man thought would be funny. And this is coming from someone who quite enjoyed Dean Ambrose, but Moxley is what Jon was born to play and he's so much easier to support and get behind.


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1 hour ago, Nick James said:

Don't get me wrong, im not saying the match was bad, far from it I really enjoyed it. However, there were a few times where you could see Wardlow was out of position or for example, with the Ankle Lock spot, he put the wrong leg up so Hagar had to throw it down and pick up the other leg. Just small stuff, but he has bags and bags of potential. 

Ah I see - that's fair enough. I'm continually impressed by the guy in ring. He definitely has the odd (minor) awkward moment, but on the whole I've found his matches very entertaining. If he improves on the mic, the sky is the limit for him in AEW. Even if he doesn't, he still has a very bright future. 

21 minutes ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

They dropped the ball by not having him riff with Caster.

To be fair, perhaps he didn't want to. He would be putting himself in a position where he could end up looking worse than a wrestler, I could see his team flat out refusing that one. 

1 hour ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

Even amongst all the other good workers Jungle Boy stands for me. Sure, he's a work in progress, but there's some intangibles already there many don't have. He has a money look, completely unique offense that pops off the screen, and a sense of escalation to his work that makes for a scrappy, thrilling, babyface comeback. 

Agree about his weak promos and I hope that's something AEW generally go out of their way to help their inexperienced lads to work on.

I know I'm in the minority with Jungle Boy, so for that reason it would be stupid of me to argue against pushing him. The fact I don't see why people love him is irrelevant if they actually do enjoy him, and clearly, they do.

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1 hour ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

Opener was a mess but I get a kick out of The Acclaimed. I see people shit on Max Caster like he should be Rakim or something. Missing the point. It's all about the swag and the don't give a fuck attitude. They feel modern in a way that Cena's cosplay never really did.


I wouldn't mind seeing Snoop come back and piss about some more. They dropped the ball by not having him riff with Caster.

Besides the fact I'm not keen on Acclaimed (Fittingly as the tagged with TH2 who annoy me just as much without having to cut a promo), I really don't think rub-by-association would work when you using someone who's been coasting for well over 2 decades but still night-and-day better at this schtick than the man who you're trying to give the rub. It hasn't worked for the decades Vince has been dredging up the E! regulars to bury the Bella Twins' opponents on Mania weekend, for just one example.

But at least Snoop would be sticking to his wheelhouse, whereas ...


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46 minutes ago, seph said:

Besides the fact I'm not keen on Acclaimed (Fittingly as the tagged with TH2 who annoy me just as much without having to cut a promo), I really don't think rub-by-association would work when you using someone who's been coasting for well over 2 decades but still night-and-day better at this schtick than the man who you're trying to give the rub. It hasn't worked for the decades Vince has been dredging up the E! regulars to bury the Bella Twins' opponents on Mania weekend, for just one example.

But at least Snoop would be sticking to his wheelhouse, whereas ...

They're obnoxious heels, I'm sure you could get around it without causing any damage. It would have just been a bit of fun.

Vince can't write for shit and I don't think he's effectively given a 'rub' in about fifteen years.


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So are the Bucks heels then? It felt like a "we're not comfortable but weve been friends for years so we shall go along with it this week" thing that will culminate in a match with the good brothers at the next big show to me, but everything else I'm reading seems to not see it the same way

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