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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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7 minutes ago, Nick James said:

You can't say you're talking about wrestlers who were at the top of WCW and then use both Goldust and Cody Rhodes as examples then scoff when Steve Austin is suggested. 

What about The Big Show? He was WCW champion, or does he not qualify?

I think the reference to Goldust and Cody was more a back up of the claim to bury Dusty, rather than saying Goldust and Cody were at the top of WCW. That's how I read it anyway.

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8 minutes ago, Nick James said:

What about The Big Show? He was WCW champion, or does he not qualify?

Big Show jobbed in his first WWF match. And generally had a pretty bad time during his first few years with the company. Remember that time he jobbed to Floyd Mayweather who’s a quarter of his size as well? 


3 minutes ago, Jackpot said:

I think the reference to Goldust and Cody was more a back up of the claim to bury Dusty, rather than saying Goldust and Cody were at the top of WCW. That's how I read it anyway.

Correct Jackpot.

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Vader was pretty battered by his WWE run according to Cornette who was there at the time, but he main evented Summer slam, worked with top names like Taker, Yoko, Owen, Goldust, but was knackered and gained weight by 98 and seemed out of place in fast paced attitude era.

DDP was never going to be a long-term prospect for WWE and injured his back a year after debuting, stalker gimmick wasn't him but least he worked with Taker and Kane and won a few times and worked Wrestlemania if nothing 

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1 minute ago, DavidB6937 said:

I think it's often less about a burial and more about Vince's belief that he needed to build these guys in his own way, not wishing to simply push them as they were. He seems quite stubborn in that sense.

There probably was an element of “Vince didn’t create him so he won’t push him” about the former top stars of WCW.

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12 minutes ago, LCJ said:

My original point was that people best known as the top guys in WCW (in this case, Sting) were prone to being buried (or at least under utilised) by WWE. There may have been a few exceptions (Flair being the obvious one) but as a whole, I would say that WWE have a history of burying and jobbing out the top guys from WCW. Vince saw Crockett/WCW as the enemy and he’d use any opportunity to job out WCW’s former top guys and make his promotion look like the superior brand.

Is that really true though?

Flair, Big Show, Booker, Benoit and Goldberg all got title runs at one point. Even Dusty, in the short time he was there, was working almost exclusively with top heels like Dibiase and Savage. That's hardly a burial is it? They also took really good care of him when he retired and even named a tournament after him.  I'm sure a lot of guys would love to be buried like that.

WWE misused Sting but his treatment was really no worse than a lot of people in WWE over the last ten years. Remember when they had Reigns CRY in the middle of the ring? Or when top heel Seth Rollins spent his first WWE Title run looking totally out of his depth and being constantly berated by HHH and Stephanie? Even fairly recently they had him piss his pants at the mere sight of The Fiend, as a top babyface. That's far more of a burial than how they used Sting.

Sometimes bad booking is just bad booking.

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Excellently done show this week. I heard on a podcast, so apologies to both if it's not true, that Meltzer and Alvarez called this "crash TV". I've never heard a worse take from an expert in all my life, and I've heard Danny Mills.

If every segment progressing last week and setting up next week on a logical manner is any way related to what they dubbed "crash TV" then I'm a future World champ. Just goes to show how everything in wrestling is stuck in a 20 year old time warp.

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20 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Excellently done show this week. I heard on a podcast, so apologies to both if it's not true, that Meltzer and Alvarez called this "crash TV". I've never heard a worse take from an expert in all my life, and I've heard Danny Mills.

If every segment progressing last week and setting up next week on a logical manner is any way related to what they dubbed "crash TV" then I'm a future World champ. Just goes to show how everything in wrestling is stuck in a 20 year old time warp.

Yeah I really don't get their point. Yes there was a lot going on but it did all feel meaningful and like they were shifting things along. I don't know if they'd rather have one big segment and then just squash matches or something. Granted I wasn't too sure about the order of a few things but when you look at each part individually there was definitely thought behind the majority.

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I’m just past the sting segment, and while in ring everything has been fast paced, there’s been lots inbetween to break it up and add to characters not wrestling. It’s the car crash you want to happen when taking your car to be scrapped and you get insurance money instead if it is one 

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I can't recall if they actually used the phrase "crash TV", but their issue was that there was so much on the show for a two hour program.  They said as much when they were previewing Dynamite with everything that had been advertised, and then Meltzer in the review episode talked about how he took more notes for Dynamite than he did a three hour episode of Raw.  That was quantified though by how he thought the company were expecting to have so many eyes on the show after last week, but felt that the only things the average fan will remember are Omega & Callis and the Shaq angle.

I certainly can't remember him criticizing the booking and he's usually very positive on that front, in regards to everything done is done for a reason and is to lead somewhere.  Dave was also super-high on the Omega/Callis stuff, thinking it has the potential to be the best angle in wrestling in a long time and could be a real game-changer for AEW.

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13 minutes ago, Magnum Milano said:


I certainly can't remember him criticizing the booking and he's usually very positive on that front, in regards to everything done is done for a reason and is to lead somewhere.  Dave was also super-high on the Omega/Callis stuff, thinking it has the potential to be the best angle in wrestling in a long time and could be a real game-changer for AEW.

He's more critical than people realise. He shat on the Young Bucks/Revival build up, I think he isn't the biggest fan of Brandi's obsession with being a heel and he's frequently talking about their being too many people on the roster right now. He doesn't seem too enthusiastic about Hangman being part of the Dark Order either judging by reviews either. 

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19 minutes ago, Magnum Milano said:

Meltzer in the review episode talked about how he took more notes for Dynamite than he did a three hour episode of Raw.

Is that not a good thing though? Sod all happens on most three hour episodes of Raw and that’s why nobody watches it. Give me stuff happening please.

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Cheers for the explanation @Magnum Milano. Appreciate that I had no context. I just think any use of the term "crash TV" is ridiculous for a show like this. It's a derogatory term because they've helped make it so. It's not in anyway applicable. 

The pacing of this show was near perfect. Everything had context, everything had a prelude and what needed to breathe was allowed too. I completely disagree that too much happened for one show. Apart from the MJF/OC match, which delivered the winner of the ring, everything was just a conduit to get to next week or beyond.

This was how to do weekly TV that rewards you for watching but doesn't leave you with nothing to look forward to.

Not sure if Meltzer is trying to counter the rep he has as an AEW cheerleader or something but it's a horrible take.


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