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Things that you know will be shit

Gus Mears

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I've heard of that Allegedly Dave guy. He's a mad COVID conspiracy theorist (among other things) who was briefly mentioned in the great podcast Tiffany Dover Is Dead*. He's a big proponent of urine therapy apparently. He reckons that drinking your own piss is effective against pretty much every ailment going.


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11 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

He reckons that drinking your own piss is effective against pretty much every ailment going.

Not baldness though. 

EDIT: I hope for his sake that's his morning slash, shouldn't look like Lucozade during the day.

Edited by gmoney
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1 hour ago, Chili said:

I hope Sovereign Pete is some mad character act or he dances for pound coins with an accordion.

Either that or he chain-smokes really dirty cigarettes throughout his speech.

10 minutes ago, gmoney said:

Not baldness though. 

EDIT: I hope for his sake that's his morning slash, shouldn't look like Lucozade during the day.

It's probably his Chadwick.

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17 minutes ago, Scratch said:


The internet must be shut down if it keeps giving people like this twerp something to do.

A big thank you. The other day I was wondering if I imagined some camp guy who said ta-ra to fucking you and hoped he hadn’t become a thing. Now I know his name I can avoid everything he features in. 

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10 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

Bellend tent more like amirite 

Last time I went camping (with my own regular tent) the site had some of these "premium" bell tents with pretty much the same set up of air bed, fairy lights, rugs, and the people in them constantly moaned because the door was only held shut with duffels, so the wind would just rip through it. The heaters were pretty ineffective too because of how high they are in the centre.

10 hours ago, wordsfromlee said:

I've heard of that Allegedly Dave guy. He's a mad COVID conspiracy theorist (among other things) who was briefly mentioned in the great podcast Tiffany Dover Is Dead*. He's a big proponent of urine therapy apparently. He reckons that drinking your own piss is effective against pretty much every ailment going.

Meat Loaf used to drink his own piss, and believed COVID was a hoax, and now he's dead, having spent his final years with a load of health problems. 

8 hours ago, westlondonmist said:

The down the rabbit hole festival. Noticed that tickets are a "donation", hmm. 

Even those people who are into all this shit wouldn't go to this would they? Anything said on it is probably on YouTube.

Fuck yes. The "community" is massively cult like, and I'm not entirely convinced that a lot of the influential figures aren't just out on the grift and will spout any old bollocks, that they don't believe themselves, just so long as the donations and Patreon subscriptions keep coming in.

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