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Things that you know will be shit

Gus Mears

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So I've watched it. I hate excessive canned laughter, I don't mind it but this was like The Big Show Show level of canned laughter. It's difficult to judge, when you remake something you are always going to suffer from comparisons. For starters it's nothing like Only Fools and Horses except it has 3 guys named Trotter in it who live in a flat and some guy called Trigger. Grandad is quite a capable, mobile and charismatic person which is the opposite of Grandad we all know. To be fair Christopher Lloyd plays it quite well. Donnie is different to Rodney, he's probably a bit more likeable and not a smarmy ponce who thinks he's better than he is. The only similarity is that like early Rodney he has hopes that are battered by Del. Again he's okay. But I didn't find Del or Trigger likeable, Trigger was annoying as hell as some wannabe gangster. 



As @Chest Rockwell says, it isn't horrible and definitely worse things have gotten a series commissioned, but that doesn't mean this is good, the writing was poor and is pretty much saved by some solid acting to be honest. Maybe better writing levels, as I'm sure lots of unaired pilots are written fairly quickly and by much smaller teams which may have hindered it. I may have enjoyed this more had it not used the names Trotter and Trigger. And yes I watched the whole thing. 

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3 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

2 broke girls is definitely what I had in mind when thinking about worse shows that have made it to air. 

In one scene, Max said to a white guy with dreads, “Hey, Battlefield Earth”. I can excuse six series for that one line. 

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If anything, I think I'm a bit surprised that, of all the British series that get a US remake, this wasn't done sooner - it chimes with all the American sensibilities and narrative of someone hustling to get ahead and go from rags to riches.

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On 10/23/2023 at 6:43 PM, CAREBEAR LUVVA said:

I know he's a big lad but it's a bit rude of them to call him "seat filler".


In my home town. This makes me very sad for the people of Huddersfield. Is this what they have become now?! 

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On 10/23/2023 at 6:43 PM, CAREBEAR LUVVA said:

I know he's a big lad but it's a bit rude of them to call him "seat filler".

Absolutely. Big Eams is in a bad place.

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