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Everything posted by CharlesTuckerTheThird

  1. 1, Corporations will pay ALL of their Corporation Tax. No exceptions. 2, Disability Benefit assessments must be performed by practicing doctors, not doctors who have been struck off. 3, Trans people will be recognised as the gender they identify as. 4, Near-dated food/food that is on the use-by date will be free to low-income families. 5, Politicians will not be allowed to accept gifts or jobs outside of their positions as MP. This one's just for me, as it's a personal bugbear of mine.
  2. I seem to recall a whistleblower revealed that companies like Capita were actually using doctors that had been struck off and dental nurses at one point. Wouldn't surprise me if that was still the case.
  3. Well colour me fucking shocked, The Tories are punching down on the disabled and long-term sick again. After Eliana Rubashkyn successfully claimed asylum in New Zealand because she felt unsafe in the UK, I have to wonder to myself how long it will be before disabled people and people with mental health issues will be able to do the same. I mean, fuck me running, I have a friend with Cerebral Palsy who can't walk more than a few feet unassisted, he struggles to even stand, he has to live hand to mouth because of how little help he gets from the Government, and now they're talking about taking away what little they give him? Is this a kink? Does Rishi Sunak get off on being told he's a scumbag? If this is a kink thing, and I ask if it's a kink thing, you have to tell me, it's the law.
  4. Seems unlikely, I don't like thinking about either of them.....
  5. Huh. I thought Bobby Davro died years ago......
  6. That's fine, my time is literally worthless....
  7. I should point out that coffee has been more popular than tea in the UK since the end of WW2.....
  8. I stream on Twitch, and I'm used to the art scammers and shills messaging me during streams, but today I had one and it really got to me. I should preface this by saying although I'm a small-timer, I still paid for my emotes and artwork that I use for BRB and offline screens. And today, today I had some jerkoff selling AI generated art that he probably created on Bing message me on my Discord and say "Hey, I'm selling art and yours is kind of lacking." Fuck me running, if he'd have said that to my face, I'd have throat-punched the bastard.
  9. There's a Star Wars Armada-style game coming soon for Star Trek. I have a powerful need....
  10. Is it just me or are we seeing more and more of JKR being accused of being anti-something and then trotting out minor characters that were barely mentioned in the books as if to say "Nooo, I'm not anti-Semitic, I have an Jewish character!"?
  11. Pretty sure they were briefly mentioned in one of the rulebooks, I might be mistaken though, it has been a while.
  12. Well, you say that, but there was an all-female chapter of Space Marines in the Rogue Trader edition of Warhammer 40,000, and they were mentioned in 2nd Edition, but have since disappeared.
  13. In my personal experience, the vast majority of players are fine with including women, marginalised people, people of colour etc etc. It's just that the fucksticks who have a problem with it have platforms where other fucksticks can agree with them and share similarly fuckstickish opinions.
  14. This past weekend, GW released one of their army books for the Adeptus Custodes with 2 pieces of lore saying that some Custodes are women. Despite GW never previously saying all Custodes are male, this has led to an uproar from various chuds saying "GW hAs gOnE wOkE" and "bAd ReTcOnS!" Life is exhausting sometimes.....
  15. Sadly I have seen a fair few gammons getting all bent out of shape over Ncuti Gatwa and Ruth Madeley being in the show as a "box-ticking exercise." Personally I think the only boxes they ticked are "Do they do acting good?" Also hilarious to me that, despite various incarnations as far back as Tom Baker saying "The regeneration process is completely random", they seem to get all het up about the possibility of anyone except a white male playing the role, despite it being, y'know, random?
  16. Years ago, Yahtzee Crowshaw named the protagonist of the game Hatred "Geoffrey Cuddletrousers." Fantastic name, 10 outta 10, no notes.
  17. That's fair enough and respect your point of view, but JKR is still making royalties from Hogwarts Legacy, and considering what JKR is using her money for these days, I think buying the game might do more long-term harm than good. As for the term "ally", I somewhat agree. Personally I prefer the term "not a cunt."
  18. James Stephanie Sterling nailed it in their video about Hogwarts Legacy: "You can go right ahead and buy the wizard game, but don't you fucking dare call yourself a trans ally if you can't do the bare minimum and not play it."
  19. Thank you! I still lisp a bit when I speak ("thpeak?") but I expect it will pass!
  20. Last Tuesday, after a year of antibiotics, dentist visits and a surgery, I literally got my smile back, by which I mean I finally got my dentures. It feels so good to be able to go out without wearing a mask to cover up the mess that was my mouth, worry about eating in a restaurant, hell, even feeling a breeze on my face! Gotta tell ya lads and lasses, I am pretty happy right now.
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