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Shitting Thread #374


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I bet it's twice as comfortable as a normal one if you just sit facing the other way, leaning back slightly and with your legs raised above the hips as per the current recommendations. 

UKFF crapping crew 1 - anti bog brigade 0.

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As its Xmas I was reviewing some of the UKFF classic threads, and I'd completely forgotten that not only does @Steve Justice sit on the loo wrong, he takes shits in front of his missus - 

Sorry to drag this back up Steve, but I'd completely forgotten the depths to which that thread went.

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?  That must have been in the same thread, somewhere.  It's been nearly a decade and I still have nightmares about shaking my bosses' hand straight afterwards.

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Well then, you'll be pleased to know that the Loki Poki method has been discussed at work this last fortnight, as I have a collage who was on day eleven of not pooing the last time I saw her ( 21st Dec). 

The in-depth knowledge of pooing that I acquired here had been of great benefit (even if people are keeping their distance from me now).

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11 hours ago, Loki said:

As its Xmas I was reviewing some of the UKFF classic threads, and I'd completely forgotten that not only does @Steve Justice sit on the loo wrong, he takes shits in front of his missus - 

Sorry to drag this back up Steve, but I'd completely forgotten the depths to which that thread went.

I think we all need to move on now. It's run its course. 

FYI, still shit in front of her. 

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I'd pledged never to contribute to one of these conversations on here, but i'm pretty rock bottom emotionally at the minute after an awful few weeks, and I think the stress is taking it's toll on me physically, because I had a HORRIFIC case of the trots on Saturday.

I'd been in the bathroom for 10 mins or so, when my wife tapped on the door to ask if I was ok.  When I explained what was going on, her reply was...

"Christ, I thought you were running a bath".

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On 12/25/2019 at 5:44 AM, John Matrix said:

I'd pledged never to contribute to one of these conversations on here, but i'm pretty rock bottom emotionally at the minute after an awful few weeks, and I think the stress is taking it's toll on me physically, because I had a HORRIFIC case of the trots on Saturday.

I'd been in the bathroom for 10 mins or so, when my wife tapped on the door to ask if I was ok.  When I explained what was going on, her reply was...

"Christ, I thought you were running a bath".

Hope things get better for you John but have to say that seems like a very short time for the wife to be concerned, takes at least 20-25 for mine to bat an eyelid these days.

On a holiday a few years ago when we'd just got together she did think i'd run off from the cafe we were in. Few months later I took a friend visiting there and did the same thing. Now when we go on holiday to this little mountain town I insist on going there for a traditional holiday poo.

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My post Christmas dinner creation was even more spectacular than usual.  I find turkey really binds, which resulted in a classic 4 flush wedger that needed to settle for around an hour before a final 2 flushes.  Thought I’d have to get a hot kettle on it at one point.

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