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Devon Malcolm

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Also, he thought there would be another coalition government and the referendum would’ve been one of the things given up in the negotiations. The referendum wasn’t a legally binding one, when one is held that is it needs a higher threshold if it means substantial change. He also forgot the most important rule of referendums, only hold one when you know you’ll win. 

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It's also worth mentioning that Cameron's campaign to remain was just fucking shit. Firstly he was the wrong person to lead it, given he'd been using the EU as a scapegoat for his failures and he went down the "Project Fear" route as if telling British folk that they are entirely dependent on foreigners was going to work out well. He came off like such a patronising wanker that I seriously considered voting Leave just to spite him. I didn't, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people did.

Realistically, there is a lot of blame to go around though. Even Blair and Brown were doing the "Ooh. It's all the immigrants fault but we can't do anything about them because of the EU" shite.

11 hours ago, Carbomb said:

But no - the gammon had to have their cake and eat it; like children, they wanted what they wanted and they wanted it now, making out that anyone who advocated a measured and careful exit was basically a Remainer. 

Yep. Which is how we ended up in the bizarre situation in 2019 where JEREMY CORBYN, a career long Eurosceptic, was considered a Remainer, because he disagreed with Boris Johnson, who only decided to lead the Leave campaign on a whim.

It's become almost a religious thing. Everybody thinks that THEIR idea of Brexit is the proper one, and the one everybody else really voted for. Any other interpretation isn't "really" Brexit and is a betrayal of the vote. Unfortunately, the cunts with the power, and the loudest voices in the media, are the ones with control.

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29 minutes ago, unfitfinlay said:

It's become almost a religious thing. Everybody thinks that THEIR idea of Brexit is the proper one, and the one everybody else really voted for. 

That's why it was never going to be a success, and this was apparent from the beginning of the referendum - everyone who voted to Leave did so for their own reasons; whether over freedom of movement, workers' rights, vague notions of sovereignty, blue passports, decades of the tabloid press presenting the EU as nothing but a cabal of bureaucratic busybodies, or whatever personal petty grievances people had been convinced the EU was to blame for. No version of "Brexit" was ever going to tick every box for everyone, so whatever happens, people will be pissed off about it. 

I hate the word "Brexit", even. I think that's a big part of why it became a polarised subject beyond any rational politics. If the media and politicians had constantly referred to "the process of Britain leaving the European Union" rather than tying it up in a buzzword, I think it would be seen as a far more complex process, and not something that we can just "get done".

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48 minutes ago, RancidPunx said:

It’s 1 minute 23 seconds of your life….

I'll never get back?

Edit: does he have exceptionally rosey cheeks / high blood pressure or is it just an excessive amount of rogue?

Edited by Tommy!
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31 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

Someone I’m almost certainly going to have to distance myself from keeps sharing videos of Andrew Lawrence* on Facebook. He’s the classic social media “comedian” who isn’t funny, clever or well informed and aims all of his stuff at staunch Brexiteers. His existence annoys me far too much.

Anyway, one of his videos started auto-playing as I was scrolling through and I couldn’t help enjoying the irony of his latest “comedy” monologue being about the fuel crisis and how British people are sheep and will believe anything. That’s quite an outburst from someone who has spent the last 3 years claiming how brilliant Brexit was going to be.

*Don’t look him up, you don’t deserve to make yourself that angry.

Watching him get booted off twitter a few months back was great. I hope Lee Hurst books him for his comedy club and the roof caved in.

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Andrew Lawrence is basically a comedian for those right-wingers who claim to be "classical liberals". Can't tell if he's doing it to fill a niche, or if he genuinely believes the bollocks he spouts. Either way, he's a cunt. 

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11 hours ago, scratchdj said:

Someone I’m almost certainly going to have to distance myself from keeps sharing videos of Andrew Lawrence* on Facebook. He’s the classic social media “comedian” who isn’t funny, clever or well informed and aims all of his stuff at staunch Brexiteers. His existence annoys me far too much.

That’s only because no comedy club will book him anymore since he properly went off at the deep end a couple of years back. 

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