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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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19 minutes ago, David said:

he'll move on to cashing in on his infamy and status the way most former Presidents have.

I don't think there's any guarantee of that. Nothing stopping him doing a Grover Cleveland and running again in 2024, assuming his base stand by him for that long - and the only reason they won't is if someone else comes along to do the job better.


The bigger question is, what does it leave behind? Because it won't be a country that's anywhere close to being cohesive enough to provide Biden with an opportunity to govern effectively. It's going to be one huge shit show for a long time to come.

This has been my concern all along. A Biden victory isn't restoring sanity, and there's been a massive problem throughout Trump's presidency of treating him as an aberration rather than as a depressingly predictable, inevitable end result of American capitalism and the polarisation of their political system. Without addressing the underlying problems of gross inequality, the swamp that spawned Trump isn't going away, nor is there any guarantee that the Republican Party revert to any semblance of normality (though, again, Trump isn't the deviation from mainstream GOP policy that "moderate" Republicans like to paint him as, so much as just saying the quiet parts loud). And that's before even considering Biden's ability to actually govern under the circumstances, given how much Republican control is going to remain in Congress.

Edited by BomberPat
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20 minutes ago, David said:

2024 will be the first opportunity for America to even attempt to return to a semblance of normal, where we'll see a different candidate on both sides of the spectrum. 

Or America will be condemned to a selection of old white men for the foreseeable future, one bankrolled by fascists, the other slightly more moderate, but not a whole lot more progressive. Unless Biden does win and Kamala Harris does some great stuff as Vice President in the next 4 years. 

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Not sure why you are expecting Kamala Harris to be some great beacon of progress? Nothing in her record indicates that she would be.


Edit: coming back to this because it really annoys me that a lot of people seem to make this assumption that diversity automatically means that the person will be progressive. I hear it here as well with peoples' attitudes towards Rishi Sunak and obviously he can fuck off.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Does Trump have any kind of case if/when he does get his day in court?


In the past when he has mentioned fishing ballots out of a river and postmen dumping them in the bin, journalists have pushed him for specifics and he has never had any. 

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17 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

By the looks of things they won't even have the Senate, so they're getting fuck all done. What's going to be interesting is what happens between now and the next midterms.

Last I saw, and I haven't read up on the details yet, it was looking like there'll be two local run-off elections in January that would, in theory, allow the Dems to tie the Senate, with VP Harris then having the deciding vote. Not sure how likely it is, but the door's not shut yet.

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10 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Not sure why you are expecting Kamala Harris to be some great beacon of progress? Nothing in her record indicates that she would be.

Speaking of Kamala Harris, I was thinking this morning how a relation between her/Biden will be with Boris Johnson given his despicable history of racism.

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25 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I don't think there's any guarantee of that. Nothing stopping him doing a Grover Cleveland and running again in 2024, 


I wouldn't doubt that he has the ego to do it. What's the outcome for him if he's out of office though. I would have thought they'd be throwing all sorts of lawsuits at him with the amount of enemies he's made, even if it's just for tax avoidance. Are ex presidents gifted any sort of legal protection? 

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@Chest Rockwell I meant more in terms of whether either party will attempt to put forward a candidate that isn't an old white guy. If she does a "good job" as Vice President in the eyes of the electorate it'd be an indication of whether they want to push the boat out and risk a candidate that isn't an old white guy.

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31 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Nothing stopping him doing a Grover Cleveland and running again in 2024, assuming his base stand by him for that long - and the only reason they won't is if someone else comes along to do the job better.

I thought this, but my girlfriend pointed out that he'd be 78, and he's had some clear health issues recently. So it's possible rather than likely, hopefully.

I'd probably expect one of his kids to be in the running though. This family could be around for a while, although hopefully it'll go badly enough for Trump post-presidency that celebrity will be enough. 


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13 minutes ago, Steve Justice said:

Speaking of Kamala Harris, I was thinking this morning how a relation between her/Biden will be with Boris Johnson given his despicable history of racism.

I doubt it'll have any kind of effect, her own record shows that she has little care for people of her race.

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7 minutes ago, chokeout said:

Are ex presidents gifted any sort of legal protection? 

Nope. And even if he wrangled a pardon for himself before Biden's inauguration, presidential pardons only apply to federal prosecutions, not those at state level - and New York's attorney general has been sharpening her knives...

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2 minutes ago, Chris B said:

I thought this, but my girlfriend pointed out that he'd be 78, and he's had some clear health issues recently. So it's possible rather than likely, hopefully.

I'd probably expect one of his kids to be in the running though. This family could be around for a while, although hopefully it'll go badly enough for Trump post-presidency that celebrity will be enough. 


That’s what I was thinking. Considering everything that’s happened and that could happen between now and then, I wouldn’t be shocked to see Donald Jr throw his hat into the ring

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