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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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Hurry up to fuck America. I thought you lot liked coffee. Get a bit more of it down you and get this finished, preferably before 7am tomorrow. I have stuff to be at. 

If I get caught again this week watching CNN in the office, I'm going to get the sack. Surely no flag toting, freedom fighting, democracy loving American wants that on their conscience. 

A few more Krispy Kremes, a drop of Starbucks worst, and get a move on. Arriba, Arriba. . . Andale, Andale!

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2 hours ago, JNLister said:

Looks a lot like:

* Nevada is at the point you could safely call it for Biden.

* For the networks that have already called Arizona for Biden, that's 270 and done.

* They really don't want to announce Biden as winning because there's a fear that the Arizona call might have been premature. It's a very slim risk that Trump wins there and then picks up Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina, but nobody wants to be the network that wrongly called Biden as President.

Especially because one network that called Arizona for Biden is Fox News 🤣

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2 hours ago, honor87 said:

I wonder how the US will look one year from now, the hyper-partisan media on both sides has painted that anyone with a differing political opinion as evil and not to be trusted. In recent days a CNN Anchor, for example said they have cut people out of their life for even considering voting Trump. This is cult-like levels when people can’t even have discourse on who you vote for, when they very likely share many commonalities that are then ignored and instead shunned away. There are nuances to every choice that an individual is perfectly reasoned to make whether it be as simple as prioritising a candidate due to policies on taxes or medical care.

It's a tough one. I have LGBTQ friends who feel very much like anyone who votes Trump, be it friend or family, is done to them. And I don't blame them. In 2016 it was much easier to go "what the fuck" but understand why someone might have voted for Trump - Clinton hate, hope he won't be "that bad", non-politician blah blah. But in 2020? Nah, you know what he is, you've seen his conduct for the last 4 years, you've seen the rhetoric. So if you voted Trump this time around you ARE totally complicit and ok with his actions, and even if his presidency has made your life better in some aspects (for me it has been financially), then you're really just being a selfish cunt.

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1 hour ago, honor87 said:

I wonder how the US will look one year from now, the hyper-partisan media on both sides has painted that anyone with a differing political opinion as evil and not to be trusted. In recent days a CNN Anchor, for example said they have cut people out of their life for even considering voting Trump. This is cult-like levels when people can’t even have discourse on who you vote for, when they very likely share many commonalities that are then ignored and instead shunned away.

That's a bad example. Considering some of the shit Trump has said about the media, and CNN specifically, I can completely understand their employees expecting their friends not to support him. They got sent Pipe Bombs by a Trump supporter and Trump's response was to call them "Enemies of the People" and essentially say that they deserved it.

Regardless of political opinion, he's put their lives at risk. If they had friends who were still willing to vote for him after that then they were shitty friends to begin with. I mean, how do you even begin to justify that?

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Nevada says they have 62,000 votes left to count while Biden has a lead just shy of 64,000 apparently. That's grounds for calling it, right? I totally get why Biden would want all the votes counted though, to eliminate any possibility of shenanigans. 

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2 hours ago, honor87 said:

I wonder how the US will look one year from now, the hyper-partisan media on both sides has painted that anyone with a differing political opinion as evil and not to be trusted. 

It’s simply not ‘hyper partisan’ to say “children in cages = bad”, or “deliberately emboldening white supremacists = bad”, it’s morally just.

The media shouldn’t treat this as an understandable viewpoint that needs to be handled with balance and understanding. Immigrant children have been made orphans because they don’t know where their parents are. Trump’s administration argued in court that these kids did not need basic essentials like toiletries. 

If you look at this as a ‘both sides’ thing you’re normalising inhumane, frankly evil behaviour and you shouldn’t as it paves the way for someone else to something much worse next time round as we gradually get desensitised to these things.

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46 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Nevada says they have 62,000 votes left to count while Biden has a lead just shy of 64,000 apparently. That's grounds for calling it, right? I totally get why Biden would want all the votes counted though, to eliminate any possibility of shenanigans. 

Nevada lead is just short of 12k votes. They wouldn't stop counting regardless. 

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1 hour ago, neil said:

It's a tough one. I have LGBTQ friends who feel very much like anyone who votes Trump, be it friend or family, is done to them. And I don't blame them. In 2016 it was much easier to go "what the fuck" but understand why someone might have voted for Trump - Clinton hate, hope he won't be "that bad", non-politician blah blah. But in 2020? Nah, you know what he is, you've seen his conduct for the last 4 years, you've seen the rhetoric. So if you voted Trump this time around you ARE totally complicit and ok with his actions, and even if his presidency has made your life better in some aspects (for me it has been financially), then you're really just being a selfish cunt.

There's a Tweet I've seen a few times about the "we can disagree politically but still be friends thing," about how, yeah, you can, but over pizza toppings and not racism or whether it's good to stick children in cages.

A centrist dad from my social circle blocked me on Twitter on election day in December, after I left a sassy comment under Emma Kennedy's cheery polling station selfie with Michael Gove. He immediately subtweeted some shit about how we're as bad as our enemies if we can't be friends with them and sit down for a pint together. The awkwardness when he found himself sat across a table with me a few months later was quite magnificent. Fuck the Tories, and fuck you if you'd give them the time of day.


Trump is going to speak at 6.30pm ET

I'm still fucked after sitting up all Tuesday night and dying for bed, but I've a feeling this might be his greatest one yet, perhaps topping MIDTERM MAYHEM. Not gonna miss this one.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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7 minutes ago, Astro Hollywood said:

I'm still fucked after sitting up all Tuesday night and dying for bed,

Watch it in bed. Anderson Cooper has sent me off to sleep for the past few nights and I wake up with him as well on the laptop.

I feel like Ed Harris in The Truman Show when he lays down and watches him. It's very soothing.

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I'm a bit nervous. Expecting a wink-wink call for his supporters to take up arms following him self declaring for another two terms until they bring back Celebrity Big Brother for him to go on.

Which he'll win by shouting over the actual nominations constantly. 

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Yeah, I hate this idea of “Well we have to hear the opposing view and have balance”. If the opposing view is out and out racism/caging children/Covid hoax/sink the boats then no, you don’t need to have balance because those views shouldn’t be given oxygen. 

Edit - As I said on here to someone like Kiffy a few years back. 
“Jews, gays and Muslims should be gassed”

”Lol, let’s agree to disagree”

Fuck that shit. 

Edited by Keith Houchen
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18 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

I'm a bit nervous. Expecting a wink-wink call for his supporters to take up arms following him self declaring for another two terms until they bring back Celebrity Big Brother for him to go on.

He'll be free to go on next years I'm a Celeb. Or Celebrity Coach Trip. Him and Farrage could do it together. Absolute Money

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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