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Best things to watch on the network?

Jimmy Boy

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Think I might pass on this Legends interview with the Road Dogg, he's too much of a corporate kiss ass these days.


Very much so. I watched it last night and cringed when I heard two supposedly old-school guys not use the word "wrestling" once. I don't think the company realises how ridiculous a sentence like "When I was 14 I only wanted to be a sports entertainer" sounds.

He was a complete kiss ass, you didn't miss a thing tbh,



I'd love to see you guys at work . . . flipping off everyone and calling the boss a cunt. 

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Hulk Hogan VS Big Bossman steel cage match is much better than it has any right to be, I used to love watching that one as a kid.


re-watched that myself a couple of weeks back, quality match.

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Thanks for that,


What are the better SNME's to check out ?


One with the Hogan vs Andre rematch has the greatest opening few minutes in grappling history. It has Hogan's training video set to Jake Roberts music! and some other quality stuff right at the very beginning. Jim Johnston was on fucking fire during this time period. Coke must have been good in this era.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Might be worth changing passwords on WWE Network as there seems to have been a spree of accounts getting hacked and then the email address changed so that it becomes impossible to get back in until you go through the tech support/help service.

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Think I might pass on this Legends interview with the Road Dogg, he's too much of a corporate kiss ass these days.


Very much so. I watched it last night and cringed when I heard two supposedly old-school guys not use the word "wrestling" once. I don't think the company realises how ridiculous a sentence like "When I was 14 I only wanted to be a sports entertainer" sounds.

He was a complete kiss ass, you didn't miss a thing tbh,


I thought it was odd how the first half of the interview was about how he got over just being himself and making up his own catchphrases. Then near the end he's championing how much better it is now its all scripted.

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Might be worth changing passwords on WWE Network as there seems to have been a spree of accounts getting hacked and then the email address changed so that it becomes impossible to get back in until you go through the tech support/help service.

Is it possible to change using the phone app? I can't spot it.

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Might be worth changing passwords on WWE Network as there seems to have been a spree of accounts getting hacked and then the email address changed so that it becomes impossible to get back in until you go through the tech support/help service.

Is it possible to change using the phone app? I can't spot it.



Nope, looks like you can only do it on the website.

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The Nitros have jumped up to August 99. Inching ever closer to my masochist golden egg of 2000. I watched all the PPV from that year after dipping my toes in WCW in 2004 and am relishing the idea of having their shit, fast paced TV counterparts in great quality.


I know its a bit of a badge to wear to claim you love 2000 WCW but I do genuinly enjoy the stuff. It's a retroactive viewing thing, obviously. I'm sure I would have been ripping my hair out on a weekly basis to Stasiak and company.

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Just watched WWE24. Really enjoyed that, it was good see Brock isn't really the guy I imagined that talks to no-one, does his bit, takes his money and goes.

You get that from talking to taker, and waiting in gorilla watching match before his? Didn't strike me as life and soul of locker room

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