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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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For some reason I never got around to watching Paris Trout but I did catch The People Under The Stairs which was bloody good fun and Big Ed and Nadine back together again had me marking out a tad. It also had Ving Rhames coming out with "Yeah, and maybe the President will make me Secretary of Pussy" which may be my new fav line.

Any other non Freddy Wes Craven films I should be checking out?

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I think I'd have enjoyed Wonder Woman if I'd have watched it about 5 years ago, maybe more. For all its strengths its still an origin movie and while it feels a bit fresher for focusing on a female superhero (at long last) it still hits all the same beats you expect origin films to hit. And it's essentially a two and a half hour long flashback. 

Gal Gadot is great in it, the No Man's Land moment is probably too heavily telegraphed but is still a cool moment anyway, the comedy is mostly pitched right at making fun of society rather than Wonder Woman herself, but at times it felt very much like plonking a female superhero in your typical origin movie formulae. That superhero is interesting but the movie around her isn't as fresh as say Deadpool or Logan. 

I actually think Fox are doing the most interesting superhero stuff at the moment. Deadpool, Logan and Legion have all, to a certain extent, felt like moving the genre along and actually doing something different with it. Marvel continue to make fun movies that feel quite timid. DC have finally made a competent film but ultimately, for all the talk of having a plan, don't really feel like they have a particularly destination. 

At least with Marvel there's a quick fix if they kill a character off. They've got enough goodwill that killing a major character off would be an emotional moment. It's also the only thing that would encourage you to believe that there'll ever be any long term consequences in the franchise because Civil War sure as hell doesn't. With DC you just feel like you're watching sometime throw darts at a board. 

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That Zakes Mokae joke is wasted on here, bastards.

Watched The Void last night. Pretty enjoyable but must have ripped off a dozen different horror films. Still, if you're going to steal from stuff, Assault On Precinct 13 and Prince Of Darkness especially are pretty great places to steal from. 

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I bought the Arrow Video Blu Ray of The 'Burbs today a re-watched it for the first time in years. Such a brilliant 80's movies. Tom Hanks shouting a lot, Carrie Fisher looking very young and Corey Feldman taking it very easy.

Massively underrated movie I think.

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The Burbs is one of my favourite films and that Arrow blu is superb. The restoration they did is remarkable. Ironically Universal could have used Arrows 2k restoration for their US blu but instead just bunged out the ancient baked in HD master thats been on tv for years. Fans of the film must get the Arrow blu. It's got a cracking feature length documentary and the longer work print as well as the jaw dropping restoration. It's a hell of a movie too. I've a super soft spot for the sub genre I've dubbed weird suburbia. The Burbs, Errie Indiana, Fright Night and Hot Fuzz make a heck of a movie night

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