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The Random/Weird/Quirky Photo Thread


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That must be a rough six days if that's what Vince manages to do. Only that mad bastard would even think of doing something like that. And even if it is pure nonsense, he's that much of a nut that it's totally believeable it would be true.


It's an incredible shame we'll never get to read his memoirs. Saying that he would need to write about 26 books to contain everything. Vince has been a pretty central figure/the main participant in just about every major incident and event in the business for the past 35 years.


I guess part of the mystique of the man is that everything is hearsay, rumours and chinese whispers. That we don't hear his thoughts on very many things keeps the mystery of Vinnie Mac in tact and I'm pretty sure that's exactly the way the big man wants it.


It'll be the saddest of days whenever Vince buries himself alive, under a titan tron, inside a casket, that's in the back of an exploding limo filled with concrete, on an episode of Raw in about 63 years time. I bet he writes in his will the follow up angle to be followed for the next three months after it as well.

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I periodically stay up a day or 2 at a time. The headaches and constant hunger on day 2 suggests you'd be dead a lot younger than Vince if you tried to do 6 on the reg. Then again, routine can be a funny thing. You're right, he is the only person that's a remotely plausible statement about

Edited by sj5522
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That must be a rough six days if that's what Vince manages to do. Only that mad bastard would even think of doing something like that. And even if it is pure nonsense, he's that much of a nut that it's totally believeable it would be true.


Yeah, I stayed awake for five days once. A combination of Mumzie being in hospital and me in a fit of depression and it felt like I was decending into madness. I was hearing dance tunes over the TV, seeing colours coming out the walls. I had forgotten people's names. Everybody in the flats names. Helluva few days.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Various cod scientists say you can get away with not much over an hour of sleep per day, but you have to take in in about 25 minute increments three time per day. Plus it takes an absolute age to become accustomed to it. Vince is exactly that mental to give that a bash.

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Who's the chap he's with?

Just some fan. His Twitter is basically pictures of him stalking wrestling people that he then tweets at loads of different people with the same caption hoping for retweets. JR bit on this one, probably because he thought it'd piss Vince off.

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That must be a rough six days if that's what Vince manages to do. Only that mad bastard would even think of doing something like that. And even if it is pure nonsense, he's that much of a nut that it's totally believeable it would be true.

Yeah, I stayed awake for five days once. A combination of Mumzie being in hospital and me in a fit of depression and it felt like I was decending into madness. I was hearing dance tunes over the TV, seeing colours coming out the walls. I had forgotten people's names. Everybody in the flats names. Helluva few days.
I did two weeks once as a teenager. Started off as an attempt to complete Dead Rising Survival Mode and once I'd done that I painted my flat several times. Can't remember what I did for the rest of the time but I know I wasn't in a good way at all


Actually it might have been 9 or 11 days. I can't really remember that period of my life too well

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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I did 4 days a few years ago when friend was in hospital. Remember sitting beside his bed and being shit scared cos I thought the floor was moving and covered in snakes by the last day.

Edited by DCW
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I periodically stay up a day or 2 at a time. The headaches and constant hunger on day 2 suggests you'd be dead a lot younger than Vince if you tried to do 6 on the reg. Then again, routine can be a funny thing. You're right, he is the only person that's a remotely plausible statement about


Having read this it's finally come to me that Vince's closest earthly comparison is/was Prince

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