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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'm sure nobody else will want to see it and think it's overplayed, but I think the dynamic between them lends itself nicely to it and that's for John Cena and Danny Bryan to become reluctant team mates in their feud. I'd quite like to see them team up against The Shield.

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The Shield vs Superteams is played out... I'm sure they've fought Cena and Team Hell No before. Bryan coming straight out of that into another odd team wouldn't be my cup of tea, either. Certainly have them team up once in the build-up to SummerSlam, but not as a regular thing.

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Christian is great isnt he? That smackdown match was magnificent this weekend. He can have good-great matches with almost anyone. Brings out the best in orton definately. Do not understand any criticism towards him.

Summerslam could be a great card this yr.


Awesome match on Smackdown, loved that Triple Threat. I still think Orton is a phenomenal performer too and its weird to think how I've enjoyed RVD since he's returned (considering I've hated his pontail and guts ever since his TNA days)


I think the Orton heel turn is coming at Summerslam... Im really enjoying Rhodes and Sandow too. Hopefully Cody Rhodes has it in him to be a top star.


Also should we have a General Smackdown thoughts thread ala the TNA/Impact one? Smackdown more or less always has a quality match each week that warrants a bit of discussion?

Edited by Cobra1000
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I think a general Raw thread and a general Smackdown thread which just roll would be far more appropriate these days. It's not like the old days where Raw threads would routinely go 15 pages; these days, there's not an even a guarantee a show will get a thread.

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Smackdown more or less always has a quality match each week that warrants a bit of discussion?

It'll rarely get any discussion though. Because it's pre-taped, a lot of people look at the spoilers before watching it and that renders the match about 3000000 times less engaging. Plus, quality matches in WWE these days are ten a penny. The main thing that causes any Smackdown discussion is a controversial result (like The Shield losing, or having fucking Christian in a title match at SummerSlam in 2013), which will sometimes result in people ranting on Wednesday, 48 hours or so before they've watched the show.

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The main thing that causes any Smackdown discussion is a controversial result (like The Shield losing, or having fucking Christian in a title match at SummerSlam in 2013),


I can't be the only one getting bored of the Christian hate right now can I?


Having him in a world title match in 2013 really isn't the shit that everyone thinks it will be, only because it's the SmackDown belt and not the RAW one.


End of brand split or not, the WWE Championship will always be the only Main title in WWE. Look at the guys fighting over it right now in the past 12 months:


Punk, Cena, Rock, Henry, Orton, Bryan, Ryback, before they ruined him, Big Show, Jericho.


These are WWE's bankable stars, that are expected to bring in revenue and merchandise for them and be ambassadors for the company. All to a degree have or are doing that.


Look at the SmackDown belt:


Ziggler, Swagger, Del Rio, Christian, Rhodes, Sandow, Sheamus.


These are a collection of future up and comers that WWE wants to invest in, people they're looking to re-establish after a while of doing nothing or veterans that are there to help improve the quality of the roster because they're an old hand. I'd probably add RVD into that route based off who he's faced since he came back.


The SmackDown belt and roster is essentially there to say "the big time is approaching" but from a kayfabe point there's still something they need to add to their game to make them reach the pinnacle. If it's as a heel it's cheating that extra little bit and being a more cunning fighter, the face its training to win and having the fight, if you're a monster be a fucking monster.


How many people when Bryan won the WHC even believed if they stuck him in a ring with Cena there could be more than one possible outcome at the time? Bryan held the belt, started to show a more cunning heel side and was being booked strong. His character went down the going crazy route, they turned that into a positive, using his weakness as his strength now, SummerSlam 2 weeks away, who doesn't start to think Bryan could go over Cena?


Without the WHC you would essentially have about 20 guys fighting over the IC and US belts with nobody able to really stand out and break away from the pack. It's about creating new stars and finding a way to market them. Del Rio going in against someone like Christian will do them both wonders. Christian can show he'll still be able to go, Del Rio can look impressive and depending on where the character is going try to re-establish himself as a top contender in the company. Hell putting Christian over isn't such a bad idea, he can get much more out of Sandow, Rhodes etc than Del Rio could.


I can't believe I managed to ramble this long about something that's already been talked to death. Blame summer boredom.

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The WHC has essentially become what the IC title was in the late 80's early 90's. Good belt for the up and coming guys who they see as future big stars and can see how well they draw on top of house shows too.

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Without the WHC you would essentially have about 20 guys fighting over the IC and US belts with nobody able to really stand out and break away from the pack. It's about creating new stars and finding a way to market them. Del Rio going in against someone like Christian will do them both wonders. Christian can show he'll still be able to go, Del Rio can look impressive and depending on where the character is going try to re-establish himself as a top contender in the company. Hell putting Christian over isn't such a bad idea, he can get much more out of Sandow, Rhodes etc than Del Rio could.


Just a thought - you could argue that only having the absolute best of those 20 guys - you know, the ones that these days win the Big Gold Belt when they're not ready for the WWE title yet - fighting over the I or US belts would make those belts more valuable than they are now, which is completely fucking worthless. I hate the way those belts have been degraded to the point where bloody R-Truth or a bore like Perfect Jr can win one or Miz or Kofi can repeatedly win them, because there's an extra tier in between (the WHC) for guys that are better than that crowd, but not quite ready for real main eventing yet. Not everybody should win a title, or even be able to get title shots. Titles should mean something, and even when the roster was at it's deepest with a wide variety of guys in 2000-2001 (when you did have close to 20 guys just scrapping for the best midcard spots), it was only just about deep enough to warrant three standard singles titles - the WWF title, the Intercontinental title and the European title, not including the niche belts like the Hardcore and barely-used Light Heavyweight title. Now there's fucking four "normal" singles belts for the roster to aim at, when the depth of roster in terms of characters that get good reactions from live crowds is it's weakest for donkeys years.

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Having him in a world title match in 2013 really isn't the shit that everyone thinks it will be, only because it's the SmackDown belt and not the RAW one.

That's no excuse. They're in a tough spot with Del Rio because he's boring as fuck and has wrestled all the babyfaces besides RVD a million times, but the solution to that is to either book him against RVD, make a multi-man match or not have him be the champion. It's not putting him against Christian, one of the few wrestlers that can match ADR at being boring. Since his return (the one last year, not the latest one), Christian is just a time-filler. He's the babyface equivalent of Barrett, Cesaro etc. He comes out and has a decent match that kills ten or fifteen minutes without anyone backstage having to put some creative effort in. That's not something you should be promoting as your third top PPV match on the second biggest show of the year. At least the last time they fought each other, there was some residual interest from Edge's retirement and Christian had never won a World title. Now it's just shameful, unless they pull something out of the bag in the next fortnight.


It's about creating new stars and finding a way to market them.

This match? No it isn't. Christian is about two hundred years old, Del Rio looks like he's getting on for forty or fifty. Neither of them will come out of that match a bigger star than they already are or have been.


Del Rio going in against someone like Christian will do them both wonders. Christian can show he'll still be able to go,

Christian shows that every week. Being a good hand shouldn't be the basis for a big PPV match.


Del Rio can look impressive and depending on where the character is going try to re-establish himself as a top contender in the company.

Del Rio won't look any more impressive beating Christian there than he would on a random episode of Raw or Smackdown, where a match between those two belongs.


Hell putting Christian over isn't such a bad idea, he can get much more out of Sandow, Rhodes etc than Del Rio could.

I've seen Christian fight Cody Rhodes too many times already. Christian winning the belt as a transitional champion to Sandow wouldn't be a bad idea, but he definitely shouldn't be in a big singles match at SummerSlam to get there.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Yeah Christian already pinned Del Rio the other day. I hate this lazy shit way they set up title matches with non title matches. The challenger will pin the champ and earn himself a title shot rather than the belt itself. Then the champ will win the proper match and keep his belt anyway. That's shit and makes everything stagnant and devalues everyone.


Kaitlyn just lost her title match on Smackdown, so she'll receive and win another non title match on Raw to set up ANOTHER REMATCH for the title at Summerslam. Which she'll lose.


Random thought. . has any wrestler looked sexier in a rob than 80's Lex Luger?

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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