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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Twice, technically, there was a tag with Booker as well. Then he tried interfering in the match at Survivor Series, took a clothesline and that was the end of that, bar getting beaten by Angle a few years later I think.


The fact he's been in the company since 2002 is pretty amazing all things considered. He has to be one of the longest serving staff surely?

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And slightly off topic but how come Josh Matthews went into commentating and not wrestling


He's tiny. Tiny tiny. It made a good story for Tough Enough, but not enough a story to parlay into a wrestling career. Although XWF put him over in his matches there.

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His outfit was hilarious in the XWF. I just imagined Jimmy Hart going "he's young and tiny, let's put him in silver pants and a blue jumper, because I'm sure thats how the young kids dress today". I heard they were going to make him and Kid Kash the (lol) XWF HARDY BOYZ! Brian Knobs and Greg Valentine must have been up all night thinking of that one.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I know this is a few days old, but.....


Has there ever been a better collection of LADS than in the War Games match in 96?


Of that era, the three team clusterfuck main event of Uncensored '97 was superb for it's name value. It had the only time that Hogan, Savage and The Outsiders all teamed up together, Luger/Giant/Steiners would have been brilliant if presented intact, and the other side had Roddy Piper and the greatest shooter of all time, Jeff Jarrett.


OK, War Games had Flair & Arn. But it also had Lightening from Thunder & Lightening.

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To be fair to him he at least always looked taller and in better shape than both of the terrible Young Bucks.

He really didn't. Josh Matthews looked like someone who'd turn up in a horror movie and state the obvious before getting killed and not even get a mention of it on IMDB. At least the Young Bucks cater to a certain fanbase and impressive enough people to get regular work. Josh Matthews would have been just another skinny shit bloke.


And he wore braces. My philosophy is, if you wear braces get out the fucking business. If you're skinny, bulk up. If you are pale get a tan. If you have metal in your teeth to stop you looking like Bugs Bunny, fuck off and never come back.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I'm not saying he should have been a wrestler and you're right that at least the Young Bucks have a certain market, I just hate the young Bucks and wanting to state it again I guess. Can't believe they've made it any way in wrestling. I quite like Matthews on commentary though, he'll never be J.R. or anything but he seemingly knows when to chip in and when to leave it and makes some decent points in putting the talent over. He's already 10x better than Mike Tenay who I actually really enjoyed in WCW when he didn't have such a prominent role on the announce team.


Edit: You dirty bastard Pitcos

Edited by Maverick
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Look what the Big Shows been up to in his spare time:

He looks great. He would be much healthier if they put him on a Jericho contract. When ever he has a long time out, he looks better for it.

If he has lost some weight (which it does look like he has), then he could be a good addition to the roster when he returns.


Is the Shield vs. Mark Henry/Show match at Summerslam still on the cards or is Show still not fit enough from his recent injury? Show in that shape, along with Henry on his current run against The Shield could end up being a fun match.

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