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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Remember Chasyn Rance? You know, the little indy dude who used to hang around with Hall & Zbyszko in "Last Call with Scott Hall" and was also arrested for having sex with an underage girl. Get this. Recently another Florida indy guy by the name of Bruce Santee has been very vocal about how if he ever sees Rance again he will beat his ass. So what did Rance do? Confront him? Talk it out? Fight him? Nope. Yesterday he got a restraining order against Santee.


Which brings me to my random thought of the day, or more of a question really. Has this ever happened in the wrestling business before? A male wrestler taking out a restraining order against another male wrestler because he's scared of getting his ass kicked? I can't seem to remember hearing anything like this ever before.

Edited by pgi86
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Just wondering what ppl's thoughts are on Bray's wrestling gear?, in NXT he normally takes off the shirt, and just wears the plan black top, I was over a mates house playing WWE 13 the other day and he had a Bray CAW, I couldn't help thinking he looked bland without the shirt,, I'm sure just taking the hat off and wrestling in the shirt would look better if he was not wearing the leather apron. Thoughts? Am I overthinking this?

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Not really. If you've noticed it, it must bother you and you might not be the only one thinking it. I'm the same. I always have to get used to the outfits, as weird as that sounds. Even now when Hogan puts on his tie-dye trousers it doesn't look right. I remember as a kid and in my teens I was a really good drawer, and I always used to tart the wrestlers out in every gimmick because I always felt there was something missing. When drawing the nWo, I'd make them wear the belts, put the glasses on them and even put Razor Ramons gold around Scott Hall's neck. Kevin Nash would have his glove, waist coat AND an nWo shirt on if you can imagine it. I think I was one of the few people who understood why the Mountie came in full dress on his hasbro.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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If funny you mentioned a action figure, as I can picture the Bray figure coming with a hat you can take off but I doubt you will be able to remove his shirt, I just think the black top is really bland, maybe that's the point I don't know? I have no idea why it stands out so much to me. Its the only thing I hope they change in a otherwise superb gimmick.

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I've been wondering for a while (and I'm sure its already been discussed on here but I haven't seen it) but how come WWE (and TNA for that matter) allow for Youtube and live streams to show full PPV events live, sometimes a day, a week or slightly longer after its shown on Box Office or Sky Sports? it baffles me why they allow it to happen then probably scratch their heads as to why their buyrates/ratings are so low. It seems to me common sense that if you stop it from happening, people may be forced to actually buy the PPV as it would be the only way to see it.


I'm one of these people, I have Sky but not Sky Sports but I often watch the videos on WWE.com the following day after Raw and sometimes but not often Smackdown, if WWE stopped doing this...I more than likely would upgrade my Sky in order to get Sky Sports so I could watch Raw live thus giving WWE another much needed rating. I only purchase Wrestlemania for the fact its Wrestlemania and sometimes Summerslam and Royal Rumble depending on the card and if it draws my interest. Why pay for something when you can get it for free? I know it sounds like I'm not supporting WWE but on a separate subject I find WWE programming repetitive and stale so I refuse to part with my money to watch it but the temptation would be their to purchase more PPV's if I knew I couldn't watch it a short time after for free on Youtube (even if its just the highlights).


If WWE stopped steams and Youtube potentially it could boost their ratings not perhaps by a large amount but a little bit more is better than no increase at all. On the other hand it might not boost their ratings as people still might not want to pay and be really stubborn but what would WWE be loosing? nothing...they were getting it for free to start with so its not like they would be loosing money or a plus rating.


Is it that WWE doesn't have a lot of confidence in its programming and that they don't think it would make a great deal of difference to their ratings because their programming is not must see TV, to the point that people will definitely part with their money and buy the PPV because they cant get it for free afterwards?


Is it not common sense? WWE is a business about making money and striving for high ratings how can they achieve either when their product is given away for free? WWE is a powerful company, I'm sure if they wanted they could put a stop to it. If WWE but their fans backs against the wall and said you have to pay for this event if you want to watch it...how many actually would if they knew they couldn't get it for free?


Am I right or wrong?

Edited by C-Rock
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WWE are feircely protective about stuff on Youtube.


Ultimately, its a very hard battle to fight. Some kid uploads a PPV to youtube, WWE contacts Youtube and gets them to take it down, in the meantime, the same PPV might have been shared on Daily Motion, plus the various torrents that are out there.

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The first time I ever saw Big E Langston was on this photo in a UKFF topic about Paige:




Then when he debuted on WWE TV with the stone-faced look in a role where he didn't talk and just stood in the background until it was time to get involved with Ziggler's opponent, I just assumed he was a musclehead with not much about him.


But since following him on Twitter I've discovered that he's extremely quick-witted. He's a funny guy who has a great way with words.


Get him some kneepads, replace the tiny singlet with some decent trunks, and give him a decent haircut ... that guy is going places. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, i reckon Big E is money as well. Don't agree with everyone who says he needs the cycling shorts and knee pads. His singlet makes him stand out more and highlights his massivefuckinghuge legs. Those things would take away from that. Nothing wrong with his hair cut either.

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If funny you mentioned a action figure, as I can picture the Bray figure coming with a hat you can take off but I doubt you will be able to remove his shirt, I just think the black top is really bland, maybe that's the point I don't know? I have no idea why it stands out so much to me. Its the only thing I hope they change in a otherwise superb gimmick.

His first figure won't have the hat or shirt. His eventual elite figure will have both removable.




I know what you mean about it being a bit dull though. He has wrestled in a red shirt before, hasn't he? That's a little bit better.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Big Bad Meltzer was saying the other day that Big E has only been wrestling 3/4 years, which is mental considering how decent he is. Ziggler being such an unwitting knob-faced dreck has really helped him along with the fans too. The highlight/relief of any Dolph/AJ segment is Big E.

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