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Someone like Lawler was amazing for taking as little unnecessary bumps as possible and working a super smart style, but that just doesn't seem to be an option in modern wrestling.


Bollocks. Remember when everyone thought The Miz was great as the heel WWE Champ?



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I definitely dont remember everyone loving The Miz as champ, I think there was vague praise for him and the "he'll be a good heel someday, shouldnt be champion yet" stuff...then everyone loved the 'Hate Me Now' Wrestlemania video but i dont think anyone was crazy for him. The only good match I saw when he was champ was the Hardcore Match he had on Raw (think it was the first Raw of the new year or something) with John Morrison which was really fun.


He was still a better champ than Del Rio.

Edited by Cobra1000
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Everybody with sense liked The Miz from about mid-2008 and loved him a year or so later when he became WWE's only interesting midcarder and a top man in waiting, but his feud with Lawler was the only worthwhile one of his three WWE title feuds. Miz was pretty much the best full-timer WWE had in 2010 (certainly on the heel side) and definitely the man for the title but he's never recovered from The Rock making him a spare part in his own WrestleMania main event. And he should've by now. He's a bit lost at the minute, but three years ago, he was top of the world.

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I think he's a terrific babyface in the ring, it's just his promos that let him down. Whether that's down to the script or his delivery I'm not sure, but it's definitely something that needs to be worked on. He could and should have a higher position up the card than SummerSlam host.

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I think he's a terrific babyface in the ring, it's just his promos that let him down. Whether that's down to the script or his delivery I'm not sure, but it's definitely something that needs to be worked on. He could and should have a higher position up the card than SummerSlam host.

You're right about him being a good face in the ring, I almost put that in my original post. He shows decent fire and his comebacks are pretty good. For me, it's just that he isn't a likeable personality at all. His face is a big part of that, unfortunately. He looks like a chump.

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That segment with him and Flair a few months back on Miz T.V is one of the worst thing's iv'e ever seen in wrestling, his patter is so terrible for a babyface. Some people are just unlikable no matter how hard they try and he's one of them.

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There's a world of difference between Miz and Anderson. Miz's biggest drawbacks are that he looks like a wetter and can't cut a face promo. He was one of the greatest things about WWE TV from 09-11. When he cut that promo walking from backstage to the ring talking about JBL putting him down, I remember watching that thinking I was seeing the birth of a great heel. You could see him improving in-ring and on the mic week from week. He was going from strength to strength and I think his downfall was they gave him the title too early, made his Wrestlemania presence an afterthought then when he seemed to finally be getting some momentum back with the Awesome Truth, they cut that while they still had legs. If anything, I don't think his 09/10 work is appreciated enough.


Mr Anderson had one good cage match with Kurt Angle and everything else he's done has been unremarkable, forgettable or plain shit. If anything, he's got worse than he was during his Smackdown run.


EDIT: Although truth be told, I've not watched any TNA since February so Mr Anderson could've got better. Has he?

Edited by DeanoTheGame
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There's a world of difference between Miz and Anderson. Miz's biggest drawbacks are that he looks like a wetter and can't cut a face promo. He was one of the greatest things about WWE TV from 09-11. When he cut that promo walking from backstage to the ring talking about JBL putting him down, I remember watching that thinking I was seeing the birth of a great heel. You could see him improving in-ring and on the mic week from week. He was going from strength to strength and I think his downfall was they gave him the title too early, made his Wrestlemania presence an afterthought then when he seemed to finally be getting some momentum back with the Awesome Truth, they cut that while they still had legs. If anything, I don't think his 09/10 work is appreciated enough.


Mr Anderson had one good cage match with Kurt Angle and everything else he's done has been unremarkable, forgettable or plain shit. If anything, he's got worse than he was during his Smackdown run.


EDIT: Although truth be told, I've not watched any TNA since February so Mr Anderson could've got better. Has he?


Miz isn't as bad as Anderson, but you don't get much fainter praise than that. Anderson is the worst thing in all of Pro Wrestling. I still think Miz is awful.

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Standards have obviously fallen then.


I dont give a fuck about if he was great a few times a few years ago and he had a nice tartan suit. Right now he's so shit, I can barely watch him. He's a horrendous babyface. He looks like Daffy Duck. Nobody wants to have sympathy for such a turd face pisswit.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Really enjoyed Smackdown this week. Harder to tell with the piped/edited in noise, but seemed like a decent crowd. Punk-Fandango was good. Divas match was good, though it was one of the lamest heel turns ever. Loved the main event. Hardly ever watched TNA so to me, it feels like the first time, baby, (or something) watching RVD again after all these years. I'm finding a new appreciation for him I didn't have during his first run in WWE.


Wife telegraphed Del Rio choosing Ricardo as #1 contender, he said it would have been his first title shot, but he wrestled Big Show for it only a few months ago. Riley was decent enough on commo. Best of the four shows they taped last week, for me.

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