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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'd rather they turn Del Rio face. He isn't likeable but Rodriguez is, so I'd play off that. Have Del Rio defend him after he gets a kicking and offer to train him up. The comedy skits they could do would be great leading up to some small wins over guys like Heath Slater. An eventual mid card tag team run would be fun.


You could say its a demotion, but I would look at it as character development and building a connection between Del Rio and the audience, which one day could lead to a more successful main event heel run

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Just came across a notebook where I listed the matches/skits I'd taped off TV. A tape from the summer of 1997 has the entry "Golddust as leopard." I don't really want to dig out the tape in case it disappoints.

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Kurt Angle 2011



Kurt Angle now


Difficult to find decent photos, but... he's got a LOT bigger again, he's looking like he did in WWE. In my opinion. Discuss.

Edited by Loki
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He was doing that Olympic training publicity stunt at the start of the year, so he had to look like he was at least trying to make it in the Olympics. Now he's back to whatever he was doing beforehand. I remember posting on here I thought he was finished, because he had a string of bad matches, which he never has. After he announced he was not going to the Olympic trails, he started tearing it up again.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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