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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Glad to see Corey Graves getting called out on his shitty efforts over the last couple of pages. I've not been a fan of his really ever, and wasn't exactly sure what people were listening too when they were putting him over. He has zero sense of how to actually build drama in a match and he'll say the dumbest thing to try and get a point over. One that sticks out is back at the Dusty Tag Classic when the story of the show is going to be Balor's knee injury. The Revival gives him one chopblock to start the story, Graves goes OTT and says "THAT LEG IS NOW COMPLETELY USELESS."


After one fucking chopblock. No sense of building to the point of it being useless, and nothing he could possibly say afterwards could illustrate it being worse when you've inmediately said its useless anyway, and he only looked dumber when Balor did the Coup De Grace. You'd never hear JR, or any commentator worth his salt, say something with such authority when the story was being started. Drove me crazy.

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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Decent go home show for Takeover. Great videos highlighting Nakamura and hyping the Bayley/Asuka title match.


Alex Riley looks like Mike Awesome since he's come back. Would love to see him powerbombing cruiserweights off the top.


Actually quite liked Samson's guitar playing promo. You could just about hear him over the crowd shouting all over him. Apollo seemed to be more over than I think he is purely by being paired up with Samson.


Corbin's promo was decent, and yeah, great laugh for the Virgil reference.


Very excited for Takeover

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He's grown on me a lot and I used to really dislike him at first. Well not so much dislike, I just didn't see anything there.


Not only has he really come along, but you'd imagine he will get plenty of heel heat from a lot of the fans for not coming through the indies. He could end up getting some nuclear heat.

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He gave Aries a fair smack didn't he? He still needs to sort that hair out. I really like him, and just look at how far he's come in a year. His promos are pretty good now. he used to scream and shout, but he had lots of control in his tone and level now. The best he's looked was probably giving Aries a kicking and throwning that tshirt at Regal.


Was a touch disappointed with this NXT. I loved the videos, especially that Bayley v Asuka video. However, Jordan/Gable watching The Revival on the tv in the back didn't get me excited. I thought they'd be out in thier face or The Revival might attack them after thier match. TakeOver Dallas is still gonna be awesome, but there a few matches I felt didn't get a good final build up moment on this show.

Edited by Cobra1000
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The main focus for Takeover are the two singles title matches and the Nakamura debut, did Aries wrestle this week? I mainly skipped this episode but I remember reading the spoilers saying that he did, if not then Aries debut match hasnt really been given much at all.

Edited by TildeGuy~!
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The TNA stench too bad on Doug that a trainers spot would be out the question, or would Doug not be up for that? He grew tired of the role with TNA right.

Edited by Teedy Kay
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