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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Keith Lee nearly killed himself in front of that Full Sail crowd. What a shit way to go that would’ve been.

Rhea Ripley is so far ahead of Toni Storm it’s not even funny. Her standing up to Bayzler here put Toni storming out to them be on the verge of tears on last weeks NXT UK to shame

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I think it would be beneficial to provide succinct explanations of all the main NXT guys for the benefit of new fans in advance of the debut on real TV. For example:

Johnny Gargano - Very small man who dresses up as superheroes and has the ability to kick out of every move you can possibly imagine.

Adam Cole - An even smaller man who screams his own name.

Matt Riddle - The word 'bro' - that is literally it. No further character development required.

Killian Dain - You know how NXT UK has various fat hairy guys from Europe? Well he's a fat hairy guy from Europe but in America!

The Undisputed Era - not sure what this means. These lads are a distinct period of time and you cannot dispute it. Presumably that time is the present. Air guitar.

Keith Lee - A dad from a 90s Peter Engel productions teen sitcom.


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One thing I expect NXT to do well is some good packages introducing their stars to the new audience.  Their promo videos for incoming indy stars are always excellent.

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1 hour ago, Loki said:

One thing I expect NXT to do well is some good packages introducing their stars to the new audience.  Their promo videos for incoming indy stars are always excellent.

That's only because Vince isn't involved at all. Once he is you can safely bet that he won't give a shit about incoming indy stars. 

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5 minutes ago, adequate8 said:

Liked Grimes’ promo this week and Myles came off well, like to think he’ll shift a load of ‘Super’ merch if and when he gets to the main shows.

Not arsed about Strong/Dream again, hoping Strong takes the belt so Dream/Cole can begin.

I'm the total opposite. Thought Grimes' promo with it's 'top of the top of the bottom Cameron Grimes bottom bottom top of the bottomCameronGrimestop top bottom Cameron Grimes' was almost Michael McGillicutty levels of bad, and that Myles came off completely nondescript, unmemorable and, to be honest, a bit worthless (I know the 'real' objective of the Breakout Tournament was to get a load of new faces on TV but when the winner of it gets decisively beaten in his 'prize' match then it just means that even the best one out of that 8's nowhere near the level of the actual stars.) I was hoping after their segment earlier in the episode that Keith Lee might come in afterwards and beat down Myles for wasting the title shot that Lee's never had, but nah, Adam Cole wins, the end. Not a great episode, although Bianca Belair looked ace.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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3 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

I'm the total opposite. Thought Grimes' promo with it's 'top of the top of the bottom Cameron Grimes bottom bottom top of the bottomCameronGrimestop top bottom Cameron Grimes' was almost Michael McGillicutty levels of bad, and that Myles came off completely nondescript, unmemorable and, to be honest, a bit worthless (I know the 'real' objective of the Breakout Tournament was to get a load of new faces on TV but when the winner of it gets decisively beaten in his 'prize' match then it just means that even the best one out of that 8's nowhere near the level of the actual stars.) I was hoping after their segment earlier in the episode that Keith Lee might come in afterwards and beat down Myles for wasting the title shot that Lee's never had, but nah, Adam Cole wins, the end. Not a great episode, although Bianca Belair looked ace.

Yeh the Lee beatdown is a good shout. 

Also, some awful moments with Mauro and McGuiness just shouting over each other. Unbearable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like Dijakovic. Mostly though in the way that he's a bit shit and performs big moves he shouldn't be doing in the way I would expect Heidenreich or Nathan Jones to do them.

Big thumbs up for his match with Keith. More of that lunacy.

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That schmozz at the end of is one of the funniest things I ever seen. Pete Dunne swanning into frame absolutely killed me dead. They just had to have their "Anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation!" moment, didn't they? 

It's a shame, as even with Mauro on commentary,  I enjoyed most of the show.  Rush/Lorcan & the women's four way were both excellent, & I'd love to see a Dunne/Ruas rematch. Strong/Dream was also very good, & surprised me with the finish. The imperium segment was also well done, despite KUSHIDA soaking up the energy like a wet flannel. 

Just a shame about that closing stretch.

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Well that was about as good a debut on USA as you could hope for without completely blowing your load at the first hurdle.

Loved the HHH opening - gave it a big time feel, and the crowd were hot for most of the show.

A solid women's match that delivered a lot of different characters and a good pure babyface to go up against the bullies.

Intriguing use of Cameron Grimes. They must be pretty high on him to use him in that spot.

Roddy and Dream put on another enjoyable match. Not their best work but good for a TV 'main event' as well as showcasing UE without making Dream look too weak. Yes you can argue the whole 'why did no one come out to help him?' but no harm in making Dream look strong by trying to fight them off alone.

Not sure Dunne/Ruas really worked for me. The crowd weren't into it too much. It just felt a bit weird, and not the best way of getting Dunne over.

Xia Li and Aliyah? Hmm. Yeah I would've given that slot to someone else. If you look up 'developmental' in the dictionary, Aliyah's picture is probably there.

Interesting choice to have Imperium on the show. A real highlight of NXT UK. Not sure how long they'll stick around for but their involvement worked well, and a Kushida/WALTER match isn't something I can grumble about.

Lio Rush and Oney Lorcan was a surprise highlight for me. Wasn't too fussed about Rush before but he's got something about him.

Riddle and Dain served as a great hook for the next episode and I'm sure they'll deliver in their rematch.

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The Cruiserweight match being included made me think 205 Live might become NXT: 205 Live or something and be shown live on the Network before NXT each Wednesday from Full Sail, as they haven't said anything about 205 Live moving to Fridays and they have said they want to have a live weekly show on the Network and it being from Full Sail will improve it so much and then they can have the Cruiserweights appear on NXT and as part of its roster and rather than someone like Kushida for example changing brands from NXT to 205, they can just appear on 205 Live, a bit like they do occasionally now anyway, still part of NXT, just as part of the Cruiserweight roster.

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