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AEW Revolution

Devon Malcolm

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29 minutes ago, The Gaffer said:

Most of my gushing has been gushed better


That Allin spot is exactly the sort of thing I send to all my mates (ok, 3 of them) who know I like wrestling but aren't really interested, to pop them big time.

The bloke is an idiot for it obviously, but cheers anyway.

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4 hours ago, Supremo said:

But yeah. Spare a thought for Triple H and Seth Rollins today. Imagine watching that masterpiece, remembering what abject failures you had with Sting, despite him being nearly ten years younger. I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the mirror. I’d be calling the TKO executives, asking if they can wipe those matches from the Network. I like to imagine this is Hunter and Seth in catering tonight, clocking each other, both too embarrassed to even speak. Are we…shitarses?


I can't remember the Rollins match, outside of the fact Sting was injured at some point - but I thought the Triple H match was good fun, for what it was! The best kind of overbooked nonsense, with the wrong end result. 

I do feel like we were robbed of a longer WWE run for Sting, though. It would have been fun to see him wrestle the likes of Cena and Reigns, although I'll bet they had a stinker of a 'spooky' match with Bray Wyatt in their back pocket; so maybe we were lucky. 

I'd have been curious to see how Sting would have performed in a singles match in AEW. Maybe his whole run can be attributed to clever booking, but I never really felt like he wouldn't have been capable of another big singles match. Regardless, he's been brilliant and I'll miss the guy. 

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I genuinely never had an issue with the Sting/WWE stuff. I didn't think they did that bad by him. BUT if he was unhappy with it then that's all that matters, and I'm damn happy he's had this last run. He deserves it. No one ever seemed to have a bad word to say about him and he's managed to go out on top. Not just as some kind of nostalgia kick but a genuinely decent run.

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Sting vs Undertaker would have been utter shtie in 2015, so we're lucky we got what we got, its nice that he got this and left in his own way, but Triple H vs Sting was better than Taker vs Sting would have been. 

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It’s great they did so well by him in AEW, even if it was alongside an alleged abuser but he was perfect for that big PPV only specialist attraction spot in WWE. Had WWE booked him half as well as AEW but given him the big time WWE treatment it could have been great. 

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Sting/Rollins had a good build and Stinger holding the belt was great but the damage was done by having Triple H beat Sting at Mania. Absolute trash decision. The point was they didn't make Sting the big deal he was.

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

but I thought the Triple H match was good fun, for what it was! The best kind of overbooked nonsense, with the wrong end result. 

Genuinely think that match holds up excellently. Just chaos everywhere, it’s a very fun rewatch.

That Darby spot was mental. Some will criticise it but as someone alludes to above it’s exactly the stuff you send to those non-fans so they can see you’re not actually as much of a nerd as they reckon.

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53 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I genuinely never had an issue with the Sting/WWE stuff. I didn't think they did that bad by him. BUT if he was unhappy with it then that's all that matters, and I'm damn happy he's had this last run. He deserves it. No one ever seemed to have a bad word to say about him and he's managed to go out on top. Not just as some kind of nostalgia kick but a genuinely decent run.

I don't think he was unhappy with the matches, just with the fact that once he was injured, they considered him retired and that was that.  He wanted to wrestle again for them, they said no.  Similar to Christian, who just got retired by WWE without much consultation.

This was a good send off, and nice to see Sting retiring whilst still relatively healthy.  Fun match, I enjoyed the Bucks trying to break the no-selling Sting to no avail.  I hated the Darby spot, I'm somewhat squeamish about blood nowadays and that was a spot guaranteed to lacerate you.  Not sure deathmatch wrestling had much place in Sting's last match, but I guess if he's ok with it, I am.  I briefly thought they'd killed Flair, but no.

Best other match of the night for me was Strong v Orange.  They are perfect for each other - Roddy's ridiculous strength and backbreaking moves were perfect for Orange and his counter-moves that he does.  Really excellent match and I'd love to see another go-around as a main event some time.

Kyle O'Reilly though, jesus christ.  He looked worse than Flair!

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9 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

It’s great they did so well by him in AEW, even if it was alongside an alleged abuser

They’ve been tag team partners for ages in AEW, haven’t they?

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27 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

They’ve been tag team partners for ages in AEW, haven’t they?

Yeah which presents quite the moral quandary. At least now they can team Darby up with Flair and unmuddy the waters a bit. 

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At a guess, if they could have got Sting to work a singles match, it would have been to put Darby over, but I feel neither wanted that match. Incredible send-off, completely note perfect. AEW did Sting and vice versa very good. Sting's final run and as old legend rejuvenated by the youth around him leading him to a Terry Funk death match meets ECW balcony diving OAP Indian summer was fantastic. An all time brilliant last leg for a legit all timer. Everyone in AEW who he faced were clearly thrilled to bits working with him.

Edited by Chili
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His WWE run was cack. 1 mania match, 1 Raw match (technically 2 in the same night I guess) and 1 title match with Rollins. He was bought in as a novalty act and a way to flog that years WWE game. The novelty going full force at Mania when it turned into NWO vs DX and look, the teenage me probably wanted that, but not 30 something me. 

AEW treated him like a living legend, The Icon. He was protected and used in the right way in my opinion and he clearly loved his time there. TNA did a great job with him for the most part, but WWE never did. Almost as bad a run as Goldberg in 03.

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59 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

His WWE run was cack. 1 mania match, 1 Raw match (technically 2 in the same night I guess) and 1 title match with Rollins. He was bought in as a novalty act and a way to flog that years WWE game. The novelty going full force at Mania when it turned into NWO vs DX and look, the teenage me probably wanted that, but not 30 something me. 

AEW treated him like a living legend, The Icon. He was protected and used in the right way in my opinion and he clearly loved his time there. TNA did a great job with him for the most part, but WWE never did. Almost as bad a run as Goldberg in 03.

Not only that, they booked him in a slow motion do nothing absolute banger against Hogan. That match was a showcase in how to book people to their strengths.

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Sting's AEW run was great because they treated him with respect, but also they created a pool for him and allowed him to be the biggest fish in that pool.

WWE insisted on forcing him into their house style, in with their main eventers in their main event style matches... and then didn't want to actually present him at that level because WCW or something.

I think it boils down to; AEW's booking of him has been so clever because they realised he couldn't go in there as a singles with the big names anymore, so they set clear parameters for who he interacted with, and made clear he was always the biggest fish. WWE's was shit because they chucked him in with their big fish with the primary objective of proving he wasn't as big a fish.


Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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6 hours ago, 69MeDon said:

I can't even...

How did a show I already had seemingly impossible expectations for exceed those expectations? I don't think there was a bad match on the whole show. I even thought the Scramble was good fun.


I think every match was at least. The final match was the best I thought. I have high expectations for osprey so I was watching his match quite intensively. Some have accused him of being a bit of a spot wrestler. I do think there is a bit of truth to it but I felt most of his moves made sense. The only thing I didn't like was when he had a finishing move done on him then he was closed lined then he came back with a closeline without falling over. He needs to go careful with the no selling. 

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