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I saw Dax was holding a sign up after they went off air that said 'Vince Fears Tony', nice way of trying to creep back into the bosses good books now Vince is back. 

The Gunns looked like superstars with that entrance, fantastic stuff.  

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Another great show, keep it up Tony Khan. 

They don't appear to be particularly liked on this board, but I'm glad FTR are sticking around. I'd like to see them get a lengthy run with the belts this time round. 

The MJF segment was great, and although I can understand the appeal of the four pillars match, Jack Perry is doing so well here that I'm wondering if they might have been better off going with a singles match this time round. It'll be good either way, but Perry's prospects as a long-term main eventer are looking brighter and brighter. 

I did not expect them to go for Wembley at all, and fair play to Tony for taking a massive risk. I can't wait to see the line-up - they must have something big planned, if this is what they're choosing to do. It's very exciting. I know some people have predicted a Punk return, but I'm wondering if we might end up getting Omega/Bryan II? 

I don't know much about Jay White, but I'm looking forward to seeing more of him. I can't say that the prospect of a feud with Starks excited me much, but perhaps it'll help Ricky recapture some of the spark that he lost during his dreadful feud with Jericho. 

The Acclaimed/2.0 segment was fun, and it's nice to see 2.0 get a little bit more time to be themselves, away from Jericho. 

The BCC segment was also very good - I'm a little surprised that they didn't even have Dark Order rear their heads, but perhaps they're trying to distance Hangman from that stable, as they transition to something with Omega and The Bucks. Danielson was superb on the mic, he did an excellent job of sounding deranged and shaking up his character. 

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4 hours ago, Louch said:

not sure Luchasaurus still fits in aew, a tag team with Archer would give them something fresh in that division 

This is what I had fantasy booked in my head when Luchasaurus went off TV over the mask copyright issue. Come back with a more snake-like appearance & a new name (Vibora, basically - precisely that if they could get away with it) and a team with Archer managed by Jake.

When Christian looked like he was headed into the red light, I thought we were going to see him re-emerge next week as "Brood Christian". Exactly the same, just with "Brood Christian" written on the screen.

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3 hours ago, RedRooster said:

They don't appear to be particularly liked on this board, but I'm glad FTR are sticking around. I'd like to see them get a lengthy run with the belts this time round. 


I fucking love them, I don't give a shite if they're knobs on twitter.

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Now FTR are actually staying in AEW, can we be done with the fucking stories of 'x wrestler is pissed off on Twitter / Podcast, teases leaving, only to swerve and stay'. Leave it alone for a while now. 

In other news, I am ecstatic that FTR are staying in AEW. I had absolutely no time whatsoever for them as The Revival, but (Despite the twitter bollocks) they are genuinely one of my favourite tag teams around now. 

If we are getting a UK PPV, please give us some vignettes of the BCC having a day out in Blackpool. Few ales in The Flagship, 2p machines, donkeys, the works, but just being absolutely miserable throughout it all.....pretty much like an actual day out in Blackpool. 

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13 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

When did FTR Bald go on the Steve Corino diet? I know he's never been ripped but he looks like he spent a lot of time down the kebab shop buying fish and chips. 

If there's one thing that bothers me about AEW that makes me feel like an absolute ******* for saying it, it's that too many of the wrestlers are either not in shape or don't look big enough.  Maybe it's years of WWE sizeism but too many guys look a bit podgy or a bit too small.  Christ, there are guys in trainee promotions in the UK that are bigger than, say, Sammy Guevara.

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I like FTR and lots here don't seem too. I don't follow FTR Bald on Twitter or listen to his podcast, which probably explains why I like him. He was just noticeably flabbier than when I last saw him, which he would probably rightly say about me to be fair. 

I don't think it is WWE sizeism either, you either have a look that makes you look like you belong in wrestling.  Guevera isn't big, but he has a look about him that conveys that he is a wrestler, in exactly the same way that Adam Cole looks like a wannabe cool English teacher who would say "Don't call me Mr Cole, call me Adam" and of the two I much prefer to watch Cole wrestle, I just don't like his look. 

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? FTR/Gunns. Not a classic IMO, but really picked up down the stretch and I loved the Gunns’ shithousery in trying to get DQ’ed. Fucking ace entrances for this match. Good to see FTR stick around. 

? Women’s title match was a very good standard indeed. A right cracker. Also Rhio’s entrance music makes me feel like by the seaside and I’m in the arcades getting ready to play on on some sort of mad Namco racing simulator. 

? BCC going on a tear up. Lovely. Hangman looks like such a daft cunt going out there by himself to get battered. Difference between looking heroic and stupid. ? MJF can sing, well bugger me. Great segment, that. 

? Sammy G/Komander - Another decent match. Big fan of Komander - clocked him for the first time at ROH Supercard at the weekend and was impressed straight away. this. Some people might think the rope-walk stuff is a bit contrived - I think it’s brilliant though. His balance is ridiculous. He's like the bloke from Man On Wire, but quicker and with a cool mask. 

? Trios title match wasn’t a classic but still good in patches. Think the Best Friends have run their course at this point as a collective. 

? Wembley baby. See you there. 

? Crap reveal for Jay White’s debut - camera didn’t cut to him for a close up. I get the linkup with Juice Robinson but it feels like a wasted opportunity to do something bigger with him. Great signing obviously but a naff reveal. 

? FTW title/Hardy turning on Ethan Page. Not sure what the craic is here. 

Overall - Top work Tony you mad, mad bastard.

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The Blackpool Combat Club are rubbish. Sorry. None of it makes sense and they’d all be be better served by breaking it apart, at least a bit.

There’s like 4 different, contrasting acts bundled together under a name that has no context anymore.

I think they’re heels. It certainly seems that way.  But, they entered through the crowd and Mox was playing the superstar babyface the entire time. Twat Siren is still a big lump of wood. Bryan has clearly gone full evil, but even he towards the end of the match was posing for the crowd like a baby.

I think ideally they’d turn on Mox maybe, and it’s just main event evil Bryan with Twat Siren and hot wheels as his angry back-up.

The segment wasn’t bad, and Bryan is an electric on-screen presence. His promo was a little tedious, but in all it was a decent segment let down by such wonky presentation.


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@d-d-d-dAz I've been saying the same thing for months, the BCC is one of the worst stables of all time considering the name value of the guys they've got in it. Of course, our long-standing mutual hatred of that dullard Claudio probably has something to do with me holding that opinion. It's the Blackpool name that bothers me the most now though, it just makes no sense any more.

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The BCC should be amazing, but they feel like they haven't quite nailed down their act exactly yet. The babyface theme and entrance doesn't help. Danielson wearing different gear to the rest of them doesn't help. The lack of group promos which clarifies their goals and each members role doesn't help. With a few tweaks they should be fine. 

Wasn't really a fan of Danielson's confusing promo. Calling Hangman an amateur when he's beaten 3/4ths of the BCC just doesn't land.

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I have a feeling that Jay White was supposed to debut later on but with Vince being back, I think Tony brought it forward so it looked like they got one over WWE and made them look bad after the debacle of Monday Night Raw. 

The BCC are finally doing what they should have done a year ago. The whole "let's make this place better" vibe was the story of Danieson vs Moxley at Revolution. 

I wish Hayter vs Riho was 10 mins longer

MJF Day was better sports entertainment than anything WWE have done bar Mysterios and Bloodline in the last 10 years

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Great show.

Absolutely convinced Tony was so disappointed on Monday that he decided to just do his own Raw after Wrestlemania.

Debuts (Jay White), returns (Christian and Luchasaurus), fresh directions (Keith Lee vs. Chris Jericho is a proper mad pairing), fun cameos (Trent’s mum!), great matches, (Trios Titles, Women’s Title), fun Sports Entertainment segments (MJF Day), mad announcements (Wembley stadium?! You fucking lunatic!) and then finally ending on a big Title change and confetti. Boom. Nailed it. They should make this a tradition every year.

Some other quick thoughts;

I liked Jay White’s debut. There was a real chaotic energy about hitting the music immediately and the camera not catching sight of him at first. Nice to see them doing different things rather than always switching the lights off, whether the surprise deserves it or not. Plus, after Juice’s current run of giving everyone their worst match in years, it saved Ricky Starks being dragged down to his level.

For as fun as Komander is, he was starting to feel like a one trick pony as that match with Sammy went on. How many rope-walk Shooting Star Presses did he do in the end? Four? Five?!

The Acclaimed, Daddy Magic and Cool Hand quietly having a brilliant midcard comedy feud. Great hammy nonsense.

Jamie Hayter is fucking brilliant. Her consistently incredible matches is the only thing carrying the women’s division at the moment.

MJF hit a complete home run. I was howling when he called his teacher a dumb bitch. Really enjoying this Four Pillar angle, even if it massively exposes Guevara as the weak link. That promo was rough.

Where the FUCK is Double J and co? Starting to worry his run is over.

I’m still enjoying the Blackpool Combat Club more than most, there’s a real buzz to them all being together and Bryan Danielson’s seamless transition into being a horrible little bastard is amazing to see, but I hated the way nobody came out to save Hangman. Where are Dark Order? Where are the exact same officials that broke up Jungle Boy and MJF minutes earlier? A real misfire from guys who usually put tonnes of thought into everything they do. Still, looking forward to Danielson getting his own douche bag jacket to match the rest of them. The inevitable angle when we get the four-on-four face off is going to make me cum everywhere.

Bar The Gunns’ brilliant entrance, the main event was massively underwhelming, especially considering the stakes. Probably a combination of The Gunns not really being ready for that spot and Dax self-sabotaging online the last six to eight months. Let’s call it a day in both cases, lads. Send The Gunns back down the card where they belong, delete Dax’s Twitter and explain to him how fucking tiresome all this meta shit is. “Ooooh, we might retire.” “Ooooh, we might go back to WWE.” Do it. If it means you’ll shut the fuck up. Do it. Now.

But yeah. The Elite saga seeing Hangman Adam Page wearing an eyepatch, as the sexy lone wolf, running around like Snake Plissken? I’m in!

Edited by Supremo
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32 minutes ago, Supremo said:

MJF hit a complete home run. I was howling when he called his teacher a dumb bitch. Really enjoying this Four Pillar angle, even if it massively exposes Guevara as the weak link. That promo was rough.

One thing I did take from this segment is that they might actually be better off turning MJF. He’s great playing the babyface role, and they have so many strong heels right now that he’s just not essential on the heel side of things. He could easily be the top face for AEW, and do a damn good job at it.

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