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Scott Hall passes away


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Scott Hall was the subject of the first ever VHS compilation tape I ever had for a single wrestler. This was long before WWE DVD comps and, despite there being lots of tape traders, with huge catalogues of tapes, including lots of single wrestler compilations, they never had a Scott Hall one. I had to get someone to custom make one for me in exchange for some tapes of mine. Just think of the effort that shit took in an analog age? But it was worth doing because Razor Ramon/Scott Hall was that fucking cool and that damn good. I loved that dude. 

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3 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

Just think of the effort that shit took in an analog age?

Think of? I did it. I used to tape every episode of Mania, Superstars, Challenge, Action Zone and eventually Raw and edit them down to 8 hour long play tapes of only genuine matches with all the squashes, event Center bollocks and interviews removed. Appropos to this thread the first one I did would have had Razor vs Sid non start when Sid stepped through Razors pyro to attack him, a match he had with one Blu brother or the other, and a tag against them both with his partner, everyone’s favourite, Savio Vega. For starters.

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He changed the business in about sixty seconds in 1996 just by showing up and looking cool. No understatement. It'll never happen again. 

I remember being oddly mesmerised by his old YouTube channel where he'd be just knocking back screwdrivers by himself commentating on his own matches. It sucks that he's gone but I'm really happy that's not how he went.

Seemed to spend an Indian summer having a few years getting his ass kissed by fans and talent, sober to experience it and flogging the arse off his gimmicks at every available opportunity. 

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I loved the little stories about Hall that Waltman and Nash told on their Kayfabe Commentary shoots. I know they would obviously talk him up being best friends and all but you could tell through those what an amazing brain he had for wrestling. Like telling Nash to never pose because if you become a body guy it shortens your career, and Waltman explaining why he let Jeff Hardy had offence in that early squash match. He was completely selfless.

And he was my favourite of all time. It's a shame, in a way, that everyone talks about the HBK ladder matches, as fantastic as they still are, because you never saw him have a bad match. Even when the feud against the 123 Kid went daft, he still elevated it by just being so good and effortlessly cool. He had good to great matches with almost everyone. It's still one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in wrestling that he took that loss to The Kid on Raw and a couple of months later was one of the top babyfaces in WWF. Easily one of the greatest of all time, a really sad day.

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Sad news I'm 41 and I loved Razor Ramon I grew up in the new generation era i was at the hight of my fandom in 94-95 I know 95 gets a bad rap but I thought it was a great year razor was king back then rip my old friend.."say goodbye to the bad guy"

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2 hours ago, air_raid said:

This one is incredibly tough to take, in a way we should be grateful for the extra years he ended up enjoying when so many people wrote him off many years prior

1 hour ago, Louch said:

Just glad when he got help later in life he got many years to get his flowers from fans and workers alike. 

These are the points that it's worth remembering - for 10-15 years, this is a headline that you'd go online almost expecting to see. That he was able to get himself sober, healthy and happy, and looking like Razor Ramon again, was something so remarkable that we shouldn't overlook in all of this, after so long of him being seen as a bit of a lost cause. I will never forget the voicemail DDP played of him before he came to stay with him and work on his recovery, it was absolutely heartbreaking.

Instead, he had a third act to his career that saw him get two WWE Hall of Fame inductions, brought him closer to his family, and allowed him to see out his days with "legend" appearances, and working with young talent to improve. He's someone who clearly had an incredible mind for the business but, more than anything, just bloody loved getting in the ring and working, and giving the fans something to remember, and that he was able to do all of that again on the big stage - as much of a laugh as the Triple H/Sting match is, Hall taking a bump on the floor is a sign of how he always wanted to give something to justify his spot - and receive all the love and plaudits he got while he was still around to see them is something that should never be overlooked in all of this. Bad guy did good.

Personally, he was one of the first wrestlers that really stood out to me as cool. It was the Legion of Doom, looking like video game baddies, that suckered me in, but it was Razor and Bret that kept me watching because they were cool; I wanted to style my hair like Razor Ramon, and wear leather jackets like Bret. I can probably count on the fingers of one hand the amount of wrestlers that are genuinely cool, and Scott Hall always was.

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I went to a weeklong FWA Academy training camp in 2003 down in Portsmouth.
Amidst the usual assortment of characters you get at these things was a kid called Chico. At least, that's what he said his name was.
He was a small Irish kid but I seem to recall him having long black hair and chewing on a toothpick all the time.
He said his favourite match was Razor vs Shawn at WrestleMania X.
I love that, because it's wrestling, everyone just accepted he was Chico and I believe we even watched the Mania match towards the end of the week and he was cheering Razor on the entire time.

Scott oozed cool and was the guy to kick off what would become the most incredible few years of mainstream wrestling the world had seen. His 'You know who I am but you don't know why I'm here' and 'You wanna war? You GOT one!' is etched in wrestling history and it is a testament to him that he completely turned his life around.

RIP Bad Guy. 

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I have a Scott Hall action figure on my desk. I keep looking at it today and its making me really sad.

As many have said it was great that the last few years he's looked fantastic and been in a great place. Terrible he's gone, but as someone mentioned watching all the clips etc have made it easier.

I'll keep the action figure on my desk, as over time the sadness will fade and it'll just make me laugh at how fucking cool Scott Hall was.

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Must say that I agree with @BomberPat.

As sad as it is, we were half expecting his death 10-15 years ago when he was at his lowest ebb.

Instead, his is a story of redemption where he was able to bask in the adulation of the wrestling fanbase and live out his final years in relative peace after what must have been decades of mental torment off and on.

Due to the undoubted beating that his body took on all fronts, I'm thankful for everyone concerned that he got that time.

It may be a cliche but while I was never the biggest Razor Ramon fan, I will never forget the shock of Scott Hall turning up on Nitro during a squash match.

Watching TNT at the time it felt so surreal, no one made their debut like that! And while I never felt he rose above upper midcard level in the WWF, he was part and parcel of the biggest and hottest angle in many years.

He was the perfect blend of being a student of the game and having a great mind for the business, yet never taking it too seriously. I remember him expressing his almost horror after being taken to Bret's shrine for himself at his home.

I could listen to his shoot interviews all day, in fact, I'll probably whack one on later. 

Edited by garynysmon
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Echo the sentiments already posted in here so far.

I remember watching that shitty Indy Show that wheeled him out when he was clearly off his face and the sad attempt at his discus punch - and thinking it was only a matter of time.

But he managed to kick the drink and enjoy his retirement.


Edited by Max Power
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