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WWE Royal Rumble 2022


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2 hours ago, garynysmon said:

My main takes are that WWE are still the kings of that big match feel. I went from not having an idea what the match card was to being reasonably invested in Reigns v Rollins and Lesnar v Lashley due only to the pre-match videos etc.

I 100% understand all the negativity here, especially after that main event, but I'm with @garynysmonthe hype video for Lesnar and Lashley was incredible. 

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Like many on here, back from SummerSlam and went into it with the best of intentions as a litmus test of my tolerance for modern day WWE. There used to be a time even the more boring 'Rumbles were fun snapshots of the rosters at the time that even lapsed or casual fans could sink their teeth into and enjoy. This was an absolute slog, though. 

There were good points. The more minimalist entrance with the fans closer to the aisle looks good. The two title matches had a great big time atmosphere and excellent build up packages. I actually didn't mind the DQ finish. If it serves the story, then fair enough. It's a tool writers have at their disposal in a medium where the fights are fake anyway. Reign's protracted...heel turn?...was given room to breath and it was a good bit of storytelling I thought. 

Everything else was the drizzling shits. Surprises are nice, but padding out the women's 'Rumble with so many people who are just so demonstrably out of the game isn't a good look. Rousey - in fairness never the greatest facial - didn't exactly seem thrilled she went over. The camera cuts were the usual arse but there was even more weirdly unnecessary left to rights during really droll bits of action, like they were stalling for time before cueing up the next cut. And now with the Elimination Chamber next month, canon, traditional PPVs are doing the Saudi thing? Shite. 

My TV popped one of those auto shutdown warnings up on my screen at the precise moment Drew and Lesnar had their stare down, which about sums it up. 

I'm running with my low bar wrestling morals back to not-as-bad Uncle Tony, cheers. It's nice to actually enjoy yourself watching this stuff. 

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I saw a thread on Reddit about someone performing a jacknife powerbomb, so I watched the whole PPV because I thought Kevin Nash was in the Rumble.  So, clearly, the entire thing was hugely disappointing.

That said, having not watched anything WWE bar NXT since Wrestlemania, there were some good matches here I thought.  The Shield match was really good and I didn't mind the finish because it's leaving the door open for another match between them later, Reigns still having not ever beaten Rollins 1 on 1.  Another Moxley reference on WWE TV too, when it happens I'll remind you that I called it ?

Lashley-Lesnar was my jam, big hoss fight and it felt for a bit there that Lesnar had met his match.  Lashley makes a great champ but the ending was, as people have said, nonsensical.

I enjoyed the Women's Rumble quite a bit but - boy, oh boy, Rousey looked TERRIBLE.  That gear made her look blobby (and she's not by a long stretch), she seems to have forgotten everything she knew about wrestling, and her strikes were incredibly weak from someone who really used to make it look good.  If she's going to pull off a WM main event, they need to get Kurt Angle back ASAP to train her again.

Saddest moment of the night for me personally was Bobby Roode coming out (with new music??) to absolutely no reaction.   Back in the day, even a Scotty Too Hotty coming out to the Rumble would get a pop.  But someone as good as Roode has clearly had all interest sucked out of him by the WWE machine, he's just a quick elimination and a perennial midcarder who, as someone pointed out earlier, you wouldn't buy in a million years as credible.  The little "TNA" chant just underlined how everyone with some momentum or history behind them ends up washed clean of heat on the main roster.

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First night back and cracks already showing. Getting shitty with the robot interviewer going through her list of questions. And nothing says, “I’m able to handle some booing and understand that it comes with the job,” than immediately bringing it up in your first interview back.

I suspect we’re weeks away from her releasing shitty shoot promos online, ya marks. I’ll be stunned if she lasts the full year.

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5 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

How dare you throw Boogs in with Madcap. I won't have anyone slander Boogs like that. He's way more interesting. Although yeah I guess if you're judging on the Rumble I probably can't argue much.

I love Boogs, but now they have made him have a short back & sides and switch his cool faux denim singlet for an ugly plain red one (while keeping the kneepads from his previous outfit which don't go at all) I can definitely see why someone seeing him for the first time would mistake him for a 5-minute CAW.

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Right, I get it. I get why everyone’s sad. 

But before I go in, just know… I’ve not watched WWE in ages, Brock Lesnar is close to being my favourite wrestler of all time and I like big men killing each other…

So yeah. I liked it.

I only watched Reigns/Rollins, Lesnar/Lashley, the end of the womens Rumble and the Mens Rumble. 

Reigns/Rollins was good.

Lesnar/Lashley was fucking superb. Lashley looked like he’d suffer with PTSD at the end. He dumped Lesnar on his head with the first suplex, so Lesnar kept trying to kill him until Lashley’s arsehole went and he kept trying to turn onto his stomach during the suplexes.

Ronda looked shit.

Brock winning didn’t bother me. They don’t have any stars or heat on anyone else. They spent so long focusing on so few people that now they’ve got no choice to continue doing it.

I died laughing at Brock not having a clue how to celebrate winning as a face.

AEW has definitely poached a large proportion of the wrestlers they’d be otherwise using for surprise entrances (Big Show, Mark Henry, Billy Gunn…).

Summary would be - WWE have one story. They’re telling that relatively well. Everything else is burning beneath it, but no one seems to care.


Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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10 minutes ago, Statto said:

I love Boogs, but now they have made him have a short back & sides and switch his cool faux denim singlet for an ugly plain red one (while keeping the kneepads from his previous outfit which don't go at all) I can definitely see why someone seeing him for the first time would mistake him for a 5-minute CAW.

I must admit I haven't watched in a while so wondered what they'd done to his hair damnit. But then he started being all manly and strong and I just didn't care anymore.

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A very middling show. I actually really enjoyed the women's rumble, though the men's rumble was a damp squib. Nothing against Lesnar winning, though it would've been nice to have some kind of explanation as to how he could simply enter the rumble despite being in the title match.


Personally I would've preferred an up and comer to win and go on to challenge Lashley at Wrestlemania (though who that would be is anyone's guess). I know Reigns/Lesnar is set for Mania, which I have no issue with, though there were ways of getting there without making the result of the rumble match so bloody predictable.

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I made the mistake of watching some old school Rumble's before this and it highlighted just how non-over everything is now. It's sad but watching the 1990 Rumble, for instance - it had stars galore, the crowd were loud throughout (at points VERY loud) and were into everything the wrestlers did no matter how basic. 
People just do NOT care now - they'll pop for the initial appearance of someone and the occasional spot in a match but nothing the wrestlers do can hold an audience's enthusiasm any more.
It's sad and makes it a real chore instead of a joy to watch.

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Did Rousey have any other really good matches in her first WWE run after the tag with Angle vs Triple H and Stephanie at Mania? I don’t recall watching any of the rest of her stuff there but kept seeing pictures of her in that really shit eye makeup and hearing stories of her being a twat. 

Just saw this;

Po. Presumably the next baby will be called Tinky Winky. 

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