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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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28 minutes ago, Loki said:

Wait, so if you're ranked Top5 in the Men's Rankings, you can challenge for either belt?  The two belts don't have separate rankings?  And the same is true for the Womens' belts?

You'd think separate rankings for each title would end things like Frankie Kazarian ranked number one when the only match he's had on Dynamite all year is that shit 20 minute Archer Squash match. It'd establish more of a hierarchy as well, but I guess it'd also fly in the face of how everybody in a match has to get all their stuff in so they don't look weak, resulting in nobody looking good. Somebody 10-0 on Dark, well done, you're the top ranked guy on Dark. You don't get to walk straight into a world title match though. See how you do on Elevation. You've gone 6 months unbeaten on Elevation? Welcome to the big leagues. You've not won your last 10 on Dynamite? Relegation. Make the rankings count. I thought that was what they intended Dark/Elevation to be originally. People moving up and down the rankings. Heck use that All Atlantic belt as something to aspire towards for those people. If I'm top of those rankings there's only one belt I'm bothered about, and that's the world title. I've just clawed my way to the top of the rankings. Why settle for the TV Title or whatever that other belt is for? 

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Ah I woke up really excited for Dynamite and just got through watching it. That Battle Royal broke my heart. I'd assumed that the convoluted Battle-Royal-to-get-to-Wardlow-Moxley booking was all because it was too soon to do another tournament. So then to announce a new tournament for a new belt almost immediately after the Battle Royal? All started to feel very messy.

I'm not one of those weird fans who gets personally offended when the booking doesn't validate my expectations, but I'd spent all week fantasy booking the winner here and they went with one of the least intriguing choices available to them. Seeing Eddie Kingston hit the floor so unceremoniously gave me flashbacks to Daniel Bryan at the 2015 Rumble. There were no other interesting potential winners in the match at that point, as far as I was concerned, and I half expected/hoped the crowd might turn on the match. It rubbed salt into the wound seeing Eddie give a great promo later in the show. A Mox/Kingston main event could've been one of the best one night stories ever.

Hangman felt sadly diminished coming out for his TV match but at least he's going straight into some kind of Okada situation. Echo what others have said about Cole bringing the vibe down. Should've let Page's challenge breathe. No mention of MJF at all feels like a misstep. It might help the angle feel more organic when they eventually go back to it, but in the short-term it cools it right down.

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26 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

Just watched the battle royale, think I might just skip the rest of the show. What a way one match can suck out the interest in an entire company, it just shows who they have faith in and it's that reject cunt?

To be honest, I don't think it gives any indication as to O'Reilly's standing with the company. I think Khan wanted to put on a good match, without jobbing out one of his bigger stars; or giving away a potential PPV match. I don't think much thought was put in to the logic behind it all. They could easily have given Kingston the win (then loss) to Moxley without damaging him. It would have played perfectly into his long-term story too. Wheeler Yuta would have benefitted from it - and who wouldn't want to see a rematch of that fantastic Rampage main event? 

Swerve would have been an intriguing opponent, and it would feel more possible that this was a breakout moment for him. I also have no doubt that he has the ability to cut a passionate promo that would get you invested in this match. He wasn't in the match, but Ethan Page also has that ability - he could have cut a breakout promo that would have left you feeling excited about the match. 

I also think Khan overestimated interest in the idea of the Wednesday night wars being revived for one more night. But fuck, if you're going to do that, use Adam Cole. I'm not crazy about him, but he's better than Kyle O'Reilly, and there's no disgrace in losing to Moxley after participating in a battle royale earlier on the same show. 

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If they have cole and hangman at dominion to challenge Okada, then you have Okada slap cole about before agreeing to face hangman, I’ll take it. Or if Cole appears in Jurassic world dominion tomorrow and gets eaten alive even better. 

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26 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Swerve would have been an intriguing opponent, and it would feel more possible that this was a breakout moment for him. I also have no doubt that he has the ability to cut a passionate promo that would get you invested in this match. He wasn't in the match, but Ethan Page also has that ability - he could have cut a breakout promo that would have left you feeling excited about the match.

Swerve was one of the few things that stood out to me due to eliminating Keith Lee and Darby. It would have been easy putting him up against Mox for the loss, as it looks like he might have stuff lined up.

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Glad I wasn't alone in hating this show. Found it headache inducing. More fucking title belts, debuts and Jeff Hardy killing himself.

Shows how vital MJF and Punk are for being big prowrestling characters that can slow the pace down and tell stories. 

On a positive note, Moxley is in the form of his career. WOTY so far. Glad to see him back in the world title mix. Him vs Punk should be money.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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How great would Kingston vs Moxley been? No harm in Kingston losing, JAS involvement or not. I don't understand Wardlow not wanting to be in it or Hangman not being in it. Surely you can create fued starters from match. 

Christain should replace Jeff in the ladder match. Cristian/Matt should win and have a short reign to further the inevitable JB vs Christian fued.

So many belts. The Transatlanticism belt will have the value of the Euro title in 6 months.

AEW also hired the same editor for Trent's table botch that did Vince's stunner.

David Finlay = decent.


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I reckon they're getting a little hamstrung with some of the NJPW stuff. From what I've seen the Cole stuff is because they have the NJPW show in-between, and they need to try and help hype up the White/Okada match, and not treat it as a foregone conclusion. So I reckon there's been some back-and-forthing, and Khan didn't want to have to do the battle royal in the first place, with a sense of 'I don't want to mess up any of our actual booking plans, so fuck it, just have Kyle win it - we know he'll have a good match'.

It's an odd mix of rewriting and hotshotting, I reckon, and this week was a 'fuck it, just get to next week' show. Might be wrong, but I'd rather it was that than the wheels coming off. (Although they could have been a *lot* more interesting than Kyle O'fucking'Reilly.)

Oh, and fuck Will Ospreay. The more major a part of the show he is, the less I'll be watching.

Edited by Chris B
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1 hour ago, poetofthedeed said:

He's gonna be on the show whether we like it or not, might as well be in as inoffensive a way as possible. Plus Miro murdering him will be funny.

Stick him with Jay Lethal and Darby Allin. Not for wrestling reasons, just because it’s easier to keep an eye on the dangers if they’re in the same place. 

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13 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Stick him with Jay Lethal and Darby Allin. Not for wrestling reasons, just because it’s easier to keep an eye on the dangers if they’re in the same place. 

Put the three of them in an intergender tag match against Nyla Rose, Jamie Hayter and Paige VanZant.

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This show made me angry. Jesus Christ.

OK, so, great, fucking KOR is in the main event. There I have a solid reason to watch until the end...

ANOTHER FUCKING BELT? AND ANOTHER FUCKING TOURNAMENT? I'm tired, Tony. Also, did you know that AEW is THE NUMBER ONE PROMOTION IN GREAT BRITAIN? Do you care? Also: they had Tony S scripted to say "the visionary, Tony Khan" in that video package for that belt reveal. That is some funny shit.

We hear from Trent Beretta! JR (who was mostly awful all night) had a classic line when that graphic came up the second time, "what's Trent Beretta got to say?" Yeah, right? And, again, does ANYBODY CARE?!

Oh, it's the dickhead, Will Ospreay. Great. So happy.

I am actually starting to believe that Tony Khan *has* run through all his notebook ideas and is now booking on the fly, with generally not great results. Or maybe it's just that everything is build for Forbidden Door which, the closer it gets, the less I care about it.

Edited by 69MeDon
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