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AEW Revolution 2021


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In my head I thought they could get away with it. I kept making excuses.

Eddie was protecting Mox from the explosion. Explosion kinda happens.

Eddie is still protecting Mox. Maybe he is worried some more will go off. Do you not remember the fireworks adverts about them going off eventually. 

EMT comes out. Eddie still on top. Maybe he’s emotional. He’s crying. Speaking to Mox. Overwhelmed at nearly losing his mate

EMT pulls Eddie off and he rolls off unconscious. Maybe the explosions triggered Eddie’s tinnitus.....Yeah there’s no explaining this, it was terrible. 

Edited by boshealecta
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Fucking hell just watched the show. I'm gobsmacked at that ending cock up because if any wrestling fan has seen an exploding ring match it was the Foley/Funk one from King of the Death match 95 right? Or we've at least read about it and its disappointing ending in Foley's book? That was the first tape I got from a tape trader and even knowing about the ending being terrible from Have a Nice day, I was amazed at how bad it was. AEW would never do anything close to that surely? You had one job, Oof!

Not only was it shit but it included Diesel corner pyro and a big gap in the middle of the hard cam. If they used ten times as much, it still would have looked terrible.

I feel sorry for Moxley and Omega, they must be gutted. I thought most of the stuff they did looked great and vicious, but was let down by production. The barbed wire boards, exploding baseball bat, one winged angel on a chair etc looked brutal. But the vicious spiked DDT to the outside had its shine taken off due to the shite bombs being miles away from them (using a little ring rope explosives around two of the edges would have looked great.) and the ring rope explosions would have looked incredible from the hard cam (with cherry picked replay close ups), but numerous shots showed the explosives being no where near the lads. Side cam showed Kenny was 3 feet away from Moxley's foot explosion that 'blinded' him. It would have looked great on the hard cam.

I think stuff in the match was vicious enough for Moxley to go on maternity leave and Kenny could have beat the shit out of some randomer on Dynamite who was 'in charge' of the cocked up explosion. But Moxley did a post match interview and Kingston still looks like a plum, so those poor sods are gonna have to get blown up again somehow.

Also, covering a guy to save them at the end is/was an Onita thing. So this situation is full of deathmatch nerds! I cant believe it was that much of a fuck up. Waiting around for five minutes for the countdown was weird too, shave some time off like they do in the Rumble when its too boring.

8 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Cody loitering about in the entrance way keeping the focus on himself, Hogan would’ve been proud.

Haha. Jake Roberts made me laugh sitting on the hard cam apron for ages in his bright red shirt. The refs had to carry him away, its not about you Jake.

As someone said earlier Christian without hype would have been great, but was underwhelming here and will have lost some goodwill for Tony Khan, not close to Dixie territory yet, but it could happen with a few more letdowns. 

I don't watch much wrestling these days but I thought id try the PPV and pre show Dynamite. Its watchable but I'm not going to watch weekly. They really need a quality control person to go over everything. One example is blood being in many matches, completely devaluing the main event blood. If the main event is going to be bloody, no one else is allowed to bleed on the show! Also someone diving into the crowd, killed the spot in the women's match afterward which featured a dumping someone in the crowd spot. 

Also Excalibur looked like shit in one of the promos in his hoodie and Oasis shirt.

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1 hour ago, Chris B said:

To be fair, it seems to be the execution that's the issue here far more than the storytelling. That's generally been pretty effective, and something they've been mostly praised for.

Week to week, pretty much every match on here had some fair build. Plenty going on in each one, and a fair few had decent heat going in. For every Young Bucks/Cody mess, they've got a Hangman/Dark Order, Mox/Omega, Inner Circle, Team Taz/Sting & Darby... everyone's there for a reason. It was one thing that struck me at the end of the Tag Battle Royale match - there wasn't a bad option in the final half-dozen or so. 

Not saying they can't tighten things up, and they certainly need to keep an eye on production, because last night was all over the shop, but their storytelling has been pretty strong for the most part.

I skipped the PPV unfortunately because the build and the card itself was weak. The Sting stuff is good and the Inner Circle story decent (although feeling dangerously close to fizzling like some of the previous long term angles) but I'm not with you on the rest of it.

Moxley tried to make it feel big and like a blood feud but Omega undercut it with his meta comedy bullshit. Hardly anybody cared for a rematch until they threw the gimmick in. The Page/Hardy contract stuff was insulting, illogical bollocks and a waste of Page. The Miro stuff is irredeemable shite. The ladder match had zero heat or story between the participants and felt like a bunch of names pulled from a hat. Shida/Ryo had no story at all.

Also, Baker/Itoh/Riho/Rosa were stuck on the pre-show despite being ten times more over and interesting with more going on than Shida/Ryo. And the Battle Royals feel like they're overdone and being relied on instead of building teams up with consistent booking.


EDIT: also the Moxley/Omega build was so convoluted that Moxley was actively taking the piss out if it for a couple of weeks. 

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Hikaru Shida's finisher is that knee to the face, right? Mizunami kicked out of it about 8 times. It was ridiculous. 

I did feel sorry for them at first that their big explosion clearly didn't go off properly and made Kingston and Mox looked silly. Then Tony Khan acted the tit in his interview and revealed that that was the plan all along? A couple of sparklers that Eric Young 15 years ago wouldn't sell for? Embarassing beyond belief. 

The reason WWE can get away with their 'somebody losing an eye' bollocks is because they have no goodwill left and the only people left watching at this point will always be there. AEW doesn't have that luxury. It's a brand new company and this PPV will be the first time a lot of people have spent money on their product. To have that as the last lingering image of the PPV will leave so many people with a bad taste in their mouth, they may never bother buying an AEW PPV again. That's twice in a row now they've massively overhyped their main event too - it was only a few months ago Kingston was saying Moxley would pretty much have to kill him live on air and then they had an ordinary hardcore match.

On the other hand, wrestling fans have a short memory so it may not be a big deal if they can now put together a run of shows that knock it out of the park. 

I really enjoyed the rest of the PPV, though. The tag battle royal probably being the highlight. It's funny how forgettable that QT Marshall is that he turned heel here and nobody has mentioned it in 15 pages.

I said a few days back that I'd really like to see Christian in AEW so I didn't mind that at all, but 'outwork everyone' is a crap slogan. Can't wait for 'outwork everyone' Christian vs 'do the work' Cody.

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Honestly, I'd be delighted if AEW opened Dynamite with a video reel of the main event where they cut to a huge movie explosion/building collapse when the countdown hits zero. I'd like their attitude to be, "you know what we were going for, we're proud of the story we told, so fuck it... we're pretending the bomb spot delivered completely and that's that". I feel like I'd have a happier time suspending my disbelief in that way - in a way that lets them continue with that beautifully told story - than I will with whatever panicked patch job they end up producing under pressure. 

Also, never in a million years did I imagine I'd enjoy a 2021 Sting match so much. 

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They should have shit on it immediately if it was intended. Not a follow up YouTube video. Have omega reappear looking happy with himself and have Kingston tear him down for it being crap and sets up a tv main event in a few weeks to bridge the gap till double or nothing. 

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

Nor should the winner. If Allin drops the title to Scorpio Sky I'm going to be so pissed off. He's so shite.

It's a weird corner they've painted themselves into. If he wins the title it's because of what Darby went through in the street fight. If Darby retains after going through all that it make Scorpio Sky look a bit shit. Maybe they're going to try and turn Daniel's & Kaz as well? SCU Vs Sting & Darby in what turns out to be their final match? 

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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

For all the talk of the puff,flash,puff,flash,bang, the state of that brass ring should not go unchallenged 


Some good ones in the ensuing thread as well. 


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2 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

It's a weird corner they've painted themselves into. If he wins the title it's because of what Darby went through in the street fight. If Darby retains after going through all that it make Scorpio Sky look a bit shit. Maybe they're going to try and turn Daniel's & Kaz as well? SCU Vs Sting & Darby in what turns out to be their final match? 

Scorpio Sky is a bit shit though so that shouldn't be a problem.

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