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Minor Annoyances (Vol 2)


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7 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

if you're looking at emails on a phone it automatically defaults to the latest, which is super annoying as well

Check your settings for "conversation view" or "threaded view" to stop this. Agreed, on phone this view doesn't work.Ā 

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We had a major launch at work about a month ago and so some high up sends out a "Thank You" email to some 200+ recipients...ending with "Please include anyone I've missed"...which lead to a bunch of middle managers wanting to chime in with their thanks. Of course one middle manager ain't about to sit there and not reply when others are so it started a domino effect. Ended up with 75+ emails on this chain going to hundreds of people.

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On 11/28/2022 at 5:45 PM, Doog said:

I appreciate sometimes when it's really really busy they can't, but I find you can always tell a good barman/barmaid by them knowing who is next. A good bar person doesn't need to ask who's next. My local are shocking for this, 3 people at the bar the other day, she serves one, its clear the guy next to me is next as he was there before me as she ws serving the other person, and she looks at us both and ask who's next. Piss poor.

There's a limit to this though. I've worked in bars in awful sports pubs during world cups and it's pretty difficult to differentiate between every twat in an England shirt (they were twats in this pub not due to the shirt) but you give it a go. That said at the same time most decent customers help the bar staff figure it out.

On 11/28/2022 at 5:24 PM, BomberPat said:

People with no fucking bar etiquette.

I was at a wedding on Saturday, and took half an hour to get served because it was just a succession of dickheads being served in front of me. One bloke borrowed his mate's crutch so he could push to the front of the bar by trading on sympathy,Ā openly told me that's what he'd just doneĀ when he got there (where I was already waiting to be served), and then still shouted over me and made sure he got served before me. The golden rule of the pub should always be that when you're asked who's next, you gesture to the person who was there before you, and that means you get served next.

Meanwhile, one person was ordering a ton of cocktails (only two bar staff, so basically cutting response time by at least half), and the woman in front of me acted as if she'd never been at a bar before. Ordered "a bitter", which somehow turned into a five minute conversation over whether each individual beer was a bitter or not. Got three or four drinks served, then said, "could I also get three gin and tonics?", because apparently ordering everything at once is too difficult. The bloke started pouring them, and she decided thatĀ actuallyĀ she wants flavoured gins, and asks what they've got. She makes him go through every individual bottle of flavoured gin, reading the flavour aloud and showing them to her. Once he's shown all of them, she asks, "have you got an orange one?". Were any of the flavours he just gave you orange? No? Then probably fucking not, right? She eventually settles on whatever flavour, and there's only enough for one - barman apologises, and asks if she'd want another flavour for the other two. "Have you definitely not got any more anywhere else?". Yeah, he's just fuckingĀ choosingĀ not to serve it to you, right? To his credit, he very bluntly said, "even if I did, I'd have to leave the bar and there's no one else here, so no". Just the fucking worst.


Also, there seems to be a trend towards activelyĀ queuingĀ at pub bars now. Like, an actual line starting at the bar and working backwards, rather than using the whole length of the bar. I see it in the pubs near my work a lot, so I don't know if it's chiefly due to students who didn't learn how to behave in a pub because of the pandemic, or something else I'm missing, but it's really, really annoying.Ā 

Those type of people at bars do my head in too. Luckily not had to deal with it for years as rarely go to a place without table service these days (culture here not because I'm fancy). But dreading it over Christmas.Ā 

I personally try to avoid bars where there's a queue or a large crowed at the bar anyway l. Give me a pub with less that 10 people in it anyday.Ā 

You are right about those youn 18 year olds too, they have no idea about some of those things we used to pick up pretty quick in the outside world I've noticed a few things with my students. Interesting to hear pubs Is another one.Ā 

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On a similar vein, at my daughters schools there are two gates. The first leads you into the outside of the school where there is a second gate that they open onto the yard closer to start and end of the day. People form a line from the second gate back towards the first despite their being loads of room for everyone to just mill about and wait for the second gate. I get filthy looks when I walk to the second gate and stand off to one side as there is no rhyme or reason to joining a line that has no purpose.Ā 


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Takeaway orders that repeatedly miss items or get them wrong completely. I like to think mine and Mrs Facesitter's orders aren't particularly extravagant or complicated, I also appreciate the good people working in the establishments are working hard probably for not much coin...we also should really, really cut down on the number we order otherwise we'll start living up to my forum name.Ā 

But Jesus Christ, is it really that difficult to chuck in a couple of pots of BBQ Sauce. Or to follow a list of items and gradually pack them and tick them off the list so as not to miss anything? It happens on almost every single order in these parts.Ā 

Also, delivery drivers who present you with the drinks bag and its soaking wet at the bottom because there's been some spillage. Sometimes the restaurants don't pack them properly and I'll make a small concession for the drivers in that case. But if you're delivering in a car especially, there's no excuse. If there's tons of spillage, it means you've been driving like a total twattox.Ā 

The above is all perfectly valid and I won't accept any criticism about being a lazy sod and going to get it myself. I'm a busy man. I've got a forum to post on for starters.Ā 

Edited by Fatty Facesitter
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Song lyrics that refer, explicitly or implicitly, to the pandemic. Mrs raid likes "Bam Bam" by Camila Cabello and I turn inside out cringing every time Sheeran moans "It's been a hell of a year, thank God we made it out." YEAH MATE defo. So original.

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2 hours ago, Joe Blog said:

On a similar vein, at my daughters schools there are two gates. The first leads you into the outside of the school where there is a second gate that they open onto the yard closer to start and end of the day. People form a line from the second gate back towards the first despite their being loads of room for everyone to just mill about and wait for the second gate. I get filthy looks when I walk to the second gate and stand off to one side as there is no rhyme or reason to joining a line that has no purpose.Ā 


It's funny how when your children first go to school, you are paranoid about pick ups, letting teachers know about who would be getting them (on a rare occasion) and just general safeguarding, when in actual fact it is an utter free for all, and the majority of kids can just run off in any direction they want and go home. Pick ups are mayhem.

I am so pleased that I've got to the stage where I can walk my youngest to a place where they can walk the small distance over the road and through the gate in the morning.Ā 

Doesn't stop me waiting there while they cross the road (one wave goodbye) and then into the gate (another wave goodbye) as I am still a very awkward parent.

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28 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Song lyrics that refer, explicitly or implicitly, to the pandemic. Mrs raid likes "Bam Bam" by Camila Cabello and I turn inside out cringing every time Sheeran moans "It's been a hell of a year, thank God we made it out." YEAH MATE defo. So original.

On the subject of Ed Sheeran: the fact he's always referenced as "singer-songwriter" Ed Sheeran, to the point that it feels like a gimmick pushed out by his PR team. Taylor Swift famously writes her own songs but you're not reminded of it every single time she's mentioned.

I think what tipped me over the edge was a question on The Chase that began "Which singer-songwriter..." and I knew the answer would be Ed bloody Sheeran before even hearing the rest.

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1 hour ago, air_raid said:

Song lyrics that refer, explicitly or implicitly, to the pandemic. Mrs raid likes "Bam Bam" by Camila Cabello and I turn inside out cringing every time Sheeran moans "It's been a hell of a year, thank God we made it out." YEAH MATE defo. So original.

He should be thanking science, since if there was some all-seeingĀ all-loving god to keep us free from harm (Richard Dawkinsā„¢) then they wouldn't have allowed the existence of a disease with the potential to kill millions of people in the first place.

17 hours ago, Tommy! said:

We had an e-mail the other day to the whole department which should have been a long email asking for assistance on something, but he evidently clicked send by mistake and what he actually sent to everyone was "hello everyone, I really need some ass".Ā 

Fell into the trap that's easily avoided. Rather than fill in the email fields in the order you're subconsciously tricked into by working from the top down, always write the email first then deal with the title and finally the recipients.

Edited by Tamura
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59 minutes ago, Uncle Zeb said:

On the subject of Ed Sheeran: the fact he's always referenced as "singer-songwriter" Ed Sheeran, to the point that it feels like a gimmick pushed out by his PR team.

I blame X Factor for this. They turned pop into a dirty word (Purple Ali reclaimed it) by associating it with disposable singers and not songs. So pop artists started being rebranded so they werenā€™t associated with reality tv shows and the production line they have.Ā 

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On 11/8/2022 at 8:04 PM, air_raid said:

trying to reimagine Teenage Dirtbag as a festive melody

There's too much of this going on. O2 has a Sheeran tune playing in their Christmas ad. And McDonalds DO NOT get a pass for Only You, as "Tim & Dawn" is not an excuse to consider it a Christmas song.

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