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Minor Annoyances (Vol 2)


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Really minor but the rebranding to “plant-based” strikes me as wholly unnecessary as the words “vegetarian” and “vegan” were fine for succinctly describing the content of the product. I suspect this is part of the “save the world” agenda to try and sell more meat free products to omnivores. Probably because they think vegans have a stereotype as self-righteous wankers, so “vegan burger” isn’t much of a sales pitch.

Speaking of the conversion bollocks, that “can we leave my kebab out of it” advert is/was the worst yet. Making all of us that aren’t interested in swapping t-bone for tofu sound like simpletons. After all, meat production is killing the planet. Just ask any of the hipsters, I’m sure there’s no carbon footprint importing all their avocados from Peru.

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45 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Really minor but the rebranding to “plant-based” strikes me as wholly unnecessary as the words “vegetarian” and “vegan” were fine for succinctly describing the content of the product. I suspect this is part of the “save the world” agenda to try and sell more meat free products to omnivores. Probably because they think vegans have a stereotype as self-righteous wankers, so “vegan burger” isn’t much of a sales pitch.

Speaking of the conversion bollocks, that “can we leave my kebab out of it” advert is/was the worst yet. Making all of us that aren’t interested in swapping t-bone for tofu sound like simpletons. After all, meat production is killing the planet. Just ask any of the hipsters, I’m sure there’s no carbon footprint importing all their avocados from Peru.

That's so fuddy duddy. My mum gets avocados - she's hardly a 'hipster'. It's pretty established as a mainstream food choice.

There are issues with importing avocados, including drug cartels taking over the farming, but there's a growing amount of people who don't buy avocados for these reasons and alternatives to avocados being used in recipes like for guacamole. And either way, it's still less of a carbon footprint and water footprint than meat.

If you want to eat meat then it's your choice but let's not make out you're the victim if meat free products are advertised to you.

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2 hours ago, Tamura said:

One of my friends would disagree with that.


I didn't know you were friends with Piers Morgan. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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On 3/19/2022 at 7:33 AM, air_raid said:

Just ask any of the hipsters, I’m sure there’s no carbon footprint importing all their avocados from Peru.

Where did this fucking endless obsession people have with banging on about avocados come from? The insane number of boring twats in the media and idiotic right wingers who drone on about hipsters and avocados is endless tiring and incredibly depressing. 

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7 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Where did this fucking endless obsession people have with banging on about avocados come from?

So much so they're now regularly abbreviated to 'avo'. 

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I was just in Farmfoods and as I approached the till not only was there a young lady walking towards the till at the same time (that's not the annoying thing) but on the floor was a basket with four items in. We both looked at it in a questioning way and sort of stood near it, then the cashier called for the next person so the lady went first, then (and here's where it picks up) another assistant opened a separate till and called me over, upon which a woman with an armful of food, loads more then was in that little basket, walks over saying she's next because it's her stuff in the basket! Is that a new queuing system now then? Can I just push my trolley to the till then walk round picking stuff up and demand to be front of the queue when I'm done. I quietly said good to the cashier while the woman was fuming beind me. So I'm the bad guy in this situation? 

Edited by Harry Wiseau
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