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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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12 hours ago, BigJag said:

This game looks gorgeous and has me interested.  I'm not sure I understand what platform/hardware I need to play it though. How does Steam work? 

It's got a really interesting art style, but the way it looks like it plays reminds me of the original V-Rally games on PS1.

Nintendo can be the masters of manufactured FOMO. Stick 'em all out for a limited time, people will buy it through a combination of nostalgia and "get it while it's available". We don't have to do anything. It's like when they stuck the original Mario All-Stars on Switch for the 25th anniversary. They didn't do a thing to it, apart from putting it in a fancy box.

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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1 hour ago, Uncle Zeb said:

I wondered about this. Would you say it's pretty much bewildering to someone who's never touched the series before?

I got it at the start of lockdown, it’s the first one I played that isn’t either the mobile version or where I signed Taribo West on a free. 
I’m enjoying it immensely, I thought it would be overwhelming but you can palm off most of the intricate details to your staff and just pick the team and the tactics yourself and take all the glory. 

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2 hours ago, BigJag said:


@CAREBEAR LUVVA mentioned that the game suffers from slowdown.  Is that lazy programming? Or is this game really pushing the current gen systems that hard?

It's wonky programming for sure. There's not much going on so it surely can't be the most demanding game behind the scenes. The first arena seems to be the worst for slowdown, especially when the train is about to drive past. I've had no issues anywhere else though. 

Also, after feeling a bit disappointed to start with (especially with the tiny movesets which are shared between wrestlers), I stuck with it and found myself enjoying it quite a bit. It's definitely lacking in many areas and some things could absolutely have been done better, but for a game with a fairly quick development time that's being sold for a low price, it's not bad at all. A solid 6 out of 10.

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Super Punch Patrol dropped on Swtch eShop on Thursday. It's a beat em up from the makers of the Gunman Clive games, and it uses a very similar art style with  everything looking like it was habd drawn in a single colour. Backgrounds and levels and black and white, bad guys are red, good guys and pickups etc are blue. It suffers a fair bit from the same problems the early version of Streets Of Rage 4 did. I can see that it's one of those "git gud" games, and the combat feels good. There are three characters, all of whome fight a little differently. There's a generic looking guy that feels a bit like Cody from Final Fight, a woman in a really good costume who fights a bit like Axel from yer Streets Of Rage (There is a difference), and a big lad who looks like he's wandered off the set of Magic Mike and plays somewhere between Doctor Zan and Haggar. Bad guys are your usual beat em up tropes, guys that punch, women, fat bloke, the annoying one that chucks bombs, previous level bosses with shorter health bars etc. There's an interesting level on a bridge where you're on a skateboard which is a nice nod to the Turtles arcade games and Batletoads. If you've played the Gunman Clive games Ducky has a few cameos, and one of the enemies looks a bit like one of the bad guys from that, too.

It's hellaciously challenging in single player mode.There are a good few enemies on screen at he same time, and they're clever. They'll space themselves out, get round the back of you, some have unblockable and unbreakable grab moves. When you do your special there are startup frames, and it's possible to get knocked out of it, especially if you're the big "slow but strong" bloke. Hitboxes can be a bit wonky as well. There's no back attack, but if somebody's close enough behind you when you attack your whole body  is the hitbox so it sometimes does damage to them. There's fun to be had. It's a tough one, I'm sure I'll get better with practice and time. It feels a bit arcade in its challenge, rather than a console one, but if you like beat em ups with's good value, and worth a look. It's definitely better than Raging Justice. I picked up Fight'n Rage and River City Girls on XBox One in a sale a few weeks back as well. Fight'n Rage is good. Haven't given River City Girls a proper look yet.

I'm so hyped for the Pilgrim rerelease this coming "holiday season".


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14 hours ago, Uncle Zeb said:

I wondered about this. Would you say it's pretty much bewildering to someone who's never touched the series before?

For me, all the added features and social media aspect of the game is too much. Having said that, I can imagine some people spending hours prior to playing a game working on tactics, set pieces etc. only to park the bus after going a goal up within the first five minutes of the match.

Having said that I am trying to put the time into it but I cannot see me putting 2020 on for an hour on an evening after work like I did with the 2012 version.

Edited by Abe_Knuckleball_Schwartz
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10 hours ago, Uncle Zeb said:

There's a Fire Pro sale on Steam at the moment.

The number of paid DLC packs for this game seems... excessive to me. Is that the consensus, or are fans generally glad to pay an average of £15 for each extra wrestler pack and game mode?

I suspect that the publisher didn't expect big sales and used DLC packs as a way of making more money back. Also possible that licensing New Japan and Stardom wrestlers cost quite a bit.

Honestly no matter how many times I try I just can't get into the series.

For all the shit certain AA publishers and games get though there are more than a few that fly under the radar.

Mediocre JRPG Blue Reflection for example has £65.99 season pass that is mostly costumes. The main game isn't even worth full price let alone shitty Waifu dress up crap.

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